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  1. There's still a good chunk of people who play from time to time. If you're still in contact with people from that era, invite them over, because Delta is far better than NW.
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  2. I think that looks great!
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  3. We should call Jerad the 8-bit Santa.
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  4. I have 5 copies of 8-bit hordes this time. If you want a copy send me your steam email and I'll send it to you, like this post after you send me your email so people know when I'm out of keys.
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  5. I think the first C&C i have ever played when i was 4 year old was Red Alert 1. From time to time i had to sit with parents at work, and was observing dad playing it. When he was out of office, i took his place and played on my own. Got hooked to it pretty quickly. However when dad brought home PC with Red Alert 2, this is where it started. I still didnt knew english, so playing campaign was 100% of guess what i am supposed to do but after some time i got a hang on it and even managed to play against my dad from time to time. Then i followed every other C&C, replayed older ones. Later on i returned to RA2(YR) which got me hooked to mods. I played modded RA2YR for YEARS, because i didnt felt bored at all. Severals of them downloaded, several of them played, it felt refreshing playing the game which was constantly changed because of community. Later on when i got myself TFD i got hooked to Renegade, then APB. Im still following modding communities, mostly RA2YR ones. Started from very bottom, now i am here. [Obligatory bragging] Tester for Mentalmeisters [/Obligatory bragging] C&C is a big part of my life, im thankful for my dad for showing me it. PS. I consider Generals not as good as people think and SWR productions = band of closedminded bastards. The end!
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  6. I just remember sitting on my dad's lap while he played C&C, which I called "flopellar" as a toddler (I got that from "Low Power," I think). It got to the point where if my parents ever needed me to stay in one place for a certain amount of time, they'd just pop in the Red Alert disk and let me have fun. Heck I even got to the 4th Soviet mission before being fully potty trained. Then I remember being super excited when he took me to the store to get Red Alert 2 when it came out, and then sitting on his lap while he played through the campaigns... Man he would've LOVED APB.
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