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Showing most liked content on 01/30/2017 in all areas

  1. BTW, what happened to some of my posts on the forum, such as the ant video, where did they go?
  2. 0:47 Fireballs have 0 projectile size, just like rockets and bullets. You need to tag them with the very centre of the ball, and the trail isn't indicative of anything either. Fireballs did previously have a large projectile at some point, but due to exploits, this feature has been removed from all infantry weapons except AA launchers. It seems he just barely dodged. Also I swear I should know what that music is from but I forget. 0:59 Clearly he dressed his Hind up in Beta-era foliage. Tracking weapons have always been an enigma in this engine, no matter the game or mod, and I'm sure everyone will be jumping for joy when someone figures out how to make them work properly. 1:35 Wish I could say I masterminded the AI coding behind Killthief Ants but no, it just seems to be a general quirk of this engine's AI. And I love it. Keep up the good work!
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  3. Regarding the lag issue of Reborn, the fix has been found and progress will now continue.
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  4. You are never going to get a job in a ridiculously big game studio with the attitude of not releasing something utterly unplayable. *Disclaimer: This is more a jab at larger studios' practice of releasing unpolished, unfinished garbage in order to meet deadlines, not at the developers behind Reborn, APB or AR.
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  5. Finally, the madness continues!
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  6. MADs... In our base. Mission: Protect Raap Waiting for the enemy team to buy and go out... I thought Allied players would expect the rush on the pillboxes so... We got the PP. And the PB got me. Oh, hello! Did you know v2s can hit even WF from that hill?
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  7. No. This is what delta does . Every. Goddamn. Time.
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  8. Never less, always MOre #shamelessadvertisement Also: >me in moment when someone does recognize my "skill"
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  9. Traffic! Ranger rush! Arty rush
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  10. Just a note for the future of this thread: Starting here, would you guys mind putting your images inside spoiler tags? The thread is getting to that point where its starting to lag just a bit and if we start "spoilering" all of the images now, it prevents great horrible lag in the future In case you don't know how, it works like this: [spoiler] yourImageAttachmentGoesHere.jpg [/spoiler] And if you can't figure it out, I'll help you out. No worries Thanks guys! Also, I love all the shots!
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  11. Keep in mind that i have basicly swim right next to you in my naval transport and you havent even noticed. BTW: Irwe's stream from today session of APB will be uploaded to Youtube in matter of time. For now there is the VOD: https://secure.twitch.tv/irwe/v/54999045
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  12. Keep in mind that was the same game where I managed to get a Soviet Gunboat as well, which sank many a destroyer and one of the stolen missile subs as you can see in one of the screen's killfeeds, and managed to keep it intact despite several daring trips to the frontlines and not being a submarine. Probably my favourite part of the match was spending a good 5 minutes running laps/hitching rides around the frontlines as a rifle soldier and still being able to make meaningful contributions to the siege. Regular guy supremacy! Wish I'd remember to take screenshots of the hijinks I get into though.
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  13. Ore Truck got stuck in the hole and was all bobbing back and forth. Duck, duck, duck, radar jammer. I think this is the same Rock and a hard place...and a tesla coil (offscreen). rush as Silverlight's picture with the damaged demo.
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  14. Barely saved him... Worst idea ever, warzzone said. ...probably. We were doing fine until warzzone spotted us.
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  15. Allied bandwagon. Under any circumstances do not let that guy drive ST again - he got us between both flamethrowers resulting in swift death.
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  16. Hello. It's not me you're looking for. Anyway, i brought some pictures from Hostile Waters (which happened like 5 minutes ago) Shhhhhhh. let them pass :> Some early game base defence. Another puny attack. Is it all, Allies? Your dad is not in this world anymore, little gunbote. You will share his last pain... soon. I have actually killed someone with Attack sub. Where is my medal? Go away Destroyer, shoooo :< Late game allied assaults got a bit more annoying. D4? Hit and Sink!
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  17. Back in my days of first months of Gamma, a brave detriment called Forget would actually steal anything from soviet base. Name it, and he will deliver it without sweat. I still remember those days, it was something like this: Me (PMing to forget when he was spy): Bring me V2? <2 minutes later> *Forget has stolen a V2 Launcher! <1,5 minutes later> V2 is parked in allied base on Seamist and im having fun sniping anything through bigger entrance. Also, some screenies Allied navy on the roll (Hostile Waters) Same game, victorious charge. Random me being useless with old clanmate Another random screenshot starring me and one of fellow MO players/testers
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  18. And I've collected nearly all of them!
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  19. Let's remake treetop where the battle is played on Pandora (Avatar) and replace ore mining with the planet's resources' collection. And be on huge treetops still.
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