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Showing most liked content on 04/18/2017 in all areas

  1. Eggman's lolmap. Nothing beats tin can Yaks and googly eyed LTs.
  2. Final Barricade should get an honorable mention. The problem there and with Allied Assault (albeit less), was the split bases. We could potentially use phone booths or outhouses to let friendlies teleport to the other side of very large or split bases.
  3. Nobody liked Allied Assualt? It's time for a reverse Seamist map.
  4. To be fair, I don't believe the Soviets had RPG Troopers back then. In any case, the map was a bit too large. I've been thinking of bringing it back a bit smaller, or having the bases not so wedged into corners, but brought slightly more centrally. Perhaps adding a navy would help, and this map could also debut the Tech Center.
  5. I think naval vs. aerial is the main problem for this map. To put it bluntly naval units are far too slow. Especially when cover is available in the form of the icebergs, it allows the helicopters to run circles around the ships. Add in the helipad and service depot smack in the middle of the map for easy refills/repairs and it really doesn't make any sense to buy a ship if your team has control of the middle. How would I fix this? Make destroyers and missile subs very, very effective against aircraft. Helicopters already have such great mobility over ships that they should still be able to avoid them relatively easily and strike land-based targets. Increasing the durability of naval vessels against air pushes more people to get naval units, which to me (Raap can disagree) was always the intention of this map. I realize this may affect the balance of other maps as well, so if there is concern this will make Destroyers and Missile Subs too powerful I would say nerf them against land targets. And just one final thought, I'd also get rid of the turrets and flame towers guarding the naval yard/subpen. Again, I don't think you need more reasons to discourage the use of naval units
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  6. [blurb]We need your input on several APB features and fixtures! Come and let us know your opinion![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.5.png[/thumb]Several threads have started recently, asking for your feedback! ChopBam asks, "Which APB maps should we bring back?" Raap asks what improvements can be made to his map, Hostile Waters. Pushwall asks how everyone would feel about implementing an anti-stalemate feature. Visit these threads and others in the W3D Hub Discussion forums and express your thoughts!
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  7. A Path Beyond for nostalgia ;D although there were some issues on this when playing soviets (i cant remember what they were i just remember having them) I really liked the map and it was a right laugh to play
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  8. I've taken a moment to visualize how this would look, here is a "draft design": If the need for a capturable defense exists then this would be it.
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