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Showing most liked content on 05/03/2017 in all areas

  1. There's the Star Wars Complete Collection on Steam that's currently 93% off, which is about $222 down to about $18.
  2. [blurb]Announcing another Pick-Up Game for this weekend![/blurb] Announcing another Pick-Up Game for this weekend! JOIN TEAMSPEAK @ ts.w3dhub.com TO PLAY on Saturday (May 6th) at 7:00 PM GMT (EU) / 2:00 PM CST (US) Come on by and join the fun! Time has been set an hour earlier than the previous PUG. Full details pertaining to PUG rules and how to join can be found here. See you on the battlefield!
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  3. I don't know what you exactly did, but this fixed the issue I was having (it seems, so far!) so thanks for this!
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  4. Honestly, one of the main issues is detection. Is it not possible to give his grenade some sort of trail like Volkov's to make it visible? Also, with the large advantage allies get with a medic as is, do they really need to take one of the soviets few units on as well?
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  5. Personally I think any change/removal isn't needed, I like the current role the Grenadier has as a infantry siege unit but that being said... why not allow the Allies to have him too? I mean, it's a pretty generic unit as it is (plus he's available on RockTrap so model/texture isn't an issue, would be a shame to keep it locked away to that one map) and I don't think it'd break the gameplay much at all, in fact, what the Soviets can do, the Allies can do too, with it. A bit like how the Soviets were given rangers on certain maps and the Allies, chinooks.
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  6. Alternate camo? Like with Tanya? I'd go with the brown over the yellow if I had to choose.
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  7. Excuse me, Mackintoke is clearly one (or both) of the Hammerhead drivers
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  8. Oh no, looks like I've run out of gameplay footage for more episodes... no wait, not quite yet....
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  9. Just a question, if I go with merging the two units - should the "RPGrenadier" keep the RPG Trooper's faded brown livery, or the Grenadier's classic yellow one? I feel the RPG trooper's colours fit better with the tone of the game, plus they're closer to what you see in the RA sidebar cameo, but I don't know how much Yellowdier nostalgia rates among you guys
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  10. Well personally, I'm fine with the grenadier as is, overall. So you'd be better off asking people who want more changes. I'd imagine a grenade launcher is the least that'd need modeled compared to some other ideas suggested. Personally, all I'm asking for, is nobody do anything 'too crazy'
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  11. Honestly, I sometimes feel like I'm the only person who *can't* use the grenadier effectively That said, I have noticed the trend, and specifically in the past few weeks. Maybe it's a fad, or maybe people have been emboldened by earlier successes, but I hadn't seen them much outside of very early rushes vs base defenses until the past two weeks or so. They've definitely been felt, though, namely that one large game of Seamist where one took down the pillbox and I couldn't find where he was throwing from for the life of me While something needs to be done, I don't think that thing is the removal of the grenadier entirely. That's rather drastic. At the same time, I do understand that endless tweaks aren't exactly the most productive course of action. However, there's nothing to stop us from both removing that role entirely and making a new role, and that new role *still* being the grenadier. Regardless of other concerns, making a major change can have ripple effects and balance elsewhere could be affected unintentionally. That's why things like this can't be done lightly, and why when changes are made, the simplest, least impactful change that still works should always be desired. I'll admit, I'm kind of pulling from my legal interpretation training here, but common law tests have withstood the test of time for a reason. Now, I'd be willing to go for a major revamp of the unit, because while that's a big change, "grenadier" is still a known quantity. If you want my advice, make the attack a lot less powerful, but give it a grenade launcher similar to vanilla renegade to make the aiming/range more defined, but with less splash radius. The damage could also be tweaked so the unit is much more anti-building than anti-infantry, contrasting it with the flamethrower. As much as I've been loving the flamethrower lately, could even tone it down vs buildings as well. I think range is a key concern though that could be used to make things different enough. This is probably a good compromise overall. The counter-argument I'd be most willing to accept is that from some perspectives the grenadier is currently breaking the game balance as is, and thus it doesn't really matter how drastic we act because things are screwed up anyway. I frankly just disagree with that idea. Even if I was willing to say the problem was large enough immediate action, the way the current unit works clearly factors into how players strategize now, both in usage and countering. Even if said use and counters are "lame", it's going to jerk around the entire structure, so we must do our due diligence.
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