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Showing most liked content on 05/19/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm going with 250/250 and an armour upgrade to "mammoth". This actually renders them only slightly more vulnerable to small arms compared to 400 heavy health, and somewhat less vulnerable to flamethrowers as well (as long as AT units don't strip their armour), but against AT weapons they fall as fast as a light tank would since they have the same health numbers (except against the HT where they live a little longer since armour strength matters there). Given that they'll be moving about halfway between the speed of an LT and a Ranger though, you can just avoid engagements with those, or rush through defenses. With the patch it'll also cause them to be meched 33% slower (so their ability to mech-spam versus small arms isn't any better than before), and their DPS to buildings is going down to about the same as the Ranger so they won't essentially be "the new Light Tank".
  2. I know this is supposed to be a screenshot topic but I can't help but post videos! They ran away, but apparently Totd left his car unattended. Some spy fun.
  3. This. I can tell you by experience that when tests are called they're few and far between, and TSR tests are more common than AR, and it's all because of the lack of hands. When an update blog says the staff is hiring, they mean it. You want AR to come out faster, learn to model infantry units or design artwork/textures, and then apply for a staff position. Otherwise, don't beg for an earlier AR release or an open beta from a small number of devs who work on this in their free time without pay.
  4. Haha! Yeah I love how they both turn around at the same time.
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  5. I'd be more than happy to release an open beta of the game if it was in a better state, but unfortunately it is not. Hell, everyone could be having fun even just playing alone in the server, because ALL of the maps are bot-filled with my latest AI upgrades and base attacking/repairing/C4 explosive setting mechanics. Those bots also do most of the testing right now and produce a lot of balance feedback by just looking at them. I mean these are fun things, but at the same time you can also clearly see how really underdetailed the map is looking:
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  6. We don't need testers. The game is incomplete. It needs devs.
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  7. NATIONALITY: Polish STARTED PLAYING MAFIA (YEAR): 2011 or so HAVE PLAYED MAFIA ON THE FOLLOWING SITES: <Don't have any knowledge of him playing elsewhere, though I imagine he does> BIO: Voe is an arrogant, irritating, arsehole who perfectly represents all of the worst aspects of the mafia-playing members of W3D Hub. In a community where the Mafia always dominates and the Town is always helpless, Voe stands out as the player most likely to cause the biggest mess of any game just by being bombastic. He's traumatized players in at least a couple dozen mafia games over the years. He plays with such an attitude that nobody trusts him no matter what alignment he is, and most will do whatever it takes to remove him from the game as soon as possible. Voe is a infinite-edged sword. His stubborness is legendary. He once had a game where he correctly labeled all mafia players by roleblocking them and calling out the fact that no kill occured, therefore the player he blocked must be mafia, ignoring that there might have been other reasons. Amazingly, in each of those cases the mafia would have failed to kill anyway, and the lack of night kills was totally coincidental. At the same time, his stubborness in a Dead Space themed game caused problems for everyone, including himself. Voe is also the kind of guy who signs up for something and then fails to follow directions, leaving others wondering what is going on, and to do his tasks for him. I'm sure the above makes Voe sound like he's bad at the game. Indeed, he is insane. However, his insanity sometimes works out in his favor. Sometimes being insane is what it takes to fish out the scum. He has great intuition, so if he picks up on things, others should listen.
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  8. Damn it, @Silverlight! DAMN IT! Curse you, and your bunny hopping AOE disarm!!!!
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  9. The cake is a Soviet lie.
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