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Showing most liked content on 06/01/2017 in all areas

  1. Now that my entire family knows I'll announce it here. If all goes as well, in January of 2018 an AkheroMini shall greet this world. This is my first, so naturally I'm nervous, happy, scared shitless, excited, etc. Any 'veterans' out there have any advise for a first time daddy? :)
  2. You decided to jump off the roof at half health, which is death, which turns you Allied again.
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  4. Just now sat down after getting home from work ~1 hour late. Resolving night actions has taken 1-2 hours depending on complexity. I'll keep you up to date on progress.
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  5. Watching the sniper headshots is so satisfying. Maybe refine the parts where you're just sitting and waiting. Or even the mediocre parts where you're missing. Skip to the good stuff! Maybe when you speed up clips you could speed them up even further as people will get the point. These tips will make for a shorter and more concise video that focuses on the great parts. Still, good stuff and I love forg too.
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  6. I'm still new when it comes to this sort of thing so any editing or pacing or whatever feedback is welcome.
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  7. Well then! The games have ended. Scum had won, I died. All in all, a fun experience. I did my best to share the best aspects of our community - lurking, lack of reason, idiotic arguments, lynching townies, jumping on scum wagons, triggering people, throwing games, fucking up the town. I hope I made you proud!
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