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Showing most liked content on 06/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Any chance you guys can change the title of this thread so it reflects the fact that CNCNZ is not shutting down on the main page? Thanks.
  2. Does this count? By A4R91N.
  3. It does, any more? How about this (also obviously one of my random issues, lol)
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  5. Been a busy week coupled with distractions that prevented me from working on HW's revamp. Rest assured that I will get it done, hopefully soon, pending real life developments. #lifesigns
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  6. Nobody asked for this episode, but it's here anyway.
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  7. Heard about this will playing bear island, looks phenomenal!
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  8. That's a good idea, and I'll probably end up doing that. It'll be a slight squeeze, but nothing too bad. Blinkenlights! As I said on the discord, it's just one mesh for all the 32 lights, with a detail texture set to Scale and using the Step UV mapping, to go through a sheet with the brightnesses for the lamps. 8 different patterns, so 4 lights per pattern. They look quite good actually in game, too!
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  9. Recent study on the behaviour of enemy players shows that they suffer from suicidal overconfidence, and catting is among the lines of the Redshirt army.
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  10. been playing this game for a long time, and not normally one to complain about players, but this "lag" is kinda rediculous
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  11. Well, to me you are a dirty player because of this. You knowingly play the game even though this unfortunate issue you're experiencing is screwing over your enemies. It's rather annoying when you shoot us after we get behind cover or when you're not even looking at us, e.g., that moment in the Power Plant when I was following you and shooting you in the back yet, if I remember correctly, you took no damage and I took shotgun to the face. With that said I hope you get this resolved soon. There's nothing worse in an online game than playing with lag, especially on this engine.
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