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  1. People, people, the solution is simple. Just give the Rocket Soldier a melee attack. When cornered, he can swing his LAW or RPG at the enemy and hope to knock them out gg
  2. I’d like to first off say that your work is amazing and do not get discouraged. Ty for making maps for this game and putting the time in. That being said it’s no secret now that people don’t enjoy playing siege and hostile waters. It is what it is. Seige: I have not played this map very very often for obvious reasons but when I did I found a couple flaws with it that may have been overlooked. The first being that I have actually never ever seen anyone use the cannons. I’m serious, I don’t know where these games are that people are knocking each others bases silly withthe cannonsbut I have never been in one where it happened. It could be contributed to the fact that new players (which there are a lot of now and days for better/worse) don’t realize or care about using them. The map is huge to an unapologetic level. But what happens is if you don’t get your ass whooped on your way to the enemy base during your attack, you attack the defenses then get rammed by the defenders and die. But when you die you have to spend a good while getting your next attack cornated to do the same thing. So.. instead of attacking people will sit defending the base from the situation I just mentioned. And then it becomes a point battle and stale mate. The map requires a 20 player count. Plain and simple. Then one of the regulars kills a building through some crazy ass way and it gets interesting. Usually however the team that lists the building gets killed with no chance of winning. The WHOLE team defends because if you lose your helipad or barracks or War Factory it’s just one more disadvantage on a map that discourages very heavily to mount any attacks. its very hard to convince a player base (unless they are a regular and know the stigma and purpose of this map) that is use to playing a game where you must attack, create different plans and play a bunch of maps like that... to this map which is more specialized and foreign comparatively. I’m just going to leave this here. There are 3 AA guns next to the allied War Factory next to each other. Mounting a rush in the middle is pointless and will always be noticed by a helicopter, then attacked. Once the rush gets to the base they will have to deal with all players alerted kicking their ass and defenses. Which discourages rushes or attacks. There is no way one unit can go in front of the base and attack. It is also very very hard to sneak units in with a lack of entrances and places to hide. Tanya helicopter is pointless with mines in place and defenses everywhere that are hard to kill single handily. You can’t sneak into the base quickly with a helicopter due to defenses and if you do then you have to attack a flame tower, then get the mines out, then deal with everyone defending the base. Hostile Waters.MIX I love the ambience of this map a lot actually. It is very beautiful and pretty. But There are only 2 ways of attacking slowing down game play. No one is going to capture the middle for upgrades unless it’s a seasoned player and i’m Not fighting Prylye/Totd with a 1v1 pistol match. The map is very big and driving your unit to the enemy base to die then doing the same thing gets frustrating because it’s not just dying but time spent. A lot of time. The thing with ship battles is that the winner can be calculated very easily due to how slow ships are, the range of the attacks and dynamics of them. Just use this knowledge and you will always walk away in a 1v1 ship battle I guarantee you. Allow me to explain. If a sub and a boat meet then whoever gets off the first shot will usually win even if they keep firing at each other. If you get off two shots on your opponent and you both keep hitting each other then the opponent is dead. There is no cover like on land. What’s the sub going to do? Dive and get killed by depth charges? The damage is almost the same and when your opponent dies on a 1v1 there is no chance for a infantry killing you. Same kinda goes with helicopters but not as prolific. This means if you have a map like coastal influence it’s great because the sea is short, the ships can repair quickly and hit units on shore so they arn’t useless. But getting a boat, going all the way to the enemy base in Hostile waters then dying in a unavoidable calculated manner is very frustrating. Even if you kill a enemy sub you are still very damamged and will die to a RPG easily or anouther sub with zero chance. And I mean absolute 0 chance of doing anything meaningful. Attacking is pointless because the gunboat damage isn’t good enough , the CY is repairing the enemy base and your gunboat will be finished off easily if the enemy hasn’t bought a sub already. The bases have land defenses. Like wtf kinda chinook rush you going to do on a CY or Barracks with that.. it’s hard enough to coordinate with teamwork let alone sneak into the base that is very populated and small. Due to SAM defenses (correct me if I am wrong but I believe this map has them) there is zero point of getting a helicopter except to defend or kill/harm ships out in sea. Which goes back to the sea battle equation earlier. If you 1v1 a sub and you have lower health you will loose. There is no escaping from a competent player that is shooting you. So you have to go Alllllll the way back to base and repair your ship. Tanya This map like siege stems very different from the gameplay of the game. In the Sence that if you’re getting a boat that is what you’re getting. No infantry battle or anything. Your other choice is if you’re getting a helicopter then that’s what you’re doing and you can’t do a lot with Aa’s. If you’re getting an infantry then you’re going to get an infantry and spend a while to rush the base. Directly directly into a heavily defended area. Better win or you wasted a lot of time. The teams couldn’t care less if you hit the CY or radar dome. A typical game like on KOTG has a lot of different factors going on. Infantry hiding in mountains attacking the base, spys disabling power plants while the main rush or tanks on the field may get blown up but then have an infantry battle making game play more exciting and in depth.
  3. I started to tinker with the idea of what an amphibious capturable naval repair bay would look like, and after some quick iterations I settled on a design, here is the draft: It's missing a lot of work but this is the basic idea, enough space on two sides for a naval transport to dock, enough space near the repair crane for repairs, enough space below for subs to repair as well, and the control hub is covered in a little cabin. Any gaps in terrain would be cosmetic, you will be able to walk over this quite easily. The few assets I plopped down are modular; A destruction animation wouldn't be out of the question and this structure could then even serve as naval equivalent of a Refill Pad, if demand for that ever existed (unlikely). It could also be vehicle you have to deploy at sea to gain the repair functionalities, but that is a whole lot of animation work I'm not ready to delve into for just an experiment... So in all likelihood this would just be a static capturable objective.
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  4. Our first.... family (?) portrait Edit: Thanks @FRAYDO - I'll be on to you in the near future!
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  5. The only problem I have with crates - dev point of view - is the immense clutter it creates within the tool world view. Perhaps that could be solved in Mammoth via a display toggle though? Hostile Water's iceberg crates for example create a gigantic web of lines. Now imagine having even more of that in all maps, you'd have a hard time using the editor to see your level, and there would be plenty of issues with object selection as well. That's why I hoped for something more automated.
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  6. Crates could spice up the scenery on a few maps, too. The maps are great to look around just for fun, but having a crate as a reward for doing so might be nice. I wouldn't say "random" placement of the crates, but a few known locations per map *could* spawn a crate, not guaranteed, and maybe not every map.
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  7. Random thought: We will probably always have a discussion that XYZ infantry unit needs XYZ weapon, and that doing so is against RAlism or not doing so is immersion breaking. What if we can win on multiple fronts with one solution? What if we added properly randomized crate spawners akin to Red Alert multiplayer/skirmish matches? Not the static spawns we use now in select maps, but countless possible spawning locations of a crate containing non-game breaking PERKS and SECONDARY weaponry? So this would mean: - Pistols of different variations, and possible future secondary style weaponry that do not presently fit on a unit loud-out but do fit the RA universe. Weaponry designed to not replace a units primary weapon. - Perks, special buffs of varying magnitude and varying duration. For example you might loot an Iron Curtain effect that lasts for 5 seconds, or a speed upgrade that lasts for 20 seconds, or a jet-powered-uberkov-jump that lasts for 30 seconds. You name it, as long as the duration is limited, anything becomes easy to balance. The problem? I'm quite sure we have no code for limited duration power-ups laying around, and the concept of spawning a preset (crate) in a random location also does not exist. But these might be solvable topics - if the idea itself holds merit. Thoughts?
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  8. Covert ops vs Covert ops
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  9. The shock Trooper is fine. In the unspoken reality of things he’s a cheap purist anti vehicle unit that people buy because they are getting destroyed by tanks and have little cash but need to defend the base with. In this “Cheap Pure Tank Defence” roles they will constant refill health after defending the base from the tanks. Spending all this hard earned cash on a infantry unit allows them to refill and be harder to hit instead of in a tank that needs repairs and is easy to target while getting rushed. They will have support from left over defenses and infantry units leaving base to go attack or distract as well, giving them enough time to refill. Watch a long match on under.mix with the soviets loosing for a VERY good example on the usage of shockies. Shockies other role is when the player has a lot of money and is about to roll out in a tank for a massive battle. Having a 5/5 tank battle and having your tank get killed does not put you out of the fight. You can really hurt if not kill the remaining medium tanks or light tanks with a single shock trooper. Anouther role of shockies but less commonly used now and days due to reasons was a chinook rush to a building. Shock troopers instant high damage would crush any building quickly. Should the concern of anti infantry come to you then get a Kaptain and don’t loose your tank or get a Volkov. I don’t know if you were around for Beta but shock troopers would fucking WRECK your day no matter who tf you were. Imagine the damage to vehicles and the splash of a flame thrower in one uncrushable unit. Shock troopers are real good at infantry if you hit them in the head or hit them. It’s lights out as they say. The only problem is you have to be really precise and hit your enemy with the shock trooper to damage him which most people can’t. So people will run up to infantry point blank to hit them and wonder why they get chopped up by an automatic rifle. They are not unbalanced if you run up against a captain. Look at the stats on Captains, they are massive killing machines and in the right players hands will annhilate anything. In the hands of a normal player they are extremely user friendly. They are cheap, have a lot of ammo to spend, quick reload, very high health, and can fire their LMG with ease. If they are loosing they can just move closer which will increase the chance of them hitting you and their high health will help prevent the Captain from dying first. Honestly you just get every single advantage handed to you when you’re a captain and it’s pretty hard to die against anything else unless you get headshotted, just really need to practice on your aim or got into a real bad situation/gangbanged Go up against some top player though in any unit and they will hack I mean kill you with a pistol. It’s just the nature of the game.
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  10. Yes! Vanilla 1.13 is fine for now because there's plenty of new content in vanilla. Come play!
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  11. I'm pretty happy with the fact that the RS carries a pistol too. It just seems plausible that he should and it at least offers some level of protection from other infantry classes. In my experience, hard countering really works in RTS games because units are way more expendable, but when those units are players in an FPS, you have to make some compensation and soften the counters a little in order to make the game feel fairer and more fun to play.
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  12. Noted, may look at it a little more before axing it - but then what will replace it? Another minor thing that might be contributing to the stigma around naval combat - particularly on HW - is the fact that it is basically impossible to score kills. When a naval vessel is destroyed the occupant just falls to the bottom of the ocean and dies of natural causes. It's not just the naval vessels that can't kill naval vessel pilots - nobody can, unless a naval unit happens to be positioned just right to crush the pilot when they get ejected, or if the pilot is able to swim to shore. So naval maps can hold back your kills and KD stats because of this. The effect isn't very significant on CI/Pacific/Under since naval combat is only a small part of the total combat, but on Hostile Waters almost all combat is naval combat. Teams' scores near the end of a match can show them with a total of like 10 kills and 100 deaths and that's just on the winning team. Well that's another thing I'm solving. The logic for this has been kicking around for a while courtesy of moonsense715, but I had no clue how to handle it before. Of course, this will not happen if the destroyed naval unit is near a shoreline (same logic that subs/LSTs use for allowing ejection). This also means that Gunboats/Destroyers will finally be getting the same feature as LSTs/subs where being in open waters prevents you from accidentally ejecting (or deliberately, since doing so in subs led to a minor exploit) and you die instantly when your vehicle does (so no waiting to fall and no extra rocket shots in your death throes). No kills is also a much smaller issue with air units - smaller because aircraft tend to fly low enough when near death that the occupant survives (unless they're over water - again, mainly a HW problem) and can then be killed by someone else anyway. But this is harder to solve for those, since you can land them and this script doesn't care if you're Volkov who part of his deal is that he can survive falling from aircraft. You will be getting credit for killing Yak pilots though since they are subject to instant death.
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