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Showing most liked content on 09/01/2018 in all areas

  1. Class is now in session. Let's teach Irish a lesson.
  2. This is awesome! I’m going to cook a celebratory pizza!
  3. I blame whatever Gamma-era dev told BattleLaf "hey, we need unit ready announcements for the Yak and MiG just in case we get the means to implement them in 8 years' time, but don't worry about doing any Airfield attack announcements, it's not like these units will need a building to be purchased from and to land at." I'll look into improving it but ultimately anything new like the airfield has to be a splice job unless someone comes and redoes all the EVA work. (And first I'd prefer to hear new radio commands.)
  4. Bonus points to anyone who remembers this hell.
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  5. New faces and new staff. I have my hopes up for some good forum posts and comments, discord posts, and improved game updates. All around it should be good times coming up.
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  6. So that homing LAW kill at 3:40? Your reticle wasn't even on him when you fired. The likelihood of that is about the same as if you were to make a jump shot against someone with the non-tracking LAW.
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