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Showing most liked content on 12/17/2018 in all areas

  1. If scum wanted to catch you all they'd have to do is leave a trail of anime into a cage and slam the door shot behind you.
  2. [blurb]The San Casina Christmas update adds new terrain, weapons, items, and jobs![/blurb]Christmas has arrived in San Casina, and with it Santa’s workshop in the North Pole! This location features several new weapons scattered about for the player to find. From left to right: • Stamp Pistol – This weapon uses compressed air to launch highly adhesive stamps at high velocities. • Bells and Holly Shotgun – Used for decorating the hard to reach places, the bells and holly shot gun fires off… unsurprisingly… bells and holly! • Repair Gun – Just your normal C&C Renegade repair gun with a Christmas theme! • Confetti Cannon – The confetti cannon uses compressed air to spray tons of confetti at a location – Caution: Confetti can cause severe paper cuts if sprayed at people. • Present Bomb – Although designed as a present for Saint Nick’s theme, the present bomb is actually a high explosive used for clearing the woods around the workshop for further mining of needed resources. • Ice Jet Rifle – High pressure water that is cooled rapidly is launched at extreme distances to create a decent anti infantry sniper rifle. • Coal Grenades – Although almost a normal lump of coal, it may have been left somewhere soaking up some gasoline over the years making it a tad… volatile. • Bow Rifle – This rile is used to pin bows to packages, needless to say don’t fire at people. • Candy Cane Launcher – Although designed to be used for long range decorating, it was quickly found to launch the candy canes far too fast and thus was quickly determined useless for this practice. Oil has been discovered in San Casina! 17 pump jacks have been established across the land to mine this valuable resource! The pump jacks are simple enough to use: • Ownership is granted by pressing the action key on the control box, once owned the player gets a steady trickle of money from each one they own. • The condition of pump jacks slowly decreases over time, generally they last from 30-40 minutes and can be maintained by pressing the action key on them. • Pump jacks above the 25% health mark make up to $66,000.00 an hour and ones below 25% condition make up to $52,000.00 an hour. • Players can call 555-0017 (U.S.A. Oil) to see owner ship and health status of each pump jack. The Military has been working on a new Super Nutrient Capsule to solve world hunger. This capsule fills the user’s stomach and quenches their thirst! DISCLAIMER: Side effects may include hallucinations, viral infections, and sudden death. Bug Fixes and Improvements • All cervines now have alt death animations for falling right, so now they have left and right fall animations. • Removed initiate behavior from all animals which should keep them from twisting weird. • Removed the placeable teleporter, it added a lot of complexity to the code and was only causing crashing, being no one had discovered it until last week it was easier to just remove. • Neuro-Toxin gun no longer spams players with kill messages if the target has less than 5 health and tons of armor. • Kezlarbo kill messages now show up cleaner if you kill yourself with it. • Objects are now position synced to clients when they are created. • Reconnaissance Master Perk has been fixed and now unlocks, previously it was unlocked for everyone from the get go. • Unstuck key will now attempt to turn your collisions back on, this is an attempt to fix some players falling through the ground after exiting vehicles. • Added several hundred sound emitters to the snowy parts of San Casina. Check it out now!
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  3. I hope 6 minutes before hammer is good enough for you, Verti.
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  4. I actually like the current idea of a Russian city in wintertime somewhere close to Moscow. Doesn't need many barricades, if any. I always imagined the wall to be there to either seperate a part of the city/town/vilage/whatever from the wilderness or as a wall that seperates a part of town from a park.
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  5. Shallow Grave: Bunkers: A Path Beyond:
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  6. Here's some quick screenshots I've taken of RA_Bunkers and RA_TheWoodsToday. Oh, and here's a quick couple of shots from Shallow Grave, showing the gem island in the middle (that's missing from the original RA map), for reference. My own thoughts? I do quite like Shallow Grave, but I do also love The Woods Today, and with some nice work could be something really nice.
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