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  1. Would it hurt to send EA an email? At worst they'd just say no I believe
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  2. Last time I heard EA were refusing to put CnC games onto Steam since they were busy trying to ram Origin down everyones throats. Guess they had a change of heart at some point. Doesn't really change the fact that we don't actually own the CnC IP though. I rather think EA would take a dim view on us listing our games on Steam.
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  3. Is this on? What? It is? Brilliant. So I just talk on this, or... oh, okay. Welcome to the APB Honourable Mentions thread! You have voted for the top three players who have participated in the Games Night. Without further ado, let's give a shout-out to: @Pushwall! Thanks to your team skills, piloting skills and ability to adapt to the situation, you collected 4 votes. Congratulations! @Dghelneshi! Your being a great teamplayer and consistent hard work has not only earned you a $5 Steam Card for a runner's up prize, but also an honourable mention at 4 votes. Reach round with your arm and pat yourself on the back! @Silverlight! Although people don't talk a lot about your game skillz, a lot of emphasis was placed on your tactics and planning helping to win the day multiple times, enough for you to sit with 3 votes. A job well done in my opinion! Though we may not have much to award you with, know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Great job to you three! With luck, I hope to implement this more often, so while you may not win any gifts you will get recognition for being fantastic players. I'd also like to thank everyone who participated in the Games Night; you are helping breathe life into this community!
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  4. Figured {AW} would get the spots The winners and Honourable Mentions have been awarded. Thanks for participating, comrades.
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  5. As danpaul stated, the legality of us putting APB/ECW/anything W3D on Steam is a bit questionable. However, I think danpaul missed the fact there are other C&C games on Steam. Now if it is possible after all, I would be more than happy to fund it. @danpaul88 While I am not made of money, I can easily foot the bill on putting W3D onto Steam. You just have to ask.
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  6. I dunno, most of those (except FoI and LOLmap) sound like bad things to me. Beta was fun back then, but there was quite a bit wrong with it in retrospect, and the main draw was that players were around back then and that its flaws weren't nearly as profound as Gamma's. Then Gamma came along and said "hey, we can make it so playing as a mechanic requires you to have some brain cells to rub together and non-mechs can't just diceroll their way through things with bluehell, but the law of equivalent exchange demands that we balance it out with some bad. Like gradual tech level unlocking, arthritis-powered M16/phase/pistols, OP autocannon hind, no more kill icons, no more taunts, somehow worse framerate than Delta, helis covered in treacle, RA_Hourglass, C4 for volkov, laggy chargeups for tesla weapons, flamethrowers that can shapeshift into AP mines, snipers not being rebalanced to compensate for the fact that there is no longer a cheat-gate on sniping, MGGs that spew poogas, EVA being vague about what's under attack, and MRJ producing nausea-inducing sounds. And by some bad, we mean all of it. Take it or leave it", drove everyone away, and a lot of people just haven't come back since. I wish we could have just skipped Gamma and gone straight to Delta
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  7. Sure. Bots are primarily for multiplayer (you can play against them alone on the servers or on LAN too), but as I've separated their logic into 2 big components, the simpler AI can/will be used in the Tutorial mission. We don't have a single player campaign planned though.
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