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Showing most liked content on 05/02/2019 in all areas

  1. May already! New month, new theme! With Godzilla releasing this month, the theme is Giant Monsters! All sizes are welcome though!
  2. @iLikeToSnipe Enjoy your one way trip to Brigitte's anus.
  3. It may be possible in the future if the code guys can fix cyrillic characters not being sent properly over netcode so no font shenanigans are needed.
  4. Hi all! We've made a few changes to the forum. I'll list them here! Updated the forum software to the latest version with help from @IPB_Support. Cheers! Help & Support is no longer a "Questions"-style forum. We found the thread layout to be quite confusing, so we've reverted it to the classic "Discussion"-style. The server forums have been condensed a bit. Let me know what you guys think about this change, as it's trivial to put it back the way it was Topics that were in the Server Info sub-forums are now in the base level of the hierarchy. Updated the copyright message to 2019. A few internal forums have moved around. Fixed a bug where topics on the Unread Content page and in Search Results were being displayed incorrectly. Shifted a few sidebar blocks around If you have any suggestions on improving the forum, please feel free to reply! [blurb]The forum has been updated and changed a bit. Check out the changes here![/blurb][thumb]custom_thumb_ipb.png[/thumb]
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  5. Hello there, I'm from Russian Renegade community. We mostly promote Command and Conquer news in our segment, but when it comes to convenience and trouble free gaming experience, we take it with all the seriousness. We would like to cooperate with W3D Hub and contribute to the common goal - making the Renegade great again. If speaking more precise, we want to make Russian translations of W3D Hub Launcher and all games it provides, so our players would not face the problem of long game learning process ever again. Surely, it would be much better, if there would be more languages support, so that's why this thread now exists - if you want to contribute to the Renegade community by making the games more accessible for non-English speakers, don't be shy to begin from here! Waiting for the answer from W3D Hub and its community members, who are wishing to help!
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  6. Showing some love for Big G in his latest cinematic appearance!
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  7. We'll be looking forward to it, thanks! Thank you, it will be a pleasure to work together with you! Your guide is amazing! Very detailed, I will translate it in the nearest time, thanks! The Tacitus issue is very unfortunate, I hope this will be resolved soon. As for helping in making write-ups about W3D games - I'm not really an expert here, as I specialize more in Renegade X. Though it would be very interesting to learn something new and help you out!
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  8. I might have some good news for you then comrade. I have created an EXTREMELY extensive guide to ECW already (Maybe it can be posted or translated into russian?) And I am currently in the process of creating a Guide to Interim Apex on our Tacitus (Basically the W3Dhub Wiki for everything W3D based engine. This means tutorials, tools, and guides along with history or W3DHub and games.) http://tacitus.w3dhub.com/ We have however had some drama happen with the Tacitus so it's currently not up and running unfortunately. When it is I can notify you if you'd like. Hell, maybe you could even help write the guides unto the tacitus with me about the games?
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  9. Privyet! We are glad to have you here as a representative of the Russian C&C Renegade community. Please enjoy your stay.
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  10. @Testament do you know what is your problem? you talk to much instead play, as you can see from my log (which is not complete) you wrote 6702 lines of text (who knows what is real number) while you have 158 recommendations at this moment. you killed 797 players and you destroyed 721 vehicles @notDMBhas even worse statistics but he is first to criticize almost every single thing. Im not saying criticism is bad and I wont mute you for this but seriously you guys are wrong on so many levels that I cant even explain to you why you are wrong because you wont understand. for example @notDMBsaid in first sentence in another topic: and... he is wrong. already in the first sentence. he is not aware that 100$ home guard (and his mirror in Nod red tide rifleman) is the best character in map close_combat because he is fast, he has Anti Structure Tandem-warheads which is very good against tanks, long ranged lee enfield which can kill free characters in 1 shot AND 5 sticky bombs (1 more than needed) which can eliminate building in record time-only 21 seconds! hotwire needs 30s. imagine 2 x Daimler Armoured Car with 2x2 home guards in cold_wall power plant is dead in 5s? nobody can expect it in early game. but he said that home guard is useless. Line 3682606: kwi 11 22:16:31 <ikmapsbot> [BUILDINGKILL] LiMaDo destroyed the Hand of Nod (Dynamite VS. Hand of Nod) Line 3225270: mar 17 15:06:00 <ikmapsbot> [BUILDINGKILL] henri99 destroyed the Hand of Nod (Dynamite VS. Hand of Nod) Line 3697177: kwi 12 07:03:25 <ikmapsbot> [BUILDINGKILL] Threve destroyed the GDI Infantry Barracks (Dynamite VS. Infantry Barracks) [KILL]04 Geko400ri killed REpubilc (Dynamite VS. Engineer/Tarantula Laser Chaingun) [19:03:11] 18<ikmapsbot18> 07[KILL]04 Geko400ri killed caprigtx (Dynamite VS. Delta Force Soldier/C.M4A1 Carbine) [19:03:11] 18<ikmapsbot18> 07[VEHKILL]04 Geko400ri destroyed Tirani's Machine Gun Emplacement (Dynamite VS. Machine Gun Emplacement) and so on... he is wrong on almost every sentence, i cant even discuss with it because there is too much text, I would spend here whole week to say in english everything what I know and explain in details why exactly he is wrong and use suitable words to convince him
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