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Showing most liked content on 10/21/2019 in all areas

  1. I was not present obviously, but from the exchange I see here, @Kickmofo you have handled this appropriately and with accordance to our rules, the upholding of which you are also bound. People often do not realize the other side of rules is that those with responsibility have an obligation to carry out their duties, even when it may be unpleasant. I'd like to address something else though. @WNxHeadShot One more statement like this will result in action from far above Kickmofo. We don't do threats here, and you'd do well to not forget that. I really don't care if you hate the guy, or me for that matter. If you would like to continue using any of our services, then you'll not make any more threats more serious than "hey Ima nuke ur base d00d". Consider this a formal warning. Now you bois go play and have fun and stuff
  2. One of my lab assistants has made an observation that we felt was worth sharing with you... Back in 2007, this is how APB Beta 1.2.0 appeared: And now: Hmmmm... Differences. Seemingly very minor differences, yes. But significant differences indeed! But what ever could this mean? See you soon comrade....
  3. I am not going to engage in a lengthy discussion, and help perpetuate this drama. My limited response is the following: I fully support kickmofo on this. WNxHeadShot - You are not a child so I am not going to speak to you like one, and dive into all the ridiculous details of your behavior. You know how to behave accordingly, and chose not to. Then exacerbate it by making a very insulting post, lie about the facts, and threaten the mod. I also understand you made this post right after the incident, and possibly let your emotions dictate your words. So I'll give you an opportunity to reconsider your position on this issue. Otherwise the ban will remain indefinitely.
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  4. Hmm couldn't find the old ΔΔΔ pumpkin pictures, but then I got the idea to search for this instead. Apparently it's two years old.
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  5. *laughs manically in British Empire* You see why we keep her locked away in Buckingham Palace? She scares the daylight out of kids.
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