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Showing most liked content on 12/17/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey Guys, first off topic post but the company game stop is about to go under. Which can mean two things, one pull out your stocks now, and get ready for cheap consul games! It’s like the movie collection I got for less than a dollar when block buster closed. I have no idea what that will mean for Internet sales, but I am keeping my eyes open for liquidation sales.
  2. Haha, yes the stock game does still work on some systems, but compatibility seems to be a bit random and many players have experienced the "black screen" bug, along with many others. The newer the system, the less likely it will work correctly, if at all. The updated one I've been working on though will use the latest 4.6 engine, so no worries about any weird stuff like that. It has also been modified accordingly, to compensate for any unintended changes that the engine upgrade may have had. There were several...
  3. Unlike games such as Minecraft, where you can increase the render distance to a ridiculous distance as long as your PC can handle it, the W3D engine is set up a little differently. As Pushwall said, it won't really have an effect without changing the fog level of the map itself, which as he mentioned, is there by design. Rendering objects beyond what the fog will allow you to see would only slow your system down, and still not allow you to increase your view distance, which is what I believe you are actually looking for. And most likely, the render distance is already farther than what you can see, as it is a global setting (not per-map). Notice on large clear maps like Ridge War, you can see a long way! Therefore, increasing the render distance would do absolutely no good.
  4. Went to a MASSIVE used book/video/game store today and found this! Never played the N64 version so this should be interesting
  5. Increasing render distance won't do you any good; all it will do is reduce the frame rate, because more things get rendered that you won't actually be able to properly see because they'll still be obscured by the fog, which is there to make scouting less trivial.
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  6. that's what i call fog of war.
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  7. It was a well played maneuver. Shame that it ended it all.
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  8. Not only hits different, but is a GREAT source for music (for example, C&C 64 Memorial ):
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  9. Oh nice! I have the German version (for whatever reason). It's quite nice!
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  10. OOOH retro. Not to mention the animation cutscene's were cheesy but it was still a good game
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  11. Hey @Mihaita12 is this better? Credit to @Ice for helping me identify the fix for this issue!
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