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Showing most liked content on 03/18/2020 in all areas

  1. I want to show the basic premise of this game early on. It's still in the design phase, so it will be a few days before I open signups. If anyone decides they like the design enough to co-mod or even volunteer to enhance (I don't have much experience with complex RPG games like this), please speak up. Again, this is planning phase, so don't go nuts on me over game balance and mechanics and whatnot *cough* Shade *cough*
  2. Twin FIM-92 Mortar City
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  3. @AZ-Stalker JP is the man!!
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  4. No idea why people need so much TP... cause if all else fails - showers are a thing. Heck washing up in general is just good hygiene.
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  5. I work retail... yea these last two weeks were a mud walk. But these memes pulled me through. It’s been a pain and a big pain to most of my team keeping the product flowing. It’s like trying to fill a bottomless hole, and customers are upset it’s not full yet. Anyways stay safe out there the end of this virus is near Fun Fact: toilet paper is mostly comprised of water and a sawdust-like wood pulp (and bleached white).
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  6. I, for one, welcome the chance to just fucking die. Thank you, based China. The store here were out of macaroni and meatballs, which is about as Swedish as it gets.
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  7. Just to play devil's advocate for a second, @Kickmofo would you be at least open to locking your vehicle in future situations like this? It would prevent misunderstandings in the future.
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