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Showing most liked content on 08/11/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, this update took a bit longer than planned but it's finally here. We hope that everyone is keeping safe and ready for some Dune game news! New Gunplay Mechanics TeamWolf and the BFD team have taken a new direction for gunplay. Those familiar with the W3D engine may have the occasional frustration with infantry combat, whether it is with the feel of the weapons or when the enemy is a literal bullet sponge and tanks all of your damage. Using modern shooter mechanics that we experience today as our base, we have now introduced recoil and accuracy increases per shot. In balancing infantry and working within this new style of gunplay, we have also readjusted TTK (Time-To-Kill) across the board. In other words, our weapons are now more potent and lethal. We rounded up our testers for a gaming session and have recorded some footage to showcase these new features! Give us your thoughts on the new gunplay! Conquest Mode Breakdown A long with showing off our new gunplay, we have also put together a video to better demonstrate how our new game-mode works, mentioned in our last update, Conquest! Instead of giving you another run down of what it is, here is AZ-Stalker to explain it! Have no fear, you are not to be killed...That's it for another update from us, We hope you enjoyed a better look at how our new Gunplay mechanics work! [blurb]Hey there, welcome to another Battle for Dune blog! In this update we breakdown our new Gunplay mechanics and our latest game mode, Conquest![/blurb] As always, follow us at the greatest and latest over on Facebook, catch us Tweeting @W3DHub on Twitter, catch up with everything else BFD over on IndieDB/ModDB!
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  2. If I'd have seen you posted an update I'd have waited a couple days to post my lackluster one lol.
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