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  1. shh Dblaneyer and Yapper, pls look at suggestions and review them. We told few worthy things here and me and Raptorer239 and someone else here are agreed in many our opinions.
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  2. After careful consideration and reading the posts, I will say this. Sometimes you are on a team with paste eaters (example a guy that shoots at a nuke beacon for 30 seconds... yes this happened last Wednesday). But that’s the coin toss. Whenever someone interferes with that system, then it must be decided is it balanced/fair? Swapping with someone who is willing keeps balance and is fair, but changing the team count isn’t. (Luck keeps a game interesting) As far as skill gaps go, I have learned a lot over time playing with skilled players. I’ve also taught unskilled players tips and tricks. What I am trying to say is does every player have this ability? And Is it fair to all in game? PS (I am still willing to give out my sapper and pioneer tips and tricks)
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  3. Enough. I ban all of u trolls.
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  4. There are few threads going on here in parallel. The first one is swapping/team changing. As far as W3D server moderation goes, the rules are as follows: Team stacking is not illegal. Swapping with another player is not illegal. Leaving and rejoining to switch teams IS illegal. Idling in your base for long periods, waiting for a swap CAN be classified as team hampering if done often or long enough, although i don't think 5 minutes in a 105 minute match is too significant. Ely, Limado, you are welcome to swap around to play the same team if it's by the use of !swap command. I understand it is frustrating to have a limited time per day to play with your friends, and then land on opposite sides. But these are the rules we all follow to keep the games balanced and fun to all players involved. To illustrate how telling someone to leave so you can then "balance the teams" affects the player experience, take this scenario: There are 9 players in game, 4v5 Over a number of games, everyone should be on the 4 side as many times as on the 5 side. While it sucks, it sucks for everyone the same. You two split at match start, one on each team. You tell a person on the 4 side to leave, and rejoin, while swapping over. Now it's 5v4, where the players who RNGd the 5 side get punished by you gaming the shuffling script. The guy who left and both of you essentially cheat the system to be on the 5 side. Over a number of games this gets frustrating and pretty bad mannered towards the other players. It's uncool, and that's why it's against the rules. Nobody wants to play outnumbered because Limado or Ely happened to land on their team at start. You need to learn that sometimes you have to play against each other. The other issue is harassment over PMs. This has to stop.
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  5. Looks like loophole abuse since !squad was removed. True harbingers of teamwork such as Silverlight learn to work with multiple players and aren't dependent on a single player. What you're both doing is unhealthy for yourselves and the rest of the community. The fact that this thread exists in the first place should tell you everything you need to know to make a change.
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  6. Fellow TR fans After a nearly 4 month break I am very happy to talk to you again. The 2020 seems to be really crazy year for everyone (including me). Either way, I hope you are all healthy and doing good. I spent my summer climbing mountains and hiking and I hope you all found an activity that kept you occupied (like playing remaster 😉). TR development was stagnating, but has been resumed in September. We are already making a great progress so expect further updates occasionally! First of all, I am currently working on another 1v1 map - Desert(ed)! The map is supposed to be mildly big "playground" desert that players can explore. I am trying to make it feel like an actual desert with an oasis all all the other parts! Next up, GDI is gonna get an AA vehicle - M-Flak! Fast scout and Banshee slayer - depending on how you use it The goal is to give GDI ability to efficiently defend against air enemies while keeping the mobility of an army. You just gotta micromanage these guys a bit and please - do not send them in the front line 😆 Furthermore, both factions will get an advanced harvester! These will become available later in the game and will try to reflect on faction's play-style GDI will get sturdy, but slow harvy that can take much more tiberium than the regular one while Nod will get a cloaked one with smaller capacity for your spec ops mining operations! This all is WIP at the moment, so their look / stats still might change 🙂 Stay tuned for more news, changes and updates! See ya soon 👋
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  7. For my part, I never said that you were against teamwork, and it's not a big team as you say . I'm saying that anyone can work as a team like us (or ask for help like we usually do), but some don't listen. and they are players that we always see and they end up getting angry with us for working as a team and they end up leaving the game. today we lost many games due to constant teamwork. and the ranking does not matter if a team knows how to listen. And a question for you roz, will you keep insulting us for wanting to be on the same team? that was one of the points of this topic
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  8. It doesn’t have a #mm laser cannon, just a spitfire laser chaingun same stats as the Nod infantry. I was referring to a laser cannon when I said “mm laser gun” And sure keep the 500$ classic, I was just saying Nod has 4 APC machine gun type vehicles (and yes I am including the laser chaingun) As for repeating weapons there are so many missiles used across multiple tanks I was giving examples of weapons types for both Nona and BDM chassis; No need to hit the panic button. Lastly, no need to name call with n00b. It's not classy.
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  9. I'm working on another video, but wanted to release this in the meantime.
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  10. nice one trying to get rid of your timeout role by rejoining and then proceeding to call out whoever placed you on the timeout role to begin with most of the time you've been on the discord was to provoke others under the guise of carrying a discussion on C&C surely when you make your complaint like this you will get out of whatever trouble you are in, right if you were to conduct yourself more appropriately, that would be nice
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