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Showing most liked content on 11/11/2020 in all areas

  1. FRAYDO! Yes, I am brilliant.
  2. Time for a late 2020 update! Added some new weapons, animals, and performance enhancements for online play! New Features: Added a new config file called DazzleConfigSettings.ini (in the data folder) which allows players to reduce or disable dazzles in game. Due to the research of Veyrdite and GeneralCamo it was discovered that the dazzles (the Nuclear Power Plant specifically) were hitting some computers extremely hard (I never noticed because when developing ECW you have to host the game, and it always runs pretty crappy in that case). The dazzles file has been added with a default setting that only has the red lights turned on the Nuclear Power Plant, which should help significantly increase player FPS, and you can turn more off by tweaking it. As a note you will have to restart the game each time you change these settings. Two new pets; the Cow and Mouse have been added! Good luck on the hunt! A new weapon has been added, the Pepper A Salt gun (same gun from Bear Island) has been added so you can annoy players with poofs of salt. A new item, the Portable Pump Jack has been added (once again, same thing as from Bear Island). This item will give the player a slow trickle of money when placed close to other pump jacks. Added 4 new high scores all relating to the Portable Pump Jack. Removed all EA branding as requested by the new community modding guidelines. Bug Fixes: Minor housing fixes so the remaining time updates when players are not on the main map. Fixes to the crap code that is responsible for preventing the random 2-billion-dollar flood that shows up once in a while. Made the Vengeance PT lower so players could access it without jumping. Light vehicle armor no longer takes melee damage. Tornados no longer pick up players in spawn (post patch server side only right now 11/14/2020) [blurb]New Pets, Weapons, and Performance Buffs![/blurb] Side Note: I have added some new file validation (did it as part of the system to change the dazzle effects). You might notice a slower load time for the game.
  3. Ye, this upgrade actually did add some nice things, like I like how I get a notification now when someone likes my post too, not just replies to the thread.
  4. I'll come clean... my alignment isn't Neutral... it's really Shade.
  5. I want to host one but I don't know where to start
  6. I'd disagree there, but if you want anything proven we'd have to square off in the next mafia game. Hopefully someone else will host one--I've been itching to play for a while.
  7. But what about yourself? Scum slip?
  8. IDK guys, I thought Cat5's chart was stellar.
  9. I think he's more likely to yell at you than congratulate you.
  10. I also left my cap locks on, oops.
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  11. You have a very weird definition of taking control of the vote.
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  12. I found a cool forum feature. So I'm going to try to keep the updated CvC at the top of the page in that blue box.
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  13. Perhaps that's a goal that could unify town and mafia?
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  14. Nah, rule of threes. Like any true final boss.
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  15. At least he's claiming something.
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  16. We gotta make this happen.
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  17. If you want, I'd accept a claim you want to buss him since he's being inactive in the Scum Doc.
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  18. If I can get the time I'll run one. IF...
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  19. You, because you haven't triggered absolutely everyone. But in seriousness, I'm not seeing any huge meta changes, and I'm not sure it's particularly helpful to look for this anyway.
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  20. Yeah, month and a half unable to walk, then relearning how, but I made a very speedy recovery compared to most patients. Unfortunately my legs still aren't 100%, but they're a lot better than they were before the surgery.
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  21. https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-model-rat-mouse/891068
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