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  1. iLTF is such an unfortunate contraction...
  2. At my job, any time someone releases personal info and breaks the law, we have to file a report. Those reports are called... DTFs...
  3. Welcome to the 12th edition of W3D weekly! Let's get straight to it! Red Alert: A Path Beyond The level RA_RidgeWar has been revamped a bit by @ ChopBam . Most notably, the Soviet base elevation has increased by about 20 meters, and an Airfield has been added. A number of other terrain changes on the Soviet side of the map, but screenshots will speak louder! (Yes, you can fly a Yak through the donut hole in that one ridge) Ground Zero All has been quiet on the western front on Ground Zero, but that doesn't mean work hasn't been happening! Recently, @ Ice started early work on the Repair Facility. Available to both teams, this structure will allow players to repair and resupply their vehicles in the comfort of their own base. As you can see, there are two different possible styles, based on differing sources from the base game. Currently, we're looking at giving the style on the left to GDI and the one on the right to Nod as a way to add visual flair to each side. That's it for this week!Come back next time for some more kickass W3D content! [blurb]Welcome to the 12th edition of W3D Weekly! Featuring some RidgeWar updates from A Path Beyond and an exclusive into TD: Ground Zero![/blurb]
  4. Remember those old Photo Threads we use to do and dox ourselves? Well, I figured I'd share some stuff that happened in my life since back in the day, you know, after I got banned back in 2007 :V While digging through the old Wayback machine, I realized that I was banned pretty much the same month that my now wife, then girlfriend, first got together. Here is a our Prom photo! Not too long after that, we were off to college! I apologize in advance if you have these notifications set up through email, but @Kicken is going to get blown up a bit, we went to college together after all! I'll do my best not to include photos of him though, since he's not around right now to give me permission. :V Speaking of college, here is me on my first day of College, ready to waste $90,000 that will end up taking just under ten years to pay off! :D I don't have any photos of it that are worth sharing, but it is around here that I began my ten year career at GameStop. Fuck GameStop, that is all :D My then Girlfriend and I also rescued a mutt around this time. We named him Duke, and the silly old bastard is still kicking around today! He just turned 10 last month actually Fast forward some years, and after being in a relationship for 8 years, my girlfriend and I got married! @Kicken was actually one of my Groomsmen, and may or may not be in this photo with us! A few years later and I found my true hobby calling! Video games were a massive part of my life, for a large part of my life, however they have taken a back seat to Miniature Modeling and Table Top Wargaming! Here is a photo of my first Warhammer 40,000 army, Salamanders Space Marines! I no longer have these brehs, as I grew tired with Marines of the loyal variety, but I currently have several armies. Adeptus Custodes, Imperial Knights, Astra Militarum, Necrons, and my favorite of the bunch, Emperor's Children Chaos Space Marines. I started my Emperor's Children as a Kill Team back in 2018, here is a photo of the full roster, lead by then named The Pure Asmodai :D (he's the snake boi in the center, though its hard to make out in this photo) And we come to the relative present. My wife and I have been married for five years, together for 14, my dog just turned 10, I no longer work at GameStop, and I have a new hobby that I love! From my wife and I, love you brehs, and I'm happy to be back to being a regular around these parts <3
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  5. I was gonna post an audio clip of Voe singing that, but alas, I can't find it =/
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  6. You mean, after having played the internal builds for a while, it's hard to play the public one?
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  7. I want to see more of those crazy Tiberium lifeforms, especially the ones from Firestorm, in Reborn. That stuff is awesome! Here are some pictures, most being concept art but still close to what we got in game. It really shows that Tiberium is terraforming Earth into an alien world. The first image is the Genesis Pit. The Genesis Pit is a large valley, where Tiberium contamination has reached critical levels causing mutation and rapid evolution of various Tiberian wildlife. CABAL along with Kane use it to observe the way Tiberium transforms carbon life.
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