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Showing most liked content on 04/28/2022 in all areas

  1. We have wormsign! I missed this at first because I forgot I needed to log into w3dhub after getting a new laptop :V
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  2. While I'd love to... and I'm actually checking the forums more regularly now again... I actually signed up for a pretty big time commitment that'll keep me busy probably through the end of summer (and that's not even counting the fact that starting next week I start a new role at work I accidentally promoted into). You see... almost immediately after I left being a tester here... I became a tester for an actual video game (still unpaid though :v). Completely different genre, political sim (but hey, I have a masters in polisci, so it's right up my alley). The game is being programmed and it's just one guy so that's slow going, but the rules are more or less complete so we're doing playtests basically in tabletop form to work out any bugs before we actually get to early release. If anyone wants to check it out (though the kickstarter is over): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/966309371/a-more-perfect-union-0/description
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  3. @ TeamWolf should play the game so I can kill him at the first opportunity. <3
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  4. I'll join. The flavor is pretty basic. You have an intergalactic human empire, ruled by an emperor and various noble houses beneath him. You have a guild of navigators that creates specially altered humans that can quickly travel through the galaxy by entering "alternate space" and navigating it using a drug called spice that's only produced on the desert planet Arrakis that is the setting for the book Dune. On the technology note, personal shield generators are highly effective, so infantry combat uses melee weapons or dart throwers that can move slowly enough that they can bypass the shield's defensive settings. There's also other specially altered humans called the bene gesserit, which are basically psychic witches, with a very notable ability to control other people by using what's called "the voice". And I'll make a quick reference to assassin drones about the size of a bee being a thing, and possibly cloning technology.
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  5. A mafia game I don't have to design my own role for? I didn't know we could do that around here. I have no knowledge of the flavor, but that won't stop me.
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