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Dentistman last won the day on June 16 2015

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About Dentistman

  • Birthday July 8

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    above the arctic circle

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  1. We should make a W3D Fractured space clan! Free weekend! play it today and you get to keep it... until it is released at which point it is free to play.
  2. So I've been remaking the flying GDI units since they added atmospheric thrusters and planets to space engineers. A link to my work shop http://steamcommunity.com/id/rs4015/myworkshopfiles/?appid=244850
  3. The highest they have where I am, and it aint cheap, luckily I'm sharing it with 2 other people.
  4. The meat sushi (not sushi) What you will need: Weapons: sharp ass knife, bamboo sushi rolling mat, cling film, sous vide immersion circulator + vacuum pack bags and machine, tongs, nonstick pan. Ingredients: Bacon, minced meat, honey, ready bag of honey barbecue marinade, asparagus, matured/half matured cheddar (the hard real stuff, not the american meltable goo), hot dog, parsley, sweet paprika paste, and black pepper. Instructions: 1.Wrap the mat with cling film ( do this for this dish and sushi, that thing is not made to be cleaned) 2.Using scissors score the fat/skin every 5 mm on the bacon to avoid curling whilst searing later 3. Line up the bacon so that the overlapped parts are the fatty lines and they are facing down towards the mat. 4. Place a thin layer of minced meat from the bottom up, but do NOT place on the last (top) 1.5 cm - this is where we will place the honey to seal the lip after rolling. 5. Sprinkle black pepper all over the meat. 6. Place the filling towards the lower third of the minced meat - the filling i used was asparagus, hotdog and cheddar, and used sweet paprika paste for taste and some parsley. You can use carrots and baby corn too, or really what ever you like as long as it is capable of holding its form after being heated. 7. Wrap the roll , making sure you have it nice and packed at every step, apply the honey and seal the lip. 8.Wrap the bacon roll in cling film and twist, place in the freezer for 20 minutes to firm up. 9. Take out of the freezer, remove the cling film and vacuum seal in a bag with a bit of butter. 10. Sous vide at 88 C for 20 minutes. 11: Heat up the pan , empty the water/fat from the bag into the pan, and a tablespoon full of smokey honey barbecue marinade, pat the roll dry and clean, fry until the outer bacon becomes brown and caramelised Cut up slowly with a sharp knife, and serve with a chutney , i used apple grape chutney. This dish really needs something sweet but sour to balance it as it is very savoury. It will shrink by 2 cm by the time you are done with it.......
  5. I will ask the question that is on everybody's mind will Tanya have real physics? Have you guys figured out the chrono tech for infantry?
  6. MRVing that mammoth mk1 was quite the job
  7. that chinook just picked up a medium tank!!
  8. my hmlrs got owned yesterday by the nod rocket soldier's anti air missile
  9. All tanks (with or without that weak spot) should fear the ghost stalker because in the right hands he can kill any Nod vehicle in 1v1, but then again that's why the MRV and cyborgs( normal, cc and cr) exist. I still feel like subterranean units should have a spot to emerge from in every gdi base (preferably in the middle and a well defend-able spot to make it fair.) but that is usually up to the map maker , and yes if that does get implemented then i believe their hp would have to be lowered too to balance it out.
  10. stop putting me through this roller coaster of emotions
  11. Any one else having trouble with their antivirus detecting trojans and viruses from the installers ?
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