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Everything posted by Raap

  1. You cannot fix player behavior such as rage-quitting. The best you can do is try and solve game problem points which may cause it, such as bad team states. A good example of a case where people often rage-quit is when a team loses all production buildings and ends up getting or feeling 'farmed' by the other team. To solve this quit-point I suggest; A game-over 5 minutes after a team loses all production buildings. A game-over 2 minutes after both teams lose all production buildings. Production buildings being: Barracks, War Factory, Naval Yard/Sub Pen, and Helipad (and this last one I personally consider skipping).
  2. Bots run in a straight line, don't attack buildings or spies (even if the spy is attacking them), and have all kinds of pathfinding issues, the only "good property" that could possibly compensate for this is turning them into aimbots, which still won't help them hit things that they can't attack or reach. The only reason Camos Canyon Bots is even able to work is because the map is small enough that the whole thing can have pathfinding sectors without causing any problems, and even then, it doesn't work work - the bots only attack each other and players and never attempt to attack the bases because they can't. Actually you could add invisible AI target boxes all over the buildings for them to shoot at. Edit: That is if you wanted to. I'm not sure if you would want to. I'm just saying that this is something you could do.
  3. You play at that resolution? Bloody hell!
  4. Minelayer removal should do the trick. Currently the Allied team is too dependent on that one single Minelayer anyhow. The Minelayer could get replaced with a new Artillery in one of the reinforcement waves.
  5. Hold on until the updated tool set, it'll fix your problem most likely.
  6. That does seem a little gimmicky, but it's up to you guys.
  7. Maybe this is a good time to bring clearing charges back? To clear the backdoor rock rubble?
  8. Different people got different needs, thoughts, opinions... etc. I think I got nothing left to add here, I didn't want this to turn into a discussion!
  9. Always be careful with "free" stuff. The general rule is, if you're not the buyer, someone else is. (And guess what they are buying? You.)
  10. The Windows 10 start menu isn't that much different from Windows 7. Windows 8... We don't speak of it.
  11. I'm not disagreeing with you in this case. But I personally do use new applications outside of W3D related stuff, so my opinion is just different.
  12. It certainly does me some good, since I prefer using Windows 7. At some point, new applications will stop supporting Windows 7. That's what I'm trying to suggest, you're not helping yourself by staying on an old OS version for too long.
  13. Update your shit to Windows 10 (if you're a Windows user), staying behind does nobody any good. Upgrading is free... Just disable all the spy shit. If the W3D tools and games can for some reason not handle a new OS, then it simply means game over.
  14. Star Wars and other existing IP's in general are a no-no. The only reason we got C&C projects still going on here, is because EA gave these project a very rare (for EA) go-ahead sign. No... Honestly, if you want my personal attention, go and use the W3D engine for a completely new setting, sort of like ECW is doing. That's not to say a new game cannot be INSPIRED by an existing IP, but it should just not be BASED ON an existing IP. (No matter how much I'd love to see a C&C Mode with Mushroom Kingdom vs. Koopa Troopa Legion, the hilarity of it would be amazing... but the legal issues to follow it, not so much!)
  15. I can't take 100% credit for HW. Several W3D team members did contributions to it as well. The spinning radar on the Naval Yard is Generalcamo's contribution to it, for example, and he and other staff did provide a lot of information as well.
  16. There's always time to learn. We all started out as modding rookies once. Some still are. <----
  17. Believe it or not but I was planning on a Fjord remake instead of Hostile Waters, but I was asked not to, for... reasons. Maps that play differently is one of my main focuses, and always has been. You will never see me make a very traditional map unless it was a remake of a classic map that didn't depart from core gameplay. Exactly how far we can go, depends on how much people will actually enjoy Hostile Waters when it is added to the live rotation. It's not a limitation on my part, more so one coming from the player base. Trust me, I can make some pretty "exotic" map gameplay... But a challenge does come from maintaining gameplay consistency. What you do want to avoid is creating too big of a departure from APB that it almost feels like a different game... That would be bad.
  18. And I've collected nearly all of them! Can you have them remade for Delta? I said this before, but if there really is a high interest for a remake of a classic map, and the original creator is no longer around to do it, then I might be able to do it around April, providing that APB still has an active population. I say this with absolute certainty, knowing that nobody in their right mind would want a remake of a map I did during that time period.
  19. Under becomes a boring drag so often because it is very difficult to destroy the bases. This can be solved by either removing all base defenses and leaving a redundant Power Plant, or by enabling Destroyers/Missile Subs, since those would have the power to actually destroy buildings while bypassing the defenses. Either way, the Soviet Sub Pen Flametower has to go since Attack Subs currently can just camp under it's line of fire and be essentially "safe". Under is currently one of the only maps that you know nearly for certain, is going to last until the time limit expires, and there is little you can do about it unless the skill difference in teams is big... Which is something no map should force upon players to go through. Complex surprises me slightly seeing as when I am playing it, it's mostly Allied victories due to Artillery whoring from the middle of the map (raise your hand if you do this, o/). I'm willing to bet a lot of this comes down to team setup. This is one of those maps that suffers from high economic income however, meaning that the later half of a match ALWAYS comes down to Demo Truck spamming, which in turn contributes to the high base destruction victory numbers. This economic problem is largely at fault by the players not hunting Ore Trucks with infantry, since nobody ever uses the surface infantry passages (likely because it takes too long to destroy an Ore Truck with anything less than three Rocket/RPG's). Perhaps the base defenses near the Ore fields need to be removed, or placed where infantry attacking Ore Trucks don't get murdered by them. Despite all of it, I personally like this map. Bonsai is honestly a mess and I cannot put it any lighter than stating that the Allied base needs a complete redesign. The War Factory is a V2 sponge and it always gets blown up very easily, while the Soviet one is both uphill AND in the rear of the base. The Radar Dome water backdoor should outright become inaccessible by being turned into deep water, and in general the Allied base could do with a few walls for some basic protection (if the Barracks/Silo and War Factory trade places, walls would be high enough to cover some of those buildings). Add to that, that this map is the worst performing map in all of Delta FPS wise (I'm sure it is due to the waterfalls being overkill on particle generation), and you can see why I conclude it to be my least favorite map. It is basically an inferior version of Zama (both maps use a similar layout). That's all I really got to add at this time.
  20. And I've collected nearly all of them! I'm going to murder you in your sleep if you publish more of them.
  21. *sigh*! I really was mass-producing maps 10-9 years ago and the only really decent one to come out of that was Hostile Waters. With that said, some of you might not know, but Wasteland is actually a map from that era. The 9935 version was called Snow Hills, I believe. And let's face it, Wasteland is not exactly the most detailed map, even with all the small additions in Gamma and Delta. I'm actually surprised it was kept around... I suppose nobody really cared since the map is never on for longer than three minutes. I think I delivered about 10-12 maps during those years and I happily forgot about nearly all of them.
  22. Unfortunately, posting extravagant messages of insanity while doing exactly none of the things you mentioned in your post, is exactly the sole thing I know how best to do. But on a serious note, I was happy to make this contribution. I certainly didn't plan on doing it but as these things usually happen with me, I got nostalgic and decided to do it. I've said it before, I'm not a designer by profession, I didn't do anything like this since I left BHP sometime in 2012, but I set my mind on doing this thing and so it happened... Even though it took a little longer than planned. I'll be busy with other priorities for my spare time, something me and my friends have been planning to do even before I started working on Hostile Waters. But who knows, maybe I can come back and do another contribution sometime in April. As long as APB remains active with a player population, I'd be surprised if I didn't come back to make something new for you folks down the line.
  23. You may want to change the staff moderator image into something else. If you have to ask why, then clearly you haven't looked at it for longer than 3 seconds.
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