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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. The game is fully prepared. We can start a day earlier if Verti's game ends. If not, we'll start at the planned date.
  2. Someone's been playing too much Fire Emblem lately. You're making me WORK!!
  3. The following people are still in the game: Verti60 OrangeP47 Killing_You TheIrishMan Mojoman ChopBam Louis FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane Retaliation Shade939 Nodlied
  4. @Kaskins @KTFF Wrap this up?
  5. Hey @LucasSK, you can embed your youtube video by using the youtube option in the post editor:
  6. Maybe a prime opportunity to jump back into TSR dev?
  7. Sure grabbing a ramjet and getting some headshots with it is an adrenaline rush and there's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is the attitude that comes with it. Last time the enemy team got a building crate and made a comeback win, which in turn hurt your ability to killwhore. This time the enemy team was down to their last building so a poll was started to end the round, which hurt your ability to killwhore. You stopped the poll despite multiple people (not just cjx0r) voting yes. You put your own wishes over that of other players.
  8. Your intention is still killwhoring. You may not know the history of Bluehell Productions and W3DHub, but killwhoring as it may work in Renegade Marathon servers doesn't work well in other servers. It breeds toxicity, vengeance, and abuse. I didn't judge your decision to refrain from moderating the racism, but rather your use of it to try and prove your point against cjx0r (who is a different person than marcilles).
  9. Only need characters/roles from @VERTi60, @Voe and @Killing_You now. If you don't submit characters/roles by September 9, I'll assign roles to you based on what the setup needs. Regardless of other events, this game will begin on September 13th at 10:00PM GMT.
  10. Guys I think Verti abandoned us for a new family.
  11. 1. Racism should have been taken care of by you, the moderator, instead of holding onto the log to use as a shield 2. Two wrongs don't make a right, and your beef with cjx0r doesn't excuse using a moderator command without a proper reason (as you said, the poll would have failed, so just let it fail like you did the second time) 3. A year's worth of cherry-picked irc logs is not impressive and hurts your point. Thank you for your reply. *The above points are my personal opinion and don't necessarily equate to other W3D staff opinions
  12. @Cjx0r I've found the relevant log section and portioned it off to discuss internally. Thanks for your patience.
  13. Thanks for timestamp. I’m not home atm (Labor Day holiday) but I know irc is running and logging. I’ll check it out if nobody else has gotten to it by the time I get back.
  14. Regardless of this game's status I'll need to start CYOR Nintendo Edition by the 13th in order to meet the estimated deadline of it ending shortly before the end of October. Otherwise I will have to recruit a stand-in GM while the baby is born. :D
  15. He'll be out until Saturday according to wall doc. Predicts game will end Sunday night.
  16. @VERTi60, @Killing_You, @Louis, @FRAYDO, @Retaliation, @Voe If you guys have characters in mind, send them over. You don't have to have your entire role fleshed out yet, but I do want to start doing some balance etc.
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