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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I dunno, to me it looked more like you were keeping a low profile D1
  2. Egad. I need to quite burst posting until dinners done, and probably finally schedule that eye appointment I've been meaning to.
  3. A tie? That's pretty bad, because even with a bad result we would have gotten some information to guide us. Now we're still stumbling in the dark. And yes Shade, it's separate this time, but last time it was not. Needless to say, we really, really don't want the evidence base key falling into the wrong hands.
  4. I actually got access to something completely different, and boy is it interesting. I was actually confused when I said there's no point in nominating me. I actually don't get access to the vault, but to an "evidence base", which a wide range of tools (I'll elaborate more on later, but I'm making dinner right now). Suffice it to say, you CAN frame people using it, but I did not touch any of that stuff tonight, and the evidence is actually rather bare, I assume it will fill up more once the game progresses. Once I realized my mistake in understanding how this all works I didn't correct it publicly, though, to keep you honest Irish. Therefore, while I can't verify what's been said, I believe Irish is honest because he believed at the time I could check up on it.
  5. I'd be down for either of those ideas just posted, silo or naval repair station.
  6. Isn't longbow to the pp a key strategy for the allies though? (I've only been allied once on the map). That might make things a bit unbalanced.
  7. Crates could spice up the scenery on a few maps, too. The maps are great to look around just for fun, but having a crate as a reward for doing so might be nice. I wouldn't say "random" placement of the crates, but a few known locations per map *could* spawn a crate, not guaranteed, and maybe not every map.
  8. I was kind of hoping to keep it under wraps, but basically, there's no point in ever nominating me. I gain access to the vault automatically, every night. I also implore people to choose a soft option, for the reasons Retaliation stated.
  9. The one who has the most loose lips is me, talking about myself Maybe I shouldn't be so forthcoming, but it's not like I'd ask anyone else to try and match how foolhardy I'm being
  10. That answers intrigues me, but I'm not gonna ask anyone to out their selves at this stage.
  11. I assume either are capable of explaining it. I'm rather ambivalent as to who goes, as like I said, unless there's an item already in there, there's not much for them to do. (Or the off chance they want to plant evidence, but I'm thinking that's remote, especially at this stage of the game).
  12. Hmmmm, we've not played this game yet, and D1 is almost over. Shade939, are you a Serb?
  13. Well none of the categories should be taken as a 100%. It's more a guideline than a rule.
  14. The way I see it, which to be fair I have no basis for, but it just makes sense to me: Political - Actual Pluralism vs Status Quo (vs Independence) Economic - The power of player abilities Military - Stability It may be wrong, but that's the framework I'm operating my assumptions under.
  15. Let's be real, you'll probably get the blame no matter what happens. Unless something good happens, then we'll find another scape goat
  16. As we draw closer to EoD, I'll reiterate again: I'm not exactly opposed to doing economic reform, I just want a reform that raises stability. I think we can all agree that's a worthy goal. I'll probably spend one of my two night posts elaborating on what I think will raise stability, once our options are revealed.
  17. Huh. Going back and rereading the scum doc from Crisis I, I guess I actually misinterpreted what CK was saying all that time ago.
  18. Was CK innocent? I swore he was suspicious. Regardless, I do see your point regarding KY, though KY had a rather... eclectic role....
  19. I was mostly responding to Raptor not to you anyway btw
  20. I'm actually okay with the pistol, it was more the $400 unit should beat the free infantry that I took issue with. By that logic, 3 rocket troopers should bring down Tanya. I think that, even with a pistol, the rocket trooper should still lose though, consistently.
  21. It's the ping, same reason I can't use snipers. Unfortunately I don't think there's anything we can do about the engine's lag handling.
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