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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I've not played the HOI4 version, but DH is pretty detailed. It really depends on what path you picked though. In my game, for example, I picked centralization as Austria, Hungary just said no, so I relented and gave them Bosnia in their sphere to keep them happy and not revolting. Then we had events where we directly annexed our sphere, which went much better. I annexed Bohemia, they annexed Croatia and Bosnia. Somehow Galacia got annexed by Poland due to a bug.... But yeah, it's multi-tiered and detailed.
  2. Is that ever actually in RA1, as opposed to RA2? I forget...
  3. In the initial post they were mentioned. Abolishment probably isn't a "public" goal though, and they can perhaps only make a move if the rest of us break down in our negotiations. That said, the original post also is phrased as "known" objectives, so there's technically a possibility someone else could be out there too. A syndicalist maybe. That's such an outside possibility I don't think it's really worth discussing at this juncture though.
  4. I think PP refreshes each day AND night, so we get 2 PP for Day, 2 PP for Night, so that part of the plan wouldn't exactly work. (though mod clarification on that might be nice).
  5. I think it might also boost certain abilities maybe, but maybe can affect PP. Seeing as the first P in PP is Political, though, I'd figure there's probably some crossover. I bet, regardless of what reform category, there's a way to boost certain countries within the Empire, and then our Nationality comes into play.
  6. Yeah, there's no telling how things will stack up. I'm basically counting on the anti-civil war forces being more numerous than the pro-civil war forces in my calculus. If something doesn't go accord to plan, there's no telling who did it. Unless someone out there can like spy on people or something. Actually wouldn't surprise me if we had some people like that.
  7. Eh, I think we'd work up to something that big. I don't think N1 effects will be that great. I'm just looking for like a 10% stability bonus or something. And after all, at the end of the day, we have to pick *something*.
  8. Well in a vacuum I can't really counter, but I will say, if there's a time for folly, it's early on
  9. That's possible, I suppose, but here's some counter thought. (I've been way to obsessed with this game, so I've given it a TON of thought). We'll be given multiple choices for military reforms during the night. I suspect those that would use night kills/those that seek civil war/those that seek the dissolution of the Empire (lots of overlap between these three groups) are the minority. Therefore, if everyone wanting reform, be it status quo or pluralism, unite, we can get more stability. Now is actually the best time to do it before we're picked off. On a larger scale, granted I am just pulling this all out of my ass, I think this is going to be a "Kingmaker" type game. Some people are going to be screwed over, but they're going to pick the winners from the remainder. The game will require different factions working together. Right now, we can have the status quo and the pluralism faction work together to avoid giving too much to those that would turn things violent. Again, just theorycrafting, but it's about all we have to go on right now.
  10. Shouldn't that also take a PP from me? I mean, now that I've done it, I'm actually kinda derp about having voted before discussion, but I'm pretty confident on it.
  11. Anywho, onto serious matters. Obviously the stability of the Empire is the paramount concern, regardless of your objective (unless you're one of those sneaks who wants to dissolve it :P ). Therefore, I propose we first do a military reform. I'm not sure what all is on the table, but surely something under military can increase stability when we get the night vote. I suggest we do that first to give ourselves some breathing room. ##reform Military (Correct format?)
  12. For what it's worth, I got bullied around by Hungary and gave into their demands in my recent game, which thankfully was only to take Bosnia :P
  13. Cat 5's a VIP, he just hasn't noticed this thread.
  14. I'm Soviet Themed for some reason and never figured out why
  15. That's almost worth not fixing just for the comedic value
  16. Weighing in on the "lack of early game". I still see plenty of light rushes, and plenty of v2. I will agree that v2s are a little less common than they used to be, but I'd say that has more to do with people getting better at avoiding v2s and learning how to take them out as time as gone on than anything. Also people finally realizing to ignore heavies and go right for the V2 first.
  17. TBH because of my absence it took me until like last week to realize the splash was gone I miss it, but if it's a ploy to get the flamethrower used more, I guess I'll reluctantly agree that the current way is fine.
  18. Back on the topic of the thread, I'd just like to say the other day or two we actually had a nice grenadier rush and everything seemed to work out fine. It was Canyon River (or is it River Raid... the one where the river runs across the map, rather than down it, I always get the names confused). Allies had taken out everything except the Soviet Refinery. About 3-4 of us got grenadiers and rushed the allied bar, taking it out, and giving us enough points to win, somehow. I guess my point is that it's rare, but sometimes they still do get used, and work just fine.
  19. You know what that means! Just in time too, I completed my Kaiserreich Austria game today. First time I actually ran it through all the way to WW2's end.
  20. I like this kind of outside the box thinking.
  21. Now watch me get assigned a role that forces me to backpeddle on all this.
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