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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I suppose if we want to talk about long shots, there could be a third party building
  2. I guess when put that way it does seem unlikely, unless there is a custom role... hmmm...
  3. If we have an airfield, that might imply the allies have a building. Else possible masonry seems like that role would only be half-utilized.
  4. I wouldn't be so sure about only one missile silo. Granted, I don't think the setup would go overboard with them, but 1 just feels a little too 'all or nothing'. I'd wager there are two.
  5. Given some of the things said in the setup, I'd wager the Allies have a roleblocker. Unless that's a red herring.
  6. Whelp, here we go. I actually forgot it started today, me, Mr. Eager poster of all people. Glad we've not gotten to far in when I realized Let's get to stirring this pot.
  7. I remember us all trying to take potshots at your hind as we were going through, but then realizing our turrets wouldn't elevate that high and carrying on.
  8. I'm kind of on the fence about Bonzai. You make good points. I think you may be right, but for the wrong reasons though. The wide open base for the Allies and the chokepoints for the Soviets matter, but because of how they make the teams focus. The Allies *have* to pour an attack into one spot, the way the land is makes anything else impossible, but when the Soviets line up to attack the Allies they spread out too much, letting multiple people all take the defenses at once and get rekt. I've seen Soviets succeed, but in cases where they moved in like a needle, rather than a wide front. The direct route is also difficult because that's where the Allies expect you to attack, yes, but taking the long way around and hitting the far side seems to be the best strategy I've seen. An attack from there can actually penetrate pretty deep into the Allied base, using their own buildings as cover from the other defenses as need be. I know on at least three occasions I've managed to get into the Refinery and do some major damage just by hopping from cover. The dome usually falls pretty easily too. Sure, it's not the most valuable base structure, but it counts for points, especially if the game is close. Not saying it's perfect, but try the far side > dome > Refinery route more.
  9. I'm just throwing my hat in once again as someone who likes Siege. But that said, the RNG has still never given me an allied game on the map... I will also say the unique base layout is spot on, because it's one of the reasons I enjoy the map.
  10. I, on the other hand, am the anti-Jeod. I'm surprised I'm not already listed (Yes, sign me up captain)
  11. Eh, I'm on the fence. It sounds like there's some serious technical considerations in the way. On the other hand, shows me something else I missed in the gap in my time here. I remember when ramming people was against the rules, now it's encouraged
  12. Can we leave that bug in though, for the hilarity factor?
  13. Bolded part is exactly what I was referring to when I say in the docs that no matter what we do we're going to fail. I just thought it was so obvious that the first set of actions would invalidate the follow up orders that I didn't press the point, and was so tired on the pills that I sheeped and went along with the plan anyway in the vague hope that they knew something I didn't. I figured the plan involved making a loop and keeping the system intact if they were actually wanting us to multi-order.
  14. If that's saying a TD themed game, I've been wanting one of those too. Not that I've actually played a RA themed game with you guys either, but I did read most of them TD just seems like it'd be fresh.
  15. For what it's worth, I thought the whole trying to save the scum and make them town at the expense of others was a bit dumb too. I was about at my wits end by the end of that sequence, but then was dead so didn't have the chance to really input further. While I wasn't happy following Jeod, that was more because he was being so towny early on I figured he MUST be hiding something. When following kamuix I was about 20x as unhappy and kind of regret that decision. Not saying it's a good excuse, but that time period was at the height of the side effects from these new pills, and I just didn't have the energy to resist.
  16. Was anyone actually trying to go for mafia? I'll admit, I was seriously considering it, which was why I was lurking a bit more (combined with some heavy side effects from new medication making me sleepy at random times of the day), but I never got a chance to 'spring' that move, never felt safe enough. I felt like the second I started pushing mafia I'd be spotted from a mile away.
  17. So pretty spot on with real player behavior then? /s
  18. We can't have awesome years ever year. There aren't many up and coming games I'm interested in at the moment, but I'm still knee deep in recent sci-fi releases or ongoing development games like Rimworld or the new Mass Effect, so I'm content all around (Yeah, it's not a 10/10, or even a 9/10, but it's still decent, people complain too much). I would like to know in a condensed version what the hubbub about the Bethesda show was about though, cause that sounds hilariously bad (and i don't want to watch any of the dumb 15 minute 'summary' videos floating around).
  19. I didn't expect suddenly people to change like that. I guess I should probably know better
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