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Everything posted by GraYaSDF

  1. Thanks for the commentaries, comrades. Also, That is a bit darkier, try to listen to and, if you want to, share your thoughts there. Thanks for an exhaustive commentary, anyway, will remember that =)
  2. Available for free download. Inspired by, but not too close to TIberian Sun. Did a different melody this time, a little bit emotional, soft, and bright. It has a short length, but anyway, I decided to publish it
  3. Commando Assault is down, but I still think about it... maybe to merge it with cooperative game against bots, or idk... Anyway, I am still running this, but in very rare case.
  4. Bol to zábavný boj pred dvoma dňami v A Path Beyond))

    1. VERTi60


      A ty si slovák?

    2. GraYaSDF


      Нет, но ты же знаешь, что я ruský))

  5. I've used GDI MCV and Nod MCV models for Commando Assault mod, those models are damn good
  6. I've played HoTS a little bit, tried characters from Overwatch. I remember also, our russian team did a good job at Overwatch World Cup, that was really great. Few of my best friends are playing Overwatch every month, but I still did not tried Overwatch, and still cannot say nothing about this. And have nothing against. In friend's opinion, "Overwatch with its real and necessary teamwork, with its own characters, with its story is way better than TF2."
  7. Another track which is inspired by Tiberian Sun and Fallout 3. For all those listeners who love these videogames. As always, available for download. Pad which goes with industrial effects sample is directly from Tiberian Sun, by the way.
  8. Frank recently said, MySpace is dead... well then, YouTube still helps
  9. In addition, I've heard that Soundcloud is slowly dying because of bad funding, so I am deciding to move to MySpace, one of favourite places of Frank Klepacki
  10. Unfortunately, I can't share any stuff faster, because I am mostly online in social network which is limited in sharing music, so from time to time I also upload songs to Soundcloud (only own stuff) or YouTube (anything). And surely to my personal webpage. Such as this simple remake of Scout from Tiberian Sun. I slightly touched the original melody and recorded result before Twilight Flood came out. By the way, I recently updated my music section. For today, I am preparing few new C&C-inspired melodies and remakes.
  11. Frank opened up new direction of ambient with TS those times. I just repeat that.

  12. I have returned from summer cottage. With this. Absolutely new song for the fans of Tiberian Sun. Something like psychedelic ambient with groovebox drum machine effects. Vacation was totally worth it.
  13. Unfortunately, I am lack of designers, and because of that I temporarily stopped doing updates. Right now, I am searching for people who know how to make 3D-models and who are interested in this mod. So, any help with graphics is very appreciated.
  14. I am doing that like EVERY DAY, man. Every next day. Even in Imaginary Frontiers which is now on Bandcamp.
  15. Of course! I even sent this to Frank Klepacki, he said "nice one". Here is a constant direct link in Commando Assault workshop: http://download.ccassault.com/museum/music/solomusic/TS_Main_Menu.mp3
  16. Right! I've tried to keep bass sound quiet. Thanks for the commentary, comrade ImperialKaskins.
  17. You maybe believe it, but I cannot. Roland JD-990 and JV-2080 that I bought are the dream of my arsenal of sounds. After Red Alert remakes, this is probably the best of my works. If there will be possibility to remake some of Tiberian Sun tracks... who knows! P.S.: Interesting fact, and I know it from Frank himself: some names of instruments were chosen as titles for songs for Red Alert OST. As I discovered, "Terminate" is a soundscape instrument included with standard soundbank of JV-series, from which that song starts. And so on.
  18. thanks for comment, that track is about to be uploaded to YouTube soon, because really deserves it. You can find more here - http://download.ccassault.com/museum/music/music.html - and it may will be updated within month or two, also I am on Bandcamp.

    1. AZ-Stalker


      Great! Thanks for the pointers to more of your work! :D

  19. TibSun menu theme remake, I can't believe that I made it from scratch using JV-2080! Incredible!

    1. AZ-Stalker


      That's pretty good! Where can I listen more of your music?

    2. GraYaSDF


      And coming very soon on YouTube too! There is a large archive of anything I published to public and may will be updated this or next month - http://download.ccassault.com/museum/music/music.html

  20. I thought so too, and I didn't want to make a poll, but suddenly did it, lol)) Can we delete that? Yep, this is an experimental feature and only for that map. On almost any map with vehicles it gets killed fast after reaching hostile defenses. When player presses Deploy key, he moves just straight at his facing direction, with safe spawn and height check if there are buildings and turrets around. There is no check for vehicles and soldiers below and above tank at the moment (as well as for underground tunnels with large non-habitable amount of space above, but Chronotank may just ignore tunnels and go above the ground, need to check that actually), but after some adjustments it is possible to fix, as I made it for my old mod =) I've tried how does it look in original game. It has nice effects and logic. I guess there is no problem if mixed with alternative in some way. It is up to you, however...
  21. Time will tell, sooner or later... But anyway, it took me two days again to finish another script for Red Alert A Path Beyond - an alternative script for Chronotank. In overall, it is a crazy unit for "Lunar Paradox" map. However, new Chronotank, as well as Chronosphere, may cause Chronovortex which would try to destroy buildings and units of your teammates. Joked at the end of video
  22. Carryall? Didn't you heard about Commando Assault mod for C&C Renegade? Carryall is ALREADY there, its name is Transport Helicopter I made a new logic written from scratch for that VTOL few years ago. But the idea itself still belongs to Jonwil, I applied the first logic of Carryall in 2011, and at that time it was an original script of Jonwil, with some differences.
  23. Yeah, it does not for now, but I can override limits through scripting. It is possible technically to syncronize passengers' limit and passengers' limit with one loaded vehicle.
  24. It is up to W3D Hub yet. But sure, this idea is possible to program =)
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