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  1. Another year, another harvester lost.Hi and welcome to Battle For Dune in 2019! First of all, thank you to all for their patience, it wasn't easy to keep you guys waiting for any news or word from us, but neither is coming up with any news or word without TeamWolf getting mad at me for spoiling some 'big surprise' , but more about that later. I know some of our co-staff here at W3D can be some cranky old men, hence in case they didn't already, at least you can say now you got the best wishes from the Battle For Dune team to all and everyone, yes even to the Ordos. At least we will be here for sure for another packed year! As some already knew by his own announcement, TeamWolf was in the process of moving after our November update, but he hasn't been sitting still. A lot of work was continued at a slower but steady phase behind the scenes, and the final preparations are being finished till he is fully back in action, so please bare with us, but do refer back to the roadmap released not so long ago to know where we are currently as of now and today! For 2019 we got a lot of stuff planned, more then last year by a long shot. Like not only new weapons, maps and factions but also new mechanics and idea's to put you right back into the sandbikes of all those lost souls in the Dunes that you send to their deaths back in Dune 2000 and Emperor: Battle For Dune. Don't lie, we all did that, we are all guilty, we are all fooled by the Lady from the Bene Gesserit. Speaking of which, In celebration of the Dune Movies reboot (yes it is real!!!), we were wondering if you guys wanted to see some Emperor: Battle For Dune or Dune 2000 Playtroughs of the Campaigns, a small W3D Tournament for them, a Survival Mode contest or , got a (totally not ripped off) idea in mind for the game Battle For Dune: War of Assassins yourself? A new and original take on the franchise and formula with a new game mode, or weapons. Let us know in the commens down below! Have you ever wondered, what is the point of Infantry in the Desert anyway? I know I shouldn't end this blog with empty hands so I told Wolf that if he doesn't give me the *files* , I will make the Harkonnen tortures look like childplay. But he ran away so I had to get them my self manually.....I think. And yes I am a shameless writer of bad puns. Logbook, Day 42 of the Shai-Hulud Solar Calendar 'I have finally Infiltrated the Harkonnen firebase, a rock-locked area in quite the remote place, where there is no spice nor room for much bigger then what they already have deployed. But something is telling me they are up to something more, time to find it out the hard way.' Knock Knock 'Who's there?' 'HOUSE ATREIDES, OPEN THE *SPICE* UP!' That's all for today folks, I will see you all around in the next run with a Development Update and Blog! Don't forget to follow the thread and comment all your thoughts and idea's below. With that all said, if you would excuse me, I will now continue my search to this famous *Delay Development Button* - Follow us at the greatest and latest on Facebook Stalk us on Twitter @W3DHub Watch our best fails over on YouTube Join me and the Impatiently but oh so more hyped community at our Discord
  2. Hey guys. The Second Phase of the Competition started a few days back and we are proud to announce that we reached the TOP 100! This wouldn't be possible at all without every single one of you this year, but also the previous years, let's keep it up! But the Spice must flow, so let's hit the TOP 10 in the Upcoming Games category, I wanted to aim for #1 but Wolf said that's unfair for the others 😕 You can vote in general on as many games as you want and we would appreciate it a lot o/ 3 Days are left till the Indie of the Year Competition ends so be sure to vote for Battle For Dune quickly at: https://www.indiedb.com/games/battle-for-dune To round this up, many thanks to all the ones who have backed us up all these years for the Development of Battle For Dune: War of Assassins, but also the ones who voted for us every year, again and again. We can't thank you enough as there is only so much Spice to share. Till the next one! Follow us at the greatest and latest on Facebook Stalk us on Twitter @W3DHub Watch our best fails over on YouTube Join me and the Impatiently but oh so more hyped community at our Discord
  3. November Development Update: 'Weapons of Assassins' Hey guys, it is me again and welcome back to Dev Blog #131 of Battle For Dune: War of Assassins! Last time we covered a great many things, primarily making sure you guys were all caught up on where we are now and where we're going. To continue building on that, in this update we will cover a part of the Arsenal that will be at your disposal soon/tm/. As well as touching on the upcoming Maps that are in progress, and their different variations! Lastly we have Team Death Match, a brand new Game mode coming to Battle For Dune, yes it sounds damn original, I know right? (Fraydo was supposed to help me out in this part with my sarcasm but he left me alone again) Regardless on my bad taste in sarcasm, I can say it is something we are proud of. So let's get straight to it. - Note: All weapons, names, tools, features and models are workS in progress and can be subject to change or are placeholders for the moment. Take it with a grain of spice ^^ Somethings, just never change. Arsenal of an Assassin After some hard work by your lovely Producer TeamWolf, and past work from former Team Member Venom775. We finally get to show you guys some of the weapons (and with that I really mean just some) and tools you guys will get, while you try to be that One Man Army that never manages to get a kill...oh wait. That is my life story in every FPS... Ever Play Despa... Regardless, check them out! First on the list is the Slaughterer Mark I, a reliable and accurate for close range combat engagements. the Sub Machine Gun of the Harkonnen. You guys remember that Assault the Harkonnen did on a Heighliner during the Spice War? No? Just me? Hmm, no wonder this gun is known for leaving no enemies alive. Something small to kill? Next up is the Scorcher Firefly, you know when that Atreides date of yours wasn't hot enough, this is how you fix it. (Example provided at the bottom) I never understood the Harkonnen and their love for Pump-Action SHOTGUNS, must be a Giedi Prime thing. If your fire enough projectiles at them, how can you miss? Then you find out your Atreides date was a face dancer so now you are forced to take things up close and personal, with a trusty Machine Pistol. Hey, I don't blame you, priorities did come into play when I chose for House Atreides! You always need your trusty sidearm! Did I ever tell you guys, that the Harkonnen really know how to make sure things go BOOM. Something has to be heard over the roar Chain Gun fire! (Chain Gun isn't a new weapon by us) (House Harkonnen Bazooka and Chain Gun) Which only helps my House, because they usually also break things as those brainless zealots are used to do. Because of that, they have a lot of things to repair quickly with their Lasher Repair Tool before the Baron visits to inspect their base. (The Repair Tool model is a placeholder model) We wanted to make sure the weapons feel authentic, look 'beefy' in a way, while staying original and paying homage to the RTS games. But most importantly, that they feel just right. It's also vital that they play accordingly to how you would expect and giving you that edge in battle when used right. Also, asking of you that extra bit of skill when you push it to its limit. To know you mastered it when you know all it's aspects. (YES USING A REPAIR TOOL IS ALSO SKILL!) With that in mind, we are pushing forward to much more and better things. We hope that you will like them because *SPOILER ALERT* more are coming soon. The. Spice. Is. The. Directive. As hinted in the Roadmap already shown in the previous Blog, Team Death Match is coming to Battle For Dune as an official gamemode. But not just as any TDM, but one that does justice to the Spice War and many other conflicts of Dune in greater detail! To reach that, it was decided that Team Death Match and other game modes would encompass multiple different variants, where everything that ever holds value on the Dunes of Arrakis could be the objective. Maps will also come in different variations, besides the Horde ones to support this design. What combination will be your favourite? A vehicle focused dune sea? Or one of Infantry with Aircraft only? No battle will feel the same, no fight will play again after it has drawn it's first fallen water on it's endless sand upon sand. On top of that an Infantry map to support some of these Objective and gameplay flows specifically is in the works as we speak but more on that another time. On Caladan, you learn to swim by being thrown into the sea...no really, that's how you learn to swim.That's all for this Blog folks, I hope you guys enjoyed it, I definitely did ^^. Let us know what you think of the upcoming content and features in the comments below. If you have any ideas on what you would like to see next, spam it as well down there, because I told you so. Have a nice one, thanks for the read and till the next one! PS: I may or may not have a surprise for you all on some extra details about Weapons of Assassins later down the road, but no promises o/ You know when you spit in someone's face you are upholding the local customs? I tried that, they didn't appreciate it, welp, regardless, the Spice, must, flow. Follow us at the greatest and latest on Facebook Stalk us on Twitter @W3DHub Watch our best fails over on YouTube Join me and the Impatiently but oh so more hyped community at our Discord Renegade 3-12-2018 12_26_07 (2).mp4 [blurb]Hey guys, it is me again and welcome back to Dev Blog 131 of Battle For Dune: War of Assassins! Last time we covered a great many things, primarily making sure you guys were all caught up on where we are now and where we're going.[/blurb]
  4. ^ That, let Petroglyph Develop it and EA can then Publish it *Get's flashbacks to the early 2000's* , oh wait... And don't fix what's not broken as others already said.
  5. These are my two cents on the 'Remaster/Revive' C&C Project by EA. First of all, i actually don't want it. With all due respect to any respectable Developer, EA has already done enough damage to Westwood/EA L.A./C&C In general. Are killing franchises and Studios alike left and right. I rather have C&C stay dead as it is. At least it's history and Origins are as good as ever. With EA touching that as well in 2018 again, I fear the worst. Moving on from there. This is the following that I find important in a Remaster for C&C. 1: The best way to Remaster C&C is by starting at Tiberium Dawn. Simple because there are many games in the C&C Franchise and they all deserve a Remaster (Tiberium Twilight needs a complete rebooth). 2: Like the others said, unless the Cutscenes can be done again with the same level of quality (which I doubt) Keep the Cutscenes and at best update them or similar but don't remove them. 3: Don't SJW-Butcher like The Universe or Characters, Kane is Kane, not Kanyia, just to please some people with fragile ego's. 4: No DLC, or Micro Transactions in any way or form. Most of the buyers already bought these games before so it's stealing so to say to have them buy the game again, and the DLC's / Expansion Packs plus have micro transactions shoved into them. 5: Don't touch the Lore, to change it and with that I mean the core of the Lore like Dawn, Sun or Red Alert 1 and 2. 6: Don't make the game mechanics cheesy or gimmicky for 'Meh Competitive Scene' like StarCraft or MOBA's do. Rather a Remaster should Improve the franchise, the AI, the world, Base Buildings, Units, Pathfinding, how to make it even more of a RTS game. This is your guys chance to show RTS players 'EA cares' by making C&C Remaster a game that we didn't cheese trough, but playes trough and the same goes for Multiplayer. 7: Dedicated Online Multiplayer and Co - Op / LAN / Splitscreen support with proper balancing. 8: Full Mod Support. This one is a must. Command and Conquer, if not al of Westwoods legacy lives on ever since 2010 if not since Tiberium Wars or before for a important chunk due to the Modders. This is a good way to pay respect and support to those who put countless hours into the Franchise that was left behind by it's Devs but not dropped on the ground by it's fans. And let's be fair, everyone would love to Mod a Remaster C&C. 9: Do it right or don't do it at all. That's all.
  6. A little introduction... Hi guys, I am the new guy in the town. I recently joined the PR Department for W3D Hub assigned to Battle For Dune, yes that means I will have to answer all the questions you may come up with, while keeping up a lovely smile, isn't that great! 😄 Anyhow, as the new Community Manager for Battle For Dune I will be working on getting news and content you guys to look forward to, every month! This is just the first of our restructured schedule and planning. We are aiming at to release these Development Updates at the end of every month from now on. (Oh and I am very aware we missed our first one already by a Delay of 12 DAYS, BLAME MEH /._./ ) You guys will hear a lot more from me as well from now on ^^, but in the meantime... OCTOBER DEVELOPTMENT UPDATE : 'Wormsign' Hi guys, it's been a while for many of you, if not longer since you guys have heard from us at Battle for Dune. To clear the skies of Arrakis, WE ARE STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE! The team has been non-stop, hard at work ever since our last Update and continue to do so every day. So to thank you guys for your patience and passion not only for the game, but also for the Dune franchise, here is a extra *Spicy* Development Update! Let's get straight to the Elephant in the room. - TeamWolf Where have we been, and why? We seem to really be making a habit of posting something around April and then emerging once again 6 months later, and we apologize for that. As we are not able to give many more details on that, it as it is. Let's move on, or like the Emperor and the Guild it self always say: THE SPICE MUST FLOW To fix that, we have been working on restructuring but also on a ton of quality of life and work flow improvements. All with the mind to make sure it won't happen again for both the game, and it's development but also for you guys. But, we haven't been idle in any either case. We have been working on getting more content in the game and restructuring our first release plans to get a playable version of War of Assassins out to you sooner! More about that later in this update but first, some actual gameplay (Who reads words these days anyway (::::::: ) What have we been working on? As some of you might of guessed by our trend for the last couple of years for April Fools, Emperor Worm Mode is an official gamemode going into Battle for Dune! We have been working on getting bug fixes done for the mode, the current map count for it stands at one. The gameplay we showed in the last Dev Update is gonna be it's core bases, with added structure and refinement. Not only that, we would love to hear what you guys have to add in for Emperor Worm Mode, leave any idea's or suggestions down behind in the comments/replies. Along side that, we have also been working on our Horde Mode and elements surrounding it. Maps have had additional content added to them, weapon lists used and general ideas have also been played around with to try and achieve the best results. We'll hopefully been working on more for this gametype soon. We'll also be adding Team Death Match! Check out some multiplayer gameplay of Horde Mode and it's latest build here! Let us know in the comments what you guys would like to see next! What is in the future pipeline for BFD and prospects of it? This is something that has recently been looked at, refined and then completely redone due to the amount of people working on the game, what we want to do with the resources we have currently and how to use them in a more realistic time frame. Our current Pipeline goes as follows: For context purposes, @TeamWolfhas made a neat looking Roadmap for you guys to hype on about, to give you more insight and info on what is going on and what is yet to come. Feel free to ask in the Comments about it or any specific details, we will try to answer them as clear and detailed as we can. NOTE: The Roadmap is subject to change (In a good way ) What is the planned Release date? The big question! With how things are going and being worked on, we hopefully should be seeing a release fairly soon. We've been working towards it and getting closer each day but, we need to get some major fixes in. We're also playing around with the approach of Team Death Match mechanics, along with tweaks as mentioned above many other additions that are still no definitive yet. Can I say when? No, otherwise someone with a big name called a 'A-D-M-I-N' , would get very mad at me ;.; But I can say for sure that development is going faster and more structured then ever before, and with that said, the First Release of Battle For Dune is getting there. May Shai-Hulud be in your favor when you wander the Deserts of Dune, stranger. That's all for now folks, till the next one! PS: HOUSE ATREIDES, BEST HOUSE, SPICE MY MIND --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[blurb]Hi guys, it's been a while for many of you, if not longer since you guys have heard from us at Battle for Dune. To clear the skies of Arrakis, WE ARE STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE! The team has been non-stop, hard at work ever since our last Update and continue to do so every day. So to thank you guys for your patience and passion not only for the game, but also for the Dune franchise, here is a extra *Spicy* Development Update![/blurb]---------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us at the greatest and latest, https://www.facebook.com/w3dhub/ Stalk us on Twitter, @W3DHub or https://twitter.com/w3dhub Watch our best fails at, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVori4l3Rq_AkWHEjTKdEQ Join me and the Impatiently but oh so more hyped community at https://w3dhub.com/#/home and https://discord.gg/b7vSkyv [blurb]In this latest update from the Battle for Dune team, we talk about what we've been working on, clearing up our last news post from April and showing off our Roadmap![/blurb] [blurb]In this latest update from the Battle for Dune team, we talk about what we've been working on, clearing up our last news post from April and showing off our Roadmap![/blurb] [blurb]Hi guys, it's been a while for many of you, if not longer since you guys have heard from us at Battle for Dune. To clear the skies of Arrakis, WE ARE STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE! The team has been non-stop, hard at work ever since our last Update and continue to do so every day. So to thank you guys for your patience and passion not only for the game, but also for the Dune franchise, here is a extra *Spicy* Development Update![/blurb] [blurb]Hi guys, it's been a while for many of you, if not longer since you guys have heard from us at Battle for Dune. To clear the skies of Arrakis, WE ARE STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE! The team has been non-stop, hard at work ever since our last Update and continue to do so every day. So to thank you guys for your patience and passion not only for the game, but also for the Dune franchise, here is a extra *Spicy* Development Update![/blurb] [blurb]In this Battle for Dune: War of Assassins update we talk about the Emperor Worm mode from April, what the team has been working on and a diagram detailing the project's Roadmap![/blurb]
  7. As many as it will take for you to use one post for your question instead of two for one 🙂
  8. Looks great, I doubt I would want player controlled Worms in the game but still a nice feature. Hope you guys read my message I sended ^^. Keep up the good work!
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