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Goliath35 last won the day on March 16 2022

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About Goliath35

  • Birthday July 2

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    United Kingdom

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  1. I'd love to hear the Groundwire Cinematic Remix for the simple fact that I no longer have a functional graphics card
  2. I've still got an old copy of The First Decade sitting on my desk getting dusty, and I've been feeling in the mood for C&C Renegade. Once I've installed it, what else is needed for the game?
  3. Now I've got the urge to try and aim for the machine gun on the APC How come there's nothing for the Ranger/BTR-152A?
  4. Keep 'em coming! Real talk, I think EA (or whoever needs owns the intellectual properties and rights) should release these early builds with the next remaster release of Command & Conquer because I really can't believe that Renegade went through so many development changes.
  5. Now I really wish we could obtain this build
  6. Well the game seems to launch now. I've just placed the entire w3d folder to the exceptions list. Now I can enjoy the 105mm L7A1/M68A1 gun
  7. Seasons greetings from the UK!
  8. I've disabled my AV, even made exceptions for everything related to w3dhub. I can run Reborn or IA just fine, it's APB that wants to be awkward lol
  9. Everytime I go to launch APB from the launcher, the screen goes blank and then it goes back to the desktop itself. There's no error, or any error related files for me to check out. Everything is running as administrator. I did click and repair the games installation, but to no avail..
  10. ChopBam for Ministry of Memes
  11. @ChopBam never fails to deliver with the memes
  12. I have studied ChopBams' dossier and have come to the conclusion that he is the man responsible for many memes created, whether posted in here by him or not.
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