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Everything posted by triattack

  1. Well what i thought was that there was a chance to get lynched and it also protects me during this phase.
  2. I'm in fortify mode so can't shot either. And even if i could the chances are slim of hitting him
  3. well if you know you speak the truth and i know i did it means we still have a logn way to go. also how just wondering how do we lynch an apc?
  4. i'm leaning towards OWA to and i can confirm someone visited me this night and gathered information. as i'm going and my shift finishes after hammertime i'm not going to vote as i don't want to take the risk of missing some crucial evidence not to vote on him.
  5. ok that seems like a nice morning no casualties
  6. that escalated quickly now we have no more MCT
  7. well i dream of a scum free future.
  8. wow when i was a sleep i missed a lot. especially regarding the convo between voe and ilts. and to be honest i'm a bit unsure who to trust and who not in this convo. but i agree with the idea that most likely either of them is scum or third party. but i voe is scum i would say the second person is gencamo. they really seem like they have some strange relation to each other at one point they are defending each other then they attack each other and then they defend each other again. if gc really thinks voe is scum he would have kept his vote on him.
  9. Reminds me knowing vertigo he mostly places one new player as scum so maybe OWA is a spy.
  10. True but if you really want to make it more complicated for toen you first try and kill person who isn't that good so you won't draw to much attention as veteran on the second day. But this then could also be expected so maybe killing a veteran is a good idea again.
  11. Somebody must hate chaos for making him the night 1 person to die.
  12. The only fair way to apply a joke vote is by being random! ##vote FRAYDO uh oh. While I agree with triattack, I remain suspicious. It's the first day so who isn't suspicious. Especially in the random process of voting.
  13. So we're looking for three allies? That is suspicious as i think it was no where mentioned that there where 3 spies so explain yourself.
  14. it should be:
  15. Nope. It's all automated via achash.exe. As for whitelisting, it is all up to Triattack to whitelist them. It is his server, and he makes the rules. both are partially true. to allow a file on the server it needs to be added to anticheat.ini (or something like that) with a stored hash for that file that is allowed (so it's a specific version of a file that will be allowed). and still it doesn't work sometimes so i'm not going to add any file to the whitelist for the anti cheat. for this reason i see more cons in the work that needs to be done for this then the pro's. for sounds of stealthed vehicles and certain textures like stealth and scope textures the same applies. also i try to make the rules with the devs and the rest of the mod team i'm not going to force any rules they don't want or agree with.
  16. IRC and Teamspeak The Server has a bot that sends messages to IRC about how the game is going and you also can see who is in-game. The channel for this is #W3D Hub-apb on the rencorner irc server (irc.rencorner.com). If you want, you can join the W3D Hub TeamSpeak3 server at ts.w3dhub.com and talk with your fellow APB players. Rules These are the server rules for the APB server. If there are any questions please contact a moderator. If you are in-game, try !m to see if there is a moderator online, in-game, or getting highlighted on IRC. Always follow the instructions of moderators English is the main language on this server so please speak English when playing with other people. (if you are just with 2 people then it's fine just as long as you speak English when there are more people of whom you are unsure if they speak English). If you want to speak in a different language to someone please use the PM system. Open a chat window press '/' and start typing the name of the recipient. Press space and then type your message. No cheating No impersonation of any form, be it either clans, players, or both. This includes wearing clantags of a clan you are not part of, or making a tag to make it look like you are part of a clan that you are not part of. Examples an [sG] member wearing the |-TA tag or a -|TA member wearing a [sG]- tag. No Team-hampering No blocking the AI Ore Trucks No unfair bug abuse No Killwhoring or any other kind of whoring (these issues will only result in a ban or kick if it is done on a daily basis and is bad for the community) No abusive language of any sort. No ban or kick evading. Breaking any of these rules may result in a timed ban, kick(24 hr ban) or a qkick(warning kick, aka quick kick). The only place to appeal your ban, kick, warning or qkick is on these forums in the complaints section so don't go into discussion in-game or by PM'ing a moderator through back-door politics. If you are having any problems with a moderator in-game, either contact me or post in the appropriate forum section (Bans & Complaints).
  17. can someone check if it's still there apperently the version on the server was last modified in november last year while the one on my laptop was last modified on 6-8-2014.
  18. ok i decided to add some crystallisation.
  19. isn't armor.ini based on the ini and not on per map basis?
  20. I was updating the box on which all servers are
  21. server is down now, please be patient.
  22. another update on this, it's now at 47/56 so it could be another hour before it's down time. i'm sorry for postponing the downtime again.
  23. the updates take longer then expected. now almost half way with installing so it might be another hour before the restart. in the mean time you can still play some TSR
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