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Everything posted by Plokite_Wolf

  1. I don't see a problem with Renegade not being freeware. At worst, you can always link people to the TUC purchase page on Origin when people ask where to get it. My sources say BioWare Austin.
  2. People have been asking where to play Renegade for a while now, especially since the master serverlist on GameSpy has been down for a year and a half and the guys at Jelly stopped supporting Renegade. Quitters. I think it would be a good idea if W3D Hub could complete the cycle and host a server for vanilla Renegade (with Tiberian Technologies and whatever is applied these days). With your infrastructure, I doubt it would be much of a chore to set one up, and if people get linked to here, they might also be interested in TSR and APB. Whadayathink?
  3. Did someone say SHIPS? :dance: :dance: IIRC, Delta was loooong ago announced to have some sort of a campaign. I take it the idea was scrapped?
  4. <---- Wallpaper of the Romulan Shrike-class destroyer from Star Trek Armada 1.
  5. probally yes I have both Rise of the Reds and C&C Shockwave install on my computer at the exact same time and they work fine without crashing or fighting each other. That's only because their devs were smart enough to enable them through launchers and whatnot. Usually, this is not the case and most will clash with each other.
  6. No(t yet). Played the old one some years ago, though. The only thing I didn't like was forcing keyboard controls instead of using mouse support. Everything else - storyline, characters, setting, premise... Get it nao.
  7. Well, there's All Saints' Day on November 1st, which is a nation-wide holiday, but that only involves visiting the graves of the deceased and going to church if you're religious. Nothing all that elaborate (probably better that way to give the holiday dignity)
  8. We don't celebrate Halloween, but here's Manny Calavera for you. From that awesome death/afterlife-related game :
  9. You'll get past the initial "wow" very soon, trust me. As far as old games go, don't upgrade until Win7 and Win8.1 lose support (which is still a relatively long way).
  10. Why change VS to a new version when the W3D engine won't receive any significant/substantial changes? Hell, everyone still uses vanilla Renegade skeletons, base models and animations for infantry and the most unique thing that was made in all of W3D's history was the secondary function (Q) key.
  11. Currently at Win10, but I'm seriously considering rolling back to Win7. What do you mean by OS support? We're talking about an engine that was designed to run even on Windows 95, so what weird stuff are you going to recode to break compatibility with XP? :eek:
  12. Yep. Chris Sawyer, x86 Assembly. The remaining 5-10% of the code was compatibility with Windows All graphics were done by Simon Foster and the music by Allister Brimble. It'd almost classify as indie if it didn't go through Microprose.
  13. Too much to count. RTS/TBS: - most of the C&C series - WarCraft III (RoC + TFT) - Heroes of Might & Magic III (Complete) - Star Trek: Armada I + II FPS: - No One Lives Forever 1 + 2 - Star Trek: Elite Force I + II - Unreal Tournament GOTY RTT/TBT: - Worms: Armageddon - Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines + Beyond the Call of Duty Other: - RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 (+ expansions) - Thief Gold - FIFA RTWC 98 & World Cup 98 & 99 - NHL 2004
  14. I dunno, let a friend/sibling/etc. hold it until you can get back to it. You could've thought of something. The worst thing you can do to something like that is toss it.
  15. They had an update earlier this year. And you need to disable Origin for TUC games when you use them if you don't want the client to persistently overwrite them. Also, why use the TUC version of TS when you have a much better full release and a patch for modern OS-es?
  16. They all perform the same for modding. TUC just needs a little push.
  17. No respect for you. You could've at least sold it.
  18. I have a rare RA2 poster. http://i.imgur.com/BtAKZS2.jpg
  19. I have RA2 and YR in the Red Strike bundle, the TFD disc and now this Origin release
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