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Everything posted by Plokite_Wolf

  1. Not sure how. ZH was pretty unbalabced and sloppy.
  2. Nobody else (sane) uses AVG or Symantec/Norton.
  3. A project of zunnie's that nothing much came out of :/
  4. I got an actual Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition copy during one of GoG's giveaways (7 tokens were required, one could be gained each day by simply clicking). This is kinda strange, was it from them?
  5. Dunno, though there was, I think, one instance where that failed me, so it may be mission-specific. The expansion pack installs the patch by default, by the way.
  6. Have you played the full thing? It's pretty nasty when they swarm you when Seven tries to hack a console. I did notice that, apart from the I-Mod, they are unable to adapt to the vapourizing secondary attack of the phaser rifle (at least in patch 1.2).
  7. Yes, both Armada games were RTS. Pretty solid ones. The first one was the second best-selling ST game (the first being 25th Anniversary). STA1 had entertaining singleplayer missions, while STA2 expanded on it in almost every aspect and is great for modding (proven by the famed Fleet Operations mod). Haven't played the STA3 mod for SoaSE, and from the little I've seen from videos, it has little gameplay similarities with the official ones.
  8. STBC manual fire mode FTW. Hope this will have something similar.
  9. Very true, considering their tendency to postpone their games to no end and still deliver something very buggy.
  10. Nod was ridden with religious fanaticism since the beginning. Even if they still existed, they'd Duke Nukem Forever their games, like they almost did with Tiberian Sun before EA took them over.
  11. 'xerm time. Thought I told you. I still have some subjects to save.
  12. What about that one time...? Hell yea!! Well fuck you too
  13. When I created this username, I was rather nostalgic for a neighbourhood I'd used to live in. I like wolves as well (highly contributed by my surname), so I blended the two. Last year, I moved back to the 'hood and I've been considering a change for obvious reasons, but I keep saying to myself "to hell with it, people already know me by this anyway".
  14. 3rd pic, something/someone behind the sandbag-esque objects?
  15. You have no idea how much time and effort that would drain.
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