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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. In fairness, I shared the situation with everyone and let them weigh in. Had there been enough pushback (i.e., one good point) I wouldn't have done it.
  2. As someone who was cornered and had little choice but to go after someone else to keep myself around.
  3. Done what? Stabbed it? If so, then I probably would have. I was curious as to what your alignment was, and it would've determined how hard I would've pushed on Snipe.
  4. Someone please tell me if that terminology is wrong.
  5. I'm patterning it off of Verti's older APB Mafias, which are semi-open. Basically allowing you to see what roles could be in game, but not which ones are.
  6. Oh, whoops. Musta missed that For now, I've noticed something about people wanting to play a more basic game, and I guess someone's looking to co-mod? I suppose it'd be a good idea to put my money where my mouth is and whip up that TSR game in the next couple of weeks.
  7. There a design doc with the roles? I'm curious to see how well it all worked under the hood.
  8. SIKE!!! ##vote Retaliation I'm glad I got here before hammer. Besides, I like to assist Town when possible, and of course, you outed yourself.
  9. @Category 5 Hurricanedo you plan on using that daykill before day end?
  10. Ah, why the heck not. ##vote Category 5
  11. .................Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh.
  12. Now I'm confused. Did you not actually target Retal?
  13. Hang on. Is it possible that the game is going not due to something we're missing, but because we're deciding whether to let Retal win as a Crewmate or die as Scum?
  14. Fair point. ##vote Retaliation @Category 5 HurricaneLooks like we're ready to put this all to bed if you're willing to do the honors.
  15. I'm not sure what's going on, but I had no idea anyone else was a crewmate, nor do I have any indication that my win condition is affiliated with them. My theory is that Snipe is a combo master- Ooorrr you could just roleclaim the theory I was typing up, that works too.
  16. Fascinating. ##vote iLikeToSnipe
  17. I can't tell if you're screwing with me or also claiming Crewmate.
  18. Indeed. I'm still a little sad that the dragon balls never really got used, but eh. 'Twas an experiment, and sometimes it just be like that.
  19. It's almost certain. In fact, let me share this bit of info. Remember how I said my wound was infected? This morning, I was informed that I am now a Crewmate. I'm still neutral, but my goal is now simply to survive. That's it. I have nothing indicating that I'm in any way connected to iLikeToSnipe, but the flavor fits perfectly.
  20. Fair enough, though you should count yourself lucky that Mafia outed themselves the next day. You did survive long enough to stab me, though >remembers APB V Yep, 100% agreed.
  21. While we're waiting on Cat5... @iLikeToSnipewhy did you lie about Chop's night action?
  22. Scum is screwed, which makes me wonder if there's something else going on. My opinion: Drop the pretenses, use your daykill on him. If the game's still going, we have the rest of the day to figure it out instead of having to go through a night first.
  23. I can tell you what didn't happen. Death
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