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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. Actually, I need a refresher on this. When was the last time we had a cult?
  2. I thought this was obvious already, but I guess not. I was literally just spitballing possibilities. I know as much about Irish as everyone else.
  3. Nah, as I said, I didn't visit anyone. I was making a reference to a previous CYOR.
  4. So Voe's choosing his heir now?
  5. Have you considered the possibility that Irish has a protective passive of some kind? That and a direct roleblock both make more sense than the knife being the roleblock.
  6. I suppose I should mention that I'm also in the "did not visit anyone" camp.
  7. 75 F today and tomorrow out where I live.
  8. Started the game while I was out camping last night, eh? Well, how are things? reads thread ...Yeah, that's about right. Might end up camping again tonight, so please try not to burn down the thread. :P Oh, and ##vote Killing_You
  9. I'll check in as often as possible, but just as a heads-up I'll be less active than usual, as that's when Dead Legion filming picks back up.
  10. And behold... the first teaser trailer!
  11. Mafia is a game of communication. You'll pick up on how actions work during the game itself, but the main thing you need to know is this: There is a hidden team of enemies (Mafia/Scum) among the rest of the players (Town). Your main goal is to talk with the other members in order to determine who is scum and vote them out. It's all about communication, deception, and "reading" people. You'll pick up on most of this as you go, but that's the most important thing to remember. It's a social game, and the most powerful weapon is words.
  12. I think the most logical explanation is that they simply fell out of favor for a number of reasons. Most likely, advanced technology that was able to fill the role of the dog without putting a living thing in danger, especially in regards to identification. It's worth remembering that attack dogs were absent during TD as well, so I don't think the oversaturation of Tiberium is that big of a factor.
  13. This is somewhat similar to a concept I pitched for the Kennel a while back. Not as a production building that unlocks dogs, but as a passive defense that barks at any Allied player within range. Nothing else to it really, just a small building that barks like crazy when Allies get too close. Spies, engineers, Tanyas, etc... Where are they, specifically? Well, that is up to the vigilant Soviet team. The Kennel will point you in the right direction, but that's about it. Oh, and Allies, does that sound annoying to you? Don't worry, because it's the weakest structure in the entire game, so sending someone to destroy it in the early game is a valid tactic. (DISCLAIMER: This was just something I pitched a while ago, and does not in any way reflect the plans or opinions of the APB team.)
  14. Haha yeah. It's still independent, but it's a massive project nonetheless. Hope y'all don't mind the shameless promotion, but if you want to know more, here's the website: https://www.deadlegionseries.com/ USER WAS BANNED FOR THIRD PARTY ADVERTISING
  15. I should probably mention: Dead Legion started filming last weekend, and so I won't really have time to run a Mafia game until the end of October. So TSR Mafia might end up being a November or December thing.
  16. You can still be sneaky sneaky cheeki breeki, you just have to be a lil smarter about it.
  17. (imma bring this back okhe) With Rodan successfully driven off, my valiant Chinook crew and I turn around, lowering our crane and helpfully put delta's tesla tank right side up. But as we begin to fly off, something crazy happens. The helicopter stops, we're dropped onto the ground, and we look up at a very angry robot. Our chinook was secretly a transformer this whole time, and it's had enough of us using it for good deeds! Save us before it kills us!
  18. That, the tracking, and the fact that FRAYDO is generally good at sniffing out scum, and my scumtells in particular.
  19. Really, the more I look at it, the more it seems FRAYDO was tailor made to stop specifically me.
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