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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    That's part of why I believe this, because there is so little sign of other town investigative roles.

    You're 2/3rds of the way towards having one :P

    I'm hoping Chop has Irish's dragon ball, and I hope it goes to one of us (probably iLikeToSnipe). If this is the case, Snipe can pass his ball to you, and you can wish for whatever investigative action you like. Sounds great, right?

  2. I can't help but be reminded of Nintendo Mafia. He claimed Neutral despite having some questionable (and possibly damaging) actions, yet he was actually Mafia. I've noticed bits of that peeking through here, but I don't really feeling like pressing a case without confirming Shade. 

  3. Okay, I've changed my mind, I think I'm going to do the deed and try to stab this heart. I've thought that 3 neutrals was a bit weird, but 3 neutrals and 1 TP feels a bit much, even for this many players. If Shade flips Neutral, I'd vote up iLikeToSnipe. I can buy his roleclaim in a vacuum, but I can also see an angle where he's using the veneer of neutrality to justify being hostile towards Town, as well as any damaging actions he has. I'm on the fence about this, and I feel like Shade flipping one way or another can better inform my feelings.

    I'm going to wait a little bit first, so feel free to object.

  4. Oh damn. I'll be able to respond with more momentarily, but this definitely changes things. Specifically, I'm further questioning iLikeToSnipe's claim.

    I'd like a bit more input on whether or not to kill Shade as well. I'm starting to lean towards letting him come back and trusting his neutral claim. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

    I can see TP, but actually neutral with the 'Are you sure you want to' makes more sense to me.


    1 minute ago, Mojoman said:

    Maybe it's like a failsafe, incase town or scum could use a neutral on their side to win.

    I've been thinking along those lines as well.

  6. 1 minute ago, Mojoman said:

    Definitely based on the flavour of his character and the description of the heart, not because I have other info.

    See, that makes me think you have more info :P

    But yeah, phylactery is what I was thinking of. So either I kill him for good and we maybe get a confirmed flip, or we leave it alone and he maybe comes back. I'm cool with either, though I'd prefer the flip.

  7. Just now, Retaliation said:

    Benign as in not harmful. Normally you'd expect a lich to be evil.

    Ahh, I getcha.

    Anyways, here's where I'm at: We already lynched Shade, so we wouldn't really lose anything we weren't prepared to get rid of in the first place. Instead, we would gain information on his alignment (although I'm starting to believe his neutral claim, which makes me doubt iLikeToSnipe's). But part of me is thinking that this might be a trap. Like, if I do this, Shade grabs my role and I go to the dead doc. 

    Also, does anyone else have a dragon ball? Only Louis and Irish claimed to have them yesterday.

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