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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. 5 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

    Actually it worked out perfectly though, with all of the roles getting the standard expected results for their day kills...

    Did it, though? Irish got stuck despite only having a 25% chance to do so, and there were a couple of roles that failed a 50/50 coinflip on either the stuck or hit roll (yourself being one of them). Numbers game can only get us so far, but it can carry scum further than town. Let's not do it.

  2. 49 minutes ago, Anon_Kat said:

    Sorry! School slows me down when It comes to being online. :eng99:

    I don't know if it'll help, but when I first started I used APB 1 as a study guide, and it helped me get a good idea of the game even when I couldn't be online all the time.

    Here's a link to the thread: 

    It's a fun read, and it helped a lot. 

  3. 52 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

    Multiple officers isn't a good thing, it means that you can't trust any officer claim then since a single counterclaim puts you at a 33% chance of figuring out who's making a fake claim.

    To be fair, there was a ton of speculation that the setup had two cops (one sane, and one insane), and even if I don't do that in the future, allowing for the mere possibility can make for good dialogue.

  4. Right, so here's the initial changelog I have for the rolesheet:

    -Light Infantry max number increased to 7

    -Officer max number increased to 2

    -New Unit Type Added: Vehicle. These roles are immune to daykills (unless the shooter is anti-vehicle)

    -New units added to GDI: Disc Thrower (Anti-Vehicle), Wolverine (Roleblocker), MSA (Self Watcher)

    -New units added to Nod: Elite Cadre (Role Cop), Rocket Soldier (Anti-Vehicle), Engineer (Roleblocker), Devil's Tongue (Ninja)

  5. 5 hours ago, Voe said:

    @Jeod One of the reasons i stopped playing Mafia was that the only games hosted became CYOR.

    CYOR lacks the strategic element for me. It's less deliberate and more of a wild ride. While I like a wild ride from time to time, I prefer the intellectual part of mafia. It's why I'm the biggest fan of Vertigo mafias such as DeadSpace, which were a mix of both.

    Well, I hope you're able to be a regular player for TSR Mafia and any similar Mafias that follow. It was good to have you back as a player.

  6. 5 hours ago, Jeod said:

    Verti evolved the setup from such feedback that he began to include vehicles and buildings in a semi-open setup that kept everyone guessing what roles existed. I would like to see some vehicles in TSR 2, specifically so Nod has more options.

    I can confirm that vehicles and non-shooting roles will most certainly be on the role sheet for next game. I've gotten plenty of ideas for roles now that I've seen some of the drawbacks of this setup in practice.

    Buildings will probably wait until TSR 3, however. I can confirm that there will not be any permanently unlynchable Nod buildings in any setup. Whatever I do for Nod buildings, I'll do for GDI buildings as well, to avoid meta arguments in that area.

  7. Just now, ChopBam said:

    @Killing_You You did a stellar job setting this up, in my opinion. I had a blast. Thank you thank you for hosting!

    You're very welcome! As I said in the dead doc, I think TSR mafia is a good fit for me to GM, and I'm looking forward to iterating on this further!

    And a big THANK YOU to all who played! It's the players that make the game, after all!

  8. 4 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

    I'd probably start out using actual 40k stats so if it works out I could use stat engines already setup to deal with that.

    Plus then I could roll actual dice to resolve your shots :v.

    >implying I didn't :v (I have physical dice at my desk to continue playing tabletop games with friends via Facebook messenger calls, so it was easier than trying to find an online number generator)


    31 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    To be perfectly honest, I don't know how Nod could win this game without major luck if they went up against a competent town. Even with inactive town players and some decent luck I don't think this would have reasonably winnable. The majority of town targets could have been BP N1 (or any other night depending on if they held off on their ability). Town also had two protective roles and another role that had some pretty good (and interestingly designed) BP. All this combines into a TON of information gathering for town and very little that mafia can exploit.

    In my defense, I tried to take into account the possibility of Town roles interfering with other Town roles (Riot Trooper and JumpJet, namely), and I think it's possible that Scum could've won in this setup. I did spot some holes in my original mindset, which will be rectified next game.

    30 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

    The number and types of roles in game was fairly necessary in order to actually know what was going on, and get the style of game play we had going on.

    You might add in something like a mystery role though, that could be from several different known options.

    I did have a mystery role, though; the JumpJet. There was also a plan for Nod to have a Confessor (which would've had a silencing ability), but Nod needed all of their more powerful roles for this game. I like the concept of a complete mystery because it adds a bit of uncertainty to the game, making it more interesting IMO.

  10. 1 minute ago, Voe said:

    I think the unstoppable kill should be unstoppable, period. It should go through all blockers, medics, special abilities and even jailers. That is its only purpose.

    Eh, fair enough, and it'd fit the Toxin Pooper flavor (being a sniper and all). Though this would only affect the JumpJet anyway.

    Another change I'm thinking of making is nixing the "Max" column on the rolesheet. I ported it over from APB for no reason other than it was there, and it felt like more of a hinderance than a help. Opinions?

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