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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    Yo. I got a tooth extracted on Friday and it feels like crap. Probably because I have a cavity right next to it. On pain killers for days. Also, I'm in office this week and on-call after hours. So it's gonna be a fun week of "not much content" from me. Let's see how long the game lasts. Speaking of...


    I assume this is still accurate?


    On 12/1/2020 at 2:23 PM, Killing_You said:

    Keep in mind that this is a guideline, not a hard-and-fast rule. Not all of these will appear in the game, and there may be some secret roles not included in the sheet that might appear. Also, for balance purposes, everything is open to adjustment.

    That is all I will say on the subject. Do what you will with that information.

  2. DAY 1XenpEvE.png

    After a long, terrible Ion Storm, the sun finally shines once again over Outpost Alpha. However, it's not long before the base crew realizes that their communications have been sabotaged. This means only one thing: Nod infiltration. Cut off from reinforcements and with no way to contact GDI command, the outpost personnel have no choice but to try and discover the enemy within before it's too late.

    GDI will win if all Nod operatives are killed.
    Nod will win if their numbers match or outnumber GDI.

    Day 1 ends in 49 hours.


  3. MOD ANNOUNCEMENT: Between the removal of the hard cap and several issues voiced by players, the game will retain the original start date of Sunday, December 13th. Should that day be the final day of shooting before winter break, however, the game might be pushed back a day later, to Monday, December 14th. These are now the only possible start dates. Sign-ups will remain open until Friday, December 11th. I apologize for any inconvenience this discussion has caused.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    I guess if we have a hard player cap, I could sit out this round.

    Honestly, I don't remember why I had a hard cap. It's not really needed, so I'll go ahead and remove it. I don't want anyone to feel left out, after all.

    Doing this will remove the earlier start potential and the game will retain the original start date. @Shade939I hope that's not too much of an issue (especially since it's just over a week at this point).

  5. Just now, Shade939 said:

    I'll sign up if it there's an earlier start date.

    Given the likelihood of the sign-ups filling up in the next few days, I'll go ahead and pencil you in.

    MOD ANNOUNCEMENT: Previously I said that I'd only move the start date up due to full players, but since we're well past the sign-up minimum, I'd like to officially move the start date to Monday, December 7th. Once again, if you have any issues with that, please let me know now.

  6. 6 hours ago, VERTi60 said:

    Huh, do I see a spin off from APB mafia? :3

    Indeed you do!

    5 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Ye I'm in. I suppose keeping it simple for the "first" Reborn Mafia is a good call ;)

    For sure. I'm hoping to expand on this setup in the future, based on how well this game goes and how previous APB games have played out.

  7. 1 hour ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    I expect to be off work for a good while yet, so I'm not in a hurry. I'd rather someone else run one now, as I'd like time to pre-produce assets for mine.

    Fair enough. I'll put the thread up either this weekend or Monday.

  8. 2 hours ago, Killing_You said:

    Feel free to do so. I was gonna try to have a TSR mafia thread posted by Monday, but if you want to go first, lemme know. It'd give me a little bit more time to have @NodliedCzech the roles for balancing purposes (unless he wants to play, of course) and give me a better idea of what my schedule going forward will look like, so that I know whether or not to have a co-mod.

    As a quick update, I might have accidentally finished the role sheet just now, so it's ready to go whenever. But as I said, if you want to go first, feel free.

  9. 3 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Only if nobody else steps up.

    Feel free to do so. I was gonna try to have a TSR mafia thread posted by Monday, but if you want to go first, lemme know. It'd give me a little bit more time to have @NodliedCzech the roles for balancing purposes (unless he wants to play, of course) and give me a better idea of what my schedule going forward will look like, so that I know whether or not to have a co-mod.

  10. I've given it some thought, and it's interesting to see how much of a polar opposite role I had compared to my last Neutral role. Previously, I had a role that was designed from the ground up to just be a chaotic element that screwed with everyone for the fun of it. My intention was to shitpost and have fun the whole game, with the ability to bite Town or Scum in the ass if conditions were met. I ended up playing a major role in that game and did a lot to influence what happened.

    This game, I had a role that was designed from the ground up to be a useful element for either side and introduce a cool side objective. My intention was to be a friendly, guiding voice that could be a boon to Town or Scum if certain conditions were met. I ended up just fighting for my life and not much else.

    Makes too much sense to me that the troll role was the more successful one, is all I'm saying. :v 

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