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  1. Mobile Gap Gen has been a pet peeve of mine ever since I started playing this again. Why the heck can't you see the truck whilst inside the dome? From a gameplay standpoint, it makes no sense as the allies should be fighting tooth and nail to keep the soviets from outside of the dome. I have way too many folks just driving up and running a Gap Cloud against me and my fellow comrades and I'm too pleb to find the truck whilst in a tank. Renders prove that you can see the Gap Gen when under the cloud too. Don't know if I'm the first to complain about it, or if its due to engine limitations but I feel this little quirk gives a rather annoying tactic to the Allies. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/cnc/images/4/40/Gapgenerator.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080328134558 I'd post an image of the render, but the forum won't let me.
  2. Hello! Regarding the Soviet War Factory, would it be possible to attach a red star (see second picture) right here (see below picture). About the Soviet Barracks, how about we change the flag from the existing flag to the actual Soviet flag? If not then I understand, I'll just edit the current flag to the Soviet one. This one regards vehicle camouflage. I was wondering what other players thought about removing the option to change the camouflage and just making them map specific, snow for snow maps, green for green maps, etc.? Maybe do this and then allow to change to the black camouflage as the two options? Is this even possible? While we're on camouflage, will soldiers ever get a camouflage option? I noticed that Tanya now has the option. None of this is really important for the game but it's something I've been thinking about for a while and I just wanted to get this topic over and done with. Thanks for reading!
  3. I've wanted to post this for a while but I've never really thought about it much until navy got re-introduced and there's just a few things that just niggle at me that's kinda important as it actually puts me off using the Soviet navy at times. 1.) As far as I'm aware, you still have to jump on the sub and then press E to get in. This in itself is highly irritating, especially if you've got lag and then you fall off and it's pretty much gg. I've tried simply walking very near it (and even then you can still slide off the platform and die) and you can't enter them like how the Allies do. Can this be changed in anyway? 2.) If nothing can really be done about that in a feasible way, then can we at least have ladders in the docking/creation bay so that infantry can easily get out and try again without having to spawn in a really far away building? (Again, something the Allies don't have to worry about) Plus, maybe a small grace period in that area so fallen infantry won't start drowning immediately. (emphasis on small so it can't be abused)
  4. Update: Alright guys, thanks for your requests. I have made the decision to create a new Fjord entirely from scratch, and without using Blackwolf's design. The new Fjord will be heavy on the industrial theme, feature a dam (well, duh), a bunch of ice, oh and some water. And bases, yeah. Bases. Look for updates on development progress on this map in the near future! ----------------- Hello everyone! A while back I finished the Hostile Waters remake, and I said I'd try and find time for another contribution to APB in April. So April is now here, and I got some time! I have spoken with Pushwall about what my contribution should be this month. After briefly checking our options we decided that it was probably a good idea to simply ask you, the players, what map you would like to see return or introduced to A Path Beyond: Delta. There aren't really any limitations to requests. You liked a map from the .9935 era but the original developer is no longer around to remake it for APB Delta? Let me know! You liked an official map from past APB versions that is currently missing from the official map roster? Let me know! You got a new idea entirely, one that you think works in APB and isn't a mod-request? Let me know! In the event no clear fan favorite exists, I reserve the right to pick something that I personally like and believe can be done. It must also be said that if a popular request for an old fan map exists, then I can only work on a remake for it if the original creator is no longer around to do it. I will see which request is the most popular at latest by Sunday, April 3rd. So place your requests here as soon as possible! Eins-Edit: Hey guys, here's a link to an archive I've been building. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bzcnim4baG7fU2VnOVc2RV9IWTg You can check out the different maps that have existed over time and see which ones you like! Push-Edit: And here's a link to an archive of Red Alert 1 map screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/photos/97634864@N04/albums For anyone who wants to recreate RA1 maps it's a handy reference. I don't know who actually maintains that album but he's a p cool guy I guess!
  5. Greetings, As some of you know, my current contribution task for APB is the completion of the Gamma map, Siege. More information on this map can be found in the map request thread, as well as an explanation as for why I decided to work on Siege first, instead of the Fjord remake. Siege will have an alternate victory objective, alongside the standard base destruction victory. However I've been discussing this second victory condition with GeneralCamo, and we believe that another poll might settle the matter - after all, I create this content for you, the players, and you can decide for yourselves what is fun and what is not. A quick rundown of the two options. These are the only two options, there is no third option (other than perhaps no alternative objective at all). Note that this is about an alternative victory objective, this is not a bonus objective or secondary objective, which typically do not result in a match to end. Completion of Siege's alternative objective will end the game. Option 1: Domination mode as we currently have it on maps like Rocktrap. With this option, the castle will receive a set of key locations which must be controlled. Holding a domination objective generates score ticks, and when enough ticks are collected, the game ends in victory of the team with most domination ticks. This means that players have to constantly defend those locations. Option 2: A new gameplay mode we are currently calling "King of multiple hills". The objective would be to claim ownership of ALL control points in key locations within the castle, with a capture mechanic similar to that of domination mode. The key difference here is that capturing an objective doesn't do anything on it's own besides provide a notification. Only once all objectives are held by the same team will the game enter an "alert mode" where the other team has one minute to re-claim at least one control point to end the "alert mode". The team that manages to retain ownership of all locations during the "alert mode", wins the match. The main difference between option 1 and 2 is that domination mode encourages camping the same control points where as the new gameplay mode encourages you to travel to the other control points to clean them of enemies and flip ownership, since camping a single control point doesn't progress you towards a victory at all. Both gameplay modes will benefit from vehicle and air support (besides interior control points). Worth noting is that currently both alternative objectives require some script development, option 2 more so than option 1. So that's why this poll exists, to check which option is most preferred by the players, based on what they think is more fun. My personal opinion is leaning heavily towards option 2, since I do not like domination mode as it encourages just camping the same control point the entire match. Let us know what you think!
  6. Do Grenadiers have any good uses in non-infantry only maps? I feel other existing low-tier infantries already fill the unit's niche.
  7. One thing that I have noticed, is that while empty servers stay empty, as long as there is 1 or 2 people around, others join and the game can grow to be really large. Therefore, can we have a server message upon joining an empty game that encourages players to go AFK instead of quitting, thereby "seeding" the game for larger rounds?
  8. Hello guys, some of you may remember me, some of you won't, some may like me, some may not. I was away the last half year or so busy with personal life and issues. I have since returned to MPF a while ago to start working on the APB server for Delta together with unknown, Goldy58 and sla.ro As you know we had a server online for RA: APB Gamma with custom content such as our Co-op & custom maps and a somewhat basic ranking and veterancy system. We have worked our butts off a few weeks to get our code and maps ported over to Delta in the SDK for APB Delta. We would like to see our server listed on the W3D Hub Listing, too bad this process isn't automatic, could someone who has access to the listing add our server with the following name: MPF - Multiplayerforums.com AOW/Co-op IP:Port = GSAQueryPort = 23310 Thanks in advance, peace, zunnie.
  9. 1. Anybody notices how the medium tank's barrel unrealistically goes through its chassis when the turret is pointed backwards? No other tank in the game does this. It bothers me. 2. I noticed the cloak skins for the game has gone back to the transparent white ones a-la Renegade. What happened to the Ralistic grey ones? Or is this just my graphics card? (I have my settings to the highest!) 3. Can we remove the mechanic wrench as a weapon from FOI?
  10. This maybe a future topic, but would there be any significant work required to adopt existing 3D games like APB for VR tech such as the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive? If not, it would be so cool to just put on a VR headset and play APB totally immersed!
  11. Seconds it takes to destroy: Mammoth Tank (side armor) Heavy Tank (side armor) Unit Used: Heavy 37s 20s Medium 34s 20s Light 42s 22s Guys I know i brought this up before, and I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, but does anyone else feel the heavy always loses in a one on one fight vs. mediums, and sometimes even lights? It doesn't help that the heavy and medium tanks have equal DPS versus medium armor, so the only difference in DPS is how many shots the heavy misses during fights. Because the way the aiming system works for heavies, it's much easier to miss shots than the other tanks. Even missing 1 out 10 shots more than the medium means a 10% DPS reduction. To be fair the heavy does much more damage versus light armor than medium/light tanks, and light tanks are horrible versus heavy armor. Lastly, can someone explain how come mediums are more effective versus Mammoth tanks than the heavy? I tested this out several times so the data's legit.
  12. Vehicle Destruction - You know how when boats and subs get destroyed, you get ejected out and the vehicle lingers for a minute before exploding? And how helis don't explode right away either? I really like this mechanic. Is there an easy way to implement this for land vehicles too? Mine Limit - Was Soviets on pipeline today when some n00b decided to AP mine the heck out of EVERYTHING in base. Unfortunately the mine limit was hit and we could not longer mine oil rigs offensively. In renegade old mines disappear when new mines above the mine limit are laid. Can there be a similar mechanic to address the problem above? Thanks PushWall for reading this, I know you have limited time/resource.
  13. Things I only found out through APB delta patch notes: http://pastebin.com/giZJhsAa I had no idea! - Flamethrower takes 50% extra damage when shot in his fuel tanks. - Medic Kit now heals armour if the target's health is full; however, it does this at 5% of its health healing speed. - Engineers has EOD armour; compared to regular infantry, he takes 50% less damage from explosions and cannot be ignited by high-explosive/fire damage. Passive mine detector has been improved; enemy mines within 30m of the Engineer become visible on his team's radar, making them much easier to sweep. - Shock trooper is now completely immune to Tesla splash damage. Artillery - cannon can now can now be rotated horizontally 1.25 degrees. APC - Infantry that enter the vehicle will have all of their armour restored. However they will not gain ammo back like the Supply Truck. Phase Tank - Secondary fires unguided rockets MRJ can now carry a passenger. Demos get destroyed in one hit by enemy MAD shockwaves. Subs - Has an alternate "periscope" camera. Shooting animated parts of buildings (such as doors) will actually damage the building now. Refinery - Molten ore in the basement in the "tunnel" version is lethal if you stand on it.
  14. in previous versions the allied support classes such as the mechanic and medic earned a little bit of credits for healing or repairing other units. can we have this back please? for balance reasons they shouldn't earn point for healing, but they could at least earn back some credits to make playing them worthwhile. the old 'jump out and swing the wrench at your med during combat' strat got nerfed which makes the mech now more an support class in field, instead of a infantry class for drivers. unfortunately it's not really rewarding to get a mech and do repairs while your teammates earn all the vehicle kills and points recommendations during that game. speaking of recommendation's is there still the recommendation for repair points?
  15. Yo guys. Some of you may or may not know me I used to play A path beyond back in the day. 2004ish and on wards. I was massively active around 2011 and went by the in game nick as "Mike." Anyway I stopped playing when the MP Gaming server got shut off and was around for a bit then stopped altogether. I was wandering if it's worth getting back into APB. I used to love playing a lot and me and my old friends Jon and Leo where chatting about if we should get back into playing competitively. I just want to know what major changes there have been, if it's worth getting back into the game now and also if their is any space for us oldies lol.
  16. Right now when you hit a tank's rear spot it does more damage vs the front. But what if instead we let the damage directly pass through to internal health? This way if you keep on hitting its rear, a tank can be destroyed without even depleting its armor. Tank battles will involve much more flanking, spinning and attacking from the rear.
  17. Something I've had to parrot here quite a few times is the sentiment that, for APB, "major development is over". This does not mean all development is over, but it also means we're not completely overhauling the game anymore like the full Beta, Gamma and Delta releases did. Here's a more thorough explanation: I'm satisfied with Delta as it stands, minor bugs/balance issues notwithstanding. The majority of the playerbase seems to be satisfied with it too. Many of the things left to implement from Red Alert are either MASSIVE timesinks, impossible to balance, or impossible to implement period due to engine limitations. I have already spent a ridiculous amount of my free time just fixing Delta up to its current state by myself, because throughout 2015 more and more members of the team either wound up with too many real life issues to contribute much, or they just vanished entirely. The dev team is pretty much down to me and ChopBam at this point and nearly everyone else here is busy with their own projects. I really shouldn't be pouring so much time into this since I'm not getting paid for it. I've enjoyed developing it, sure, but I can't really make it my life. I'm not about to start charging people for this game that has always been free. Especially since the only work I've actually done on it was optimising the balance and tweaking other peoples' maps, and oh yeah, there's copyright issues too. Therefore I am pretty much just here to maintain the current game by fixing bugs and balance problems, and maybe fixing up a few more maps and features that we actually have most of the framework for, because anything bigger is not a good use of my free time. So before pitching your ideas, ask yourself how long you think it would take for one person to do, if you would like to spend that much time doing it, and if it would be worth it. If not, you should probably think smaller. However, even the simplest-sounding undertakings might be stopped by the engine's limitations, and if that's how it is, then that's how it is. I have an idea that will make this gameplay feature more true to Renegade/Reborn/Red Alert! This game is not Renegade or Reborn and is not trying to be. As for Red Alert it was a very flawed game mechanically, tank spam ahoy. Many of its nuances don't translate well to FPS either. APB is more about borrowing RA's setting than its gameplay, though we do try to emulate it in the few places where it's both reasonable to do so and the engine allows us to do so. I have an idea on how to implement a Red Alert unit/power that isn't currently in the game! There's all sorts of reasons why these things aren't currently in the game: You'd better have a model and texture for it already, or know someone who can do them, cause if it's not on this list then that's most likely the primary concern, and for many of the things on this list it's just one of many concerns. Helicarrier: This would be really boring to play as. At least in the similarly unarmed MGG you're right in the action and get to crush people... Plus we don't have a model. Parabombs: Basically a nuke that wouldn't even one-shot buildings, and we lack a complete Tu-16 Badger model. Attack Dog: Spies are definitely not powerful enough to demand a hard counter - plus limitations in how we can mask their identity make them easy enough for players to detect without dogs anyway. If people come up with ideas that'd make the spy more useful, and the scripts team are able to implement them? Then I'll consider it. MCV: APB isn't SimCity. I'd rather not double the length of matches just to make people grind up their bases. The unit itself is ingame already (though it is one of the oldest and ugliest assets that we still have...) but it's only there as an objective unit for custom maps, it can't deploy. Tech Centres: Bases are big enough as they are without more massive structures of dubious purpose. Also, currently lacking the team tech centre models. We may be able to use the NBNW neutral tech centre CMDBob made as an objective somewhere though. Chronosphere/Iron Curtain: While we do have a Chronosphere model, and we may have some feasible scripting logic lying around for it, we don't have a model for the Iron Curtain (only a "destroyed" prop) - and for balance reasons we'd have to introduce both superweapons into the game at the same time. I have an idea for a new map/new take on an existing map! Go ahead and get a discussion started! Just be aware that the further your map idea deviates from standard AOW gameplay, the more likely you are to run into things that either can't be done without jumping a ridiculous amount of hurdles, or just flat out can't be done... or for the map to just not be well-received as has been the case with so many other maps that have deviated greatly from standard AOW gameplay. Also, developing each map is a pretty big time sink. I have an idea to fix this overpowered/underpowered unit or Allied/Soviet biased map! Go ahead and get a discussion started! There's probably a bunch of ways of solving it with a bunch of them being quick and easy to do. Or maybe there's something about the units/maps involved that isn't immediately obvious that I or another regular will be happy to explain. I have a bug to report! File it in the bug tracker. Thank you for your understanding
  18. in red alert 1 there was the cruiser which had range and firepower http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Cruiser I think having this will help balance the allies as the artillery tank just doesnt compare to the soviet's V2 rocket and can damage submarines. A few things that bothers me is that in red alert the imbalance between the allies and soviets required to soviets to use more numbers in tactics such as the mobile gap generator but in multiplayer there just isnt enough players if someone would always have to man the useless radar jammer or mobile gap generator just for them to work. There are also some units i would like to see like the jets since it seems the harrier is working for apocalypse rising
  19. Hey guys, because I was bored and got some spare time on my hands, I decided to test out unit damage vs. vehicle and buildings in the game. Check it out: Interesting to note that: 1. Officer superior than Kapitan 2. Shock best vs. MCT 3. Flamer/Shock sucks vs. building exterior, even worse than RPG 4. Grenadier sucks vs. buildings, MCT or not 5. Volkov = RPG vs. building 6. Light tank damage is not bad vs. medium tank 7. Gunboat really effective vs. vehicles
  20. So today I was playing Hostile Water as Soviets and bought an Attack Sub. I got in my sub, and a teammate of mine bought a Missile Sub, which was promptly stolen by a spy. In spite of being in a superior anti-naval vessel, I was completely powerless to do anything about it so long as the stolen Missile Sub remained submerged. Now you can say, "look before buying, and don't let your subs get stolen," but realistically there will always be new players and that will never be a solution. In the situation I mentioned earlier, me stalking the stolen sub would prevent it from surfacing and firing, but it also makes for some extremely boring gameplay. So how do we fix this (if it is even agreed upon that it is a problem)? Firing normal torpedoes under water would create more problems than it would solve, and depth charges on a sub make no sense. The only thing I can come up with is some sort of extremely short range torpedo for secondary fire that can be shot underwater.
  21. For the next patch, could we get some improved lighting on some of the maps? In particular: Stormy Valley, the path with the gem field, towards Allied base...there's a whole bunch of obstacles that are really difficult to see, and it's rather annoying when you drive into one. Also near the Soviet ore field where there's the barbed wire and I think a slight elevation bump...I once drove a demo into this and flipped it over...was not happy about that. Forest of Illusion, in the forest sector where there's the barbed wire in the passages leading to the capture point, that's also really dark and makes it so that I always have to "feel" my way through it (who puts barbed wire like that in real life anyway? Isn't the point to completely block off movement rather than giving someone a path to walk through? ). Fissure, the bottom of that spiral ramp which (I think) leads to the Soviet silo, is positively pitch black. I think I once spent 30 seconds or longer trying to get onto the ramp from the bottom. Ridge War, on the side with the Allied service depot outpost, somewhat in front of it there's another barbed wire fence which sorta blends into the background (don't remember if it's in the shade or not), but yeah it always seems to pop up in my face just as I'm about to drive into it.
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