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[Game Over] The July Crisis Mafia


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So your ability doesn't unlock through WT? Odd considering how Nod specifically mentioned how there would be potential benefits for Town as well when WT was raised. If that's the case then I'm even more towards the idea that Mojo is Town and that his is unlocked from WT.

From your words, you were desperately hoping for it to unlock which means whatever it is, you think it is VERY useful. You haven't really swayed me against you from being scum. In fact I think you're the "sleeper" scum while mojo is the "sleeper" town. But you have made me second guess you being the killer and as a sleeper, you're benign for now. You've been lowered on my priorities. With this I think FRAYDO (leaning very heavily), OrangeP47, or Killing_You are our only possible suspects left for the killer, with OrangeP47, and Killing_You being the only possible suspects for being the thief. Killing_You still passes as Town for me. I'm up to investigate either FRAYDO or OrangeP47.

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I think the primary benefit for world tension rising is access to the lynch.

You're making the assumption I even know what it does. All I know is that I've been given a gift early and forced to wait 7+ days to open it :/.

I'm kind of wondering if we should push the serbs = evidence line and investigate vert. Confirm he's innocent and advance our win condition. 

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True, I did assume that you knew what it was because you wanted it so badly.

Btw, I don't recommend reading the entire Wikipedia page about the July Crisis at 3 AM. It'll just leave you flummoxed. Especially so since Nod already stated this game isn't historically accurate

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14 hours ago, VERTi60 said:

@nominate Category 5

#vote Inspect Category 5 

@???? :p  Meh, counted and counted


13 hours ago, Killing You said:

##investigate Verti60



13 hours ago, VERTi60 said:

##vote Investigate Fraydo



8 hours ago, Retaliation said:

##vote investigate theirishman



6 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

##voteinvestigate FRAYDO



5 hours ago, Retaliation said:





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So we're at a juncture. Do we keep hunting evidence, or do we investigate the known shady folk?  The latter option really hinges on just how certain we are that we can nail FRAYDO now, and I'm not so sure it's 'betting odds' so to speak.

Also I'm house sitting today, and while I can check up on the computer I may be a little less active until after dinner.

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I'll actually put my money where my mouth is and go in on the non-FRAYDO choice.

##investigate Verti60

And while we're here.

##nominate Cat 5

Unless there's some reason not to nominate him today? Not really discussed that I guess.

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It's kind of aggravating how everyone has something they can point to and say "Look I'm town!" Orange with no evidence, KY with the grenade, etc.

Also it's occurred to me that mojo is serb and didn't have any evidence when cat5 used his spyglass on him. Combined with thinking further about what would be a reasonable amount of innocent players, I think the case for testing vert isn't as strong as when I mentioned it. Especially when you take into account his confusion over blatantly obvious things like the existence of town alignment.

##vote investigate Orange

At best someone we've cleared is scum, and at worst scum has been getting us to go after FRAYDO. 

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I feel like I must be missing something here. Verti60 already stated his planned lack of participation until the 17th before the game even started. Nodlied would've expected him to be true to his word and assigned him a role accordingly, right? So why would you three expect him to be scum? To me, it feels more like a wasted investigation compared to the targets we already have in our sights.

Also updated table







Town/Scum %











Category 5





Navy Officer?






None that I know of







Black Hand Book








“No Evidence”

“Locked till X%”






More Black Hand Stuff





















“No Evidence”








“Locked till X%”


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2 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

There's Retal saying what I'm thinking moments before I comment again.

I'd be suspicious of that, but I was doing the same in APB mafia (while not trying to) and half the reason I voted Orange was because I was thinking you and orange could be a scum team :v. Kind of blows a hole into that theory lol.


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Alright, so here's my case that I want to pursue today. I think the scum team is FRAYDO, OrangeP47, and if there is a third, Chaos_Knight.

If I lock this into place, a couple of things that have been dangling in my mind fit into place really well.

First of all, pretty much all game, there hasn't been a significant counter-wagon for investigations. Everyone has been exceptionally agreeable. That's very weird. That generally only happens when town is the target being lynched. Scum will always try to start a counter-wagon if under threat. That should make me think that our investigations are wrong, but I don't think they are. I just think that scum either had nothing to fear, or wanted to be investigated.

To compliment that argument, there have been a couple of weak attempts to start other wagons. One was FRAYDO's "hey, I agree with should investigate and nominate the same player but I'm actually going to nominate someone else lol" wagon that was aimed at getting OrangeP47 nominated, and then Chaos_Knights skirmish with VERTi60, which is a more classic attempt to avoid investigation. Neither one was attempted very hard.

Given FRAYDO's obviously suspicious position, his choice of OrangeP47 stands out. FRAYDO has only otherwise been on the attack of positions, not supportive of arguments. Could be that scum wanted nomination first.

Another OrangeP47 connection is his SAS case, which happens to fit the case to investigate Chaos_Knight. But, scum shouldn't want to investigate scum, so what's going on there? Well, given that I currently believe that one of our pieces of evidence is fake, it stands to reason that one of them might have been planted. The fake evidence might have been intentionally placed on Chaos_Knight with the intention of using OrangeP47's case to get him investigated, and have us place the fake evidence in the truth box. Given that I think that placing evidence in the box probably changes status of players, I think that could be a deliberate attempt to make someone else suspicious or hostile. Like VERTi60, for example, who also happens to claim to be Serbian.

##voteinvestigate OrangeP47

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##nominate Category 5

I feel more comfortable with you being the one to enter the vault. I can't trust Retaliation enough for it and I don't see a need for me to enter yet. Right now I'm thinking the scum team is FRAYDO, OrangeP47, and Retaliation. Although next guess is KY over CK. Just because that grenade still makes me wonder if it was placed in the vault in hopes that Town would use it and raise WT.

1 minute ago, Retaliation said:

Maybe being nominated will provide an opportunity to prove I'm town to Irish :v.

It'd only allow you the opportunity if nothing went wrong. Your idea is me nominating someone I think to be scum aligned into an important and potentially dangerous position with only the possibility of it not blowing up in my face.

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9 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

##nominate Category 5

I feel more comfortable with you being the one to enter the vault. I can't trust Retaliation enough for it and I don't see a need for me to enter yet. Right now I'm thinking the scum team is FRAYDO, OrangeP47, and Retaliation. Although next guess is KY over CK. Just because that grenade still makes me wonder if it was placed in the vault in hopes that Town would use it and raise WT.

It'd only allow you the opportunity if nothing went wrong. Your idea is me nominating someone I think to be scum aligned into an important and potentially dangerous position with only the possibility of it not blowing up in my face.

We can't keep nominating cat5 because if he dies we'll have to figure out how the vault and evidence works all over again. Better he guides one of us while he's still alive.

In addition for it to blow up in your face means I need to disobey cat5 putting suspicion on me for the next day.

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Though, the people who need to be concerned about NKs are probably Mojoman if Chaos_Knight is scum, and Chaos_Knight if Chaos_Knight is not scum. They NK'd a tracker who also had a weapon. Now they have a choice between a tracker or a weapon. (Assuming both are town, for the sake of argument)

I'm probably only at risk if both are scum, or if they think I'm more dangerous than a tracker or weapon.

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2 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

We can't keep nominating cat5 because if he dies we'll have to figure out how the vault and evidence works all over again. Better he guides one of us while he's still alive.

In addition for it to blow up in your face means I need to disobey cat5 putting suspicion on me for the next day.

I doubt Cat5 would be killed. He has no power right now and that makes him the ideal candidate to enter the vault. The less power he has, the less of a threat he is to scum.

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