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[GAME END] Warhammer 40,000: Indomitus Crusade Mafia

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5 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Based on who scum chose to kill, it appears the scum team didn't learn the same thing I did. It appears a feature of Retaliation's prior Warhammer game has returned, as Shade failing to kill me suggests that vanilla roles can't kill power roles. I can say this because my role says nothing that would make me believe I would survive being shot at, and again, because Retaliation has done this before.

Which is why I say that I don't think a player familiar with that game would have killed iLTS, as most likely he wasn't a threat to anyone other than other vanilla roles. Unless scum have a vanilla role, I suppose, which is doubtful. Or if they believed that iLTS was a different type of role that still had a weapon, which I suppose is possible but is not what I was thinking before he flipped.

I figured I was going to be killed because being shot at and surviving should have revealed me to have a role, and therefore I should be a target. But I guess the fact that I have prior experience that most players in this game don't have, I didn't have enough imagination to correctly guess the NK target.

And because I'm saying this much, I think I'm just going to reveal all of it as the more I say just makes me a better target and we don't have many days to work with anyway. I'm the cop. FRAYDO is Town. 

I haven't really sat and done analysis yet, but my current reads after reading everything through once is that Killing_You and TheIrishman might be Mafia, and Jeod is Third Party. The last part I'm most confident of.

Can anyone else (Nodlied perhaps) confirm if this is legit? Anyway bud I'm town tracker. Nodlied visited me.

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I've been busy hanging out with my gf (still am) and I don't like posting on mobile but it looks like I won't be back on my laptop until after hammer.

You claim tracker, Jeod, but that doesn't prove that Nodlied is telling the truth. He could've planned to target you with whatever from the start, or you could be lying about being tracker. Considering your character's flavor, he sounds like he could redirect or bus. I find your initial guess about yourself being one of the bussing targets suspicious while you never went back to the train of thought. When you're lying, you tend to stick to half truths, so I think you ended up giving away that it redirects to someone randomly. Why randomly instead of a specific target? Because you didn't even consider a specific target as an option.

Cat5, why are you leaning towards TP for Jeod?

I should be able to post more later.

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11 hours ago, Retaliation said:
Players Votes
Blujet No Vote
Cat5 No Vote
Irishman No Vote
iLikeToSnipe DEAD
Jeod Blujet
Killing You Irish
Nodlied No Vote
Shade DEAD

Irish and blujet are in the lead for votes.


Two hours from now actually (day began Thursday)

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I'm pretty certain Cat5 is Town, but I have been assuming that he is indeed a pariah since he's from the Sisters of Silence. Care to confirm that, Cat5?

Nodlied is mostly a null read. He could be lying about being redirected/bussed, but given Jeod's speculation, I'm inclined to believe Jeod hit him with it. If Jeod isn't a tracker, and Nodlied was Scum, then the NK might've been random as well. I could also see a possibility of them both being Scum, but it feels too risky to put themselves out there like that.

Jeod, I'm not sure. Initially I suspected he'd be more likely neutral rather than TP, but now it feels closer to a toss-up between the two.

KY, he's been pretty inactive so it's tough to judge. Although it's basically what he said about me, he could be coasting and I kinda want to vote him outta spite, but OMGUS. He won't be able to defend himself, so until tomorrow.

Blujet, pretty much the same for KY except the spite vote and he has the ability to convince me otherwise.

FRAYDO, feeling slightly scummy but the logic for that is pretty flimsy. The lamenters would be truly unlucky if they had to take the fall for Scum. But Cat5 got a Town read on him so unless he's a Godfather, Cat is insane or lying, he should be clear.

##vote Blujet

Blujet, KY, and Nodlied look like our most likely suspects. Jeod should be put on the back burner imo.

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7 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

Nodlied is mostly a null read. He could be lying about being redirected/bussed, but given Jeod's speculation, I'm inclined to believe Jeod hit him with it. If Jeod isn't a tracker, and Nodlied was Scum, then the NK might've been random as well. I could also see a possibility of them both being Scum, but it feels too risky to put themselves out there like that.

I honestly doubt that Jeod is lying about his role. Jeod's immediate reactions to my to my announcement were of inquisitive origin. He was both checking my story as well as seemly trying to uncover the limitations of his own role.

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Players Votes
Blujet No Vote
Cat5 No Vote
Irishman Blujet
iLikeToSnipe DEAD
Jeod Irish
Killing You Irish
Nodlied No Vote
Shade DEAD

As reward for his past service in the emperor's name, a firing squad was authorized rather than the traditional sentencing for servitor conversion. As the fire command is about to be given however, Jeod pushes the Irishman into the way. Irish takes the brunt of the las fire and cumples. As a medical team approaches his still form, his body erupts into dark mist as his soul is claimed by the Dark Gods.

Irishman, the Slaanesh marked Blood Angel (Vanilla-ish Scum) has paid the toll for power!


Players Votes
Blujet No Vote
Cat5 No Vote
Irishman DEAD
iLikeToSnipe DEAD
Jeod No Vote
Killing You No Vote
Nodlied No Vote
Shade DEAD

Day 3 begins about 24 hours from now. 2 posts per night, and don't delay in getting your actions in!

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Alright, I've got a chance to check in. Sunday's still D&D heavy for me as well, but thankfully it's a night phase, and come Monday morning I'll be back here and more active.

First off, great job nailing scum people. I suppose I can trust my gut 33% of the time, based on these results. :v

My strongest town read so far is Jeod. I was initially suspicious of his claim as the town tracker, but that last minute flip onto Irish tells me that he's definitely town, or at least not mafia. If he was scum, he could've easily coasted with Irish on the vote and let Blujet fall, but instead he flipped on scum. It's not like he was just jumping on a vote to save himself, either; Jeod willingly switched the lynch by himself, and hit scum in the process. The only scenario where he's scum is one where they willingly take an ultra-risky sacrifice to clear the other, and I really don't think that's the case since nobody's made a strong case against Jeod so far.

-Blujet has said the following so far:

On 6/12/2018 at 1:35 PM, Blujet said:

So Jeod is Trazyn the Infinite, and claims to be town aligned. Interesting, but not unheard of from a lore standpoint, whatever bearing that may have on this. As for others, I would need to wait until they weigh in before I can form an opinion.

On 6/12/2018 at 4:23 PM, Blujet said:

It's worth noting that even if that does kill Jeod, that doesn't guarantee that he will stay dead. Necrons can reanimate themselves even after taking ludicrous amounts of firepower. So you may end up wasting your shot.

On 6/13/2018 at 2:29 PM, Blujet said:


I'm curious, is there any reason that you want to lynch Cat5, aside from any past actions or grudges you may hold against each other?

On 6/15/2018 at 11:50 PM, Blujet said:

I'm sorry I did not post earlier, I had a fundraiser event to go to, that I did not mention. That was my mistake. I have not been active much as there was very little in the way of good leads to look into. As a result it's very difficult to go after someone other than on the basis of inactivity, or just sheer suspicion with no clear evidence that a person is scum. I would like to hear form Irishman as well, as he has not said much for most of the game, same thing goes for KY except that we will not hear from him again  until the next day phase.

7 hours ago, Blujet said:

One heretic down, one heretic left to be purged. (And I would post a meme but I’m on mobile right now.)

That's it. He hasn't even attempted to make a case, aside from publicly claiming Jeod's role (which Jeod did not take kindly to). It almost feels like he's trying not to be noticed, popping in once in a while to make it looks like he's here, and then ducking back out. He has also yet to place a vote this whole game. The only evidence against this is Irish's vote on blujet, which put him in the lead

-I'm a tad suspicious of Cat5's cop claim. It just seemed like it came out of nowhere, almost to keep himself out of the spotlight after pushing so hard on Shade. This was on top of naming myself and Irish as the scum team, as well as Jeod as TP, but without anything to back this up. Granted, he was right about Irish in the end, although he was unwilling to place a vote on him. This is in contrast to his reasoning for not unvoting Shade:

On 6/14/2018 at 2:25 PM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Then there was the idea of unvoting, which was appealing in the sense that I wouldn't directly influence the vote between Jeod and Shade anymore, which might be useful if other information comes up later, but I generally do not like ending the day without having a vote placed.

Now, he could've followed along with the Blujet vote for safety, but that would've meant he had a hand in two mislynches in a row. One that he lead, and one where he jumped on alongside two other votes. Instead he was comfortable to let the vote go without placing a vote on either of his scumreads. Let's also not forget this bit of info:

9 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

I'm pretty certain Cat5 is Town, but I have been assuming that he is indeed a pariah since he's from the Sisters of Silence. Care to confirm that, Cat5?

The only person Irish declared as Town was Cat5. 

-FRAYDO's an interesting one. He's mostly been asking around, but not quite to the point of rolefishing. Furthermore, if he's scum, then either he's a Godfather or Cat5 is an insane cop. Frankly, I'm more likely to believe that FRAYDO is simply town and Cat5 fudged a report on him. There's no way they're on a team together, because we would've been at MYLO today (3v7 -> 3v6 -> 3v5), and we haven't seen that announcement yet.

-Nodlied's one of my stronger town reads. He's been pretty decently active and has put in an effort to contribute. In addition, Jeod confirmed that Nodlied visited Jeod, and it doesn't appear to have any negative effects. I also don't think he'd make up a bussing story out of the blue.

In order of most to least suspicious, it goes Cat5 - Blujet - FRAYDO - Nodlied - Jeod. 

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I believe the scum team might have just lost.

Players Reason not scum
Blujet Voted on by TheIrishman
Cat5 Is Cop
FRAYDO Town cop result
Irishman DEAD SCUM
iLikeToSnipe DEAD
Jeod Voted TheIrishman
Killing You Voted TheIrishman
Nodlied ...
Shade DEAD


For me, the only concerns I have is that my result could have been wrong for some reason. Sanity was GM confirmed, so that is not an issue. I would have investigated myself first if it wasn't. But it's possible that FRADYO is a Godfather. I do actually have a higher scum read on FRAYDO than I do Nodlied if I ignore the result.

From your guys' perspective, it's a question on whether you think I'm lying or not. Mafia will probably solve that problem for you tonight. In the case that they don't, the lynch tomorrow should probably be between me and Nodlied, so keep that in mind when planning your actions tonight.


@Killing_You Regarding me not voting, because there wasn't much talking going on I thought tomorrow was hammer and left to get food. I actually returned right after Retaliation posted that it was hammer. Because so little talking was going on, I'm sure I would have voted among the people I said before, TheIrishman, you, or Jeod. TheIrishman voting for Blujet was an obvious attempt to save himself that was poorly justified. I can't say for sure, but I probably would have voted in that direction as a result. I'm kinda glad it played out the way it did, though, because Jeod's switch is what makes the above chart work.

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21 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

Blujet, KY, and Nodlied look like our most likely suspects. Jeod should be put on the back burner imo.


Jeod has to be Town. Casting his name out there while being lynched only serves to draw suspicion onto him and hopefully buy his scummate some time. Looking at the other three names, our remaining scum has to be in there. If it wasn't for the fact that Irish voted on Blujet, he would be #1.

21 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

Blujet, pretty much the same for KY except the spite vote and he has the ability to convince me otherwise.

"and he has the ability to convince me otherwise."

I do have to wonder what today's end would have been if Blujet put forth an argument and placed a vote on someone. Would Irish have jumped on that vote having been "convinced" to do so?

On the case of Blujet, Killing You is looking to implicate him for the same reason of inactivity that applied to him earlier. KY has checked in and ended the day with a vote on Irish, so while he gives me a slightly scummy vibe, he currently reads Town.

Back to the three names, there is Nodlied and there is Cat5's chart. I did not place a vote either, but Cat5 got his Town read on me. Nodlied, on the other hand, stands out as the most suspicious without a vote. As close as we were to hammer, it makes sense he didn't move to save Irish and out himself in the process. If these two are our scum team, it makes sense to have let Irish take the fall. Nodlied is most likely our heretic, and without a doubt should be our lynch tomorrow.

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Again you all meet up for discussion first thing in the morning, and again you find someone missing. You check out Nodlied's room and find what's left of him and his recently fired bolt pistol.

Nodlied, the Lord Commissar (Third-Party) was killed with his own weapon!


Players Votes
Blujet No Vote
Cat5 No Vote
Irishman DEAD
iLikeToSnipe DEAD
Jeod No Vote
Killing You No Vote
Nodlied DEAD
Shade DEAD

Day will end at normal time 2 days from now.

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I’m betting nodlied wasnt capable of killing me n1 and that FRAYDO bussed himself with nodlied n2.

Which leaves the remaining scum with an unexplained absence for n2.

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With Nodlied flipping as Third Party, that at least assures me that pushing a lynch on him today would have yielded a successful lynch. With that however, I have no current lead on who to vote today.

17 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

From your guys' perspective, it's a question on whether you think I'm lying or not. Mafia will probably solve that problem for you tonight. In the case that they don't, the lynch tomorrow should probably be between me and Nodlied, so keep that in mind when planning your actions tonight.

We can possibly verify Category's cop claim. Going into today, it's very likely we would have approached hammer with Cat5 v. Nodlied and logically we would have voted to keep the cop alive. That would have gotten us a Nodlied death and Cat5 would then have continued without further scrutiny. As the claimed cop, it's a surprise too that he lived to see today.

On the others:

Blujet - As innocent as I can tell so far from yesterday's result. No scum reads.

Jeod - Most of us seemed concerned that Jeod is Third Party, but with Nodlied's flip that begs the question: How likely is it for there to be two TPs? I think Jeod is cleared for TP.

Killing You - I think this is our remaining heretic. Looking at his analysis from earlier, something catches my eye.

18 hours ago, Killing_You said:

Now, he could've followed along with the Blujet vote for safety, but that would've meant he had a hand in two mislynches in a row.

We don't know that lynching Blujet would have been a mislynch, but you seem to say otherwise? You may have just lost.

##vote Killing You

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19 hours ago, Killing_You said:

Now, he could've followed along with the Blujet vote for safety, but that would've meant he had a hand in two mislynches in a row.

You just revealed my alignment AND yours?

##vote Killing You

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Alright, timeout for just a second guys. Did you just skim over my post? I was constructing a scenario where Cat5 and Irish were on a scum team. Can't exactly assume Blujet would've been scum under those circumstances, can I? I'm not saying that I'm 100% sure, but under that scenario, I had to assume Blujet was town.

The fact that Nodlied was the kill last night changes things, but I don't know exactly how yet. I'm going to be able to do a more thorough analysis in the morning.

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