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Interim Apex Available on the Launcher


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6 minutes ago, GaryOak said:

Looks amazing, just what I've always pictured the ultimate Renegade to be.

Im kind of looking up to the learning curve, though. I suppose the best way to learn all aspects of the game is just to start playing?


Pretty much. Just hang around base or use units that feature a gold star. They are easy to use and typically pretty effective in most situations.

Watch for spies as Nod and don't get out of tanks as GDI unless you want an chameleon spy to run off with your ride

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hey guys,great work you have but i have some question

1,did you guys have plan to add more thing into this mod(like Vehicles ,infantry class,Air unit,game Mechanics,bigger map and etc)

2,did you guys have plan to add other c&C series into this game (like general series for example)

3,since this a mod,did you guys have some plan to add more thing that the OG renegade does;t have into this (like weapon Customizeable  ATTACHMENTS,change the appearance of some unit when have enough veteran point and etc)

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Hi @s1203544961 thank you for asking these questions and taking interest in Interim Apex and W3D hub project's.

Well to answer all your questions this is going to be a long one.


1A.For vehicles currently I can only push to 80 vehicles per team as since purchase terminal I can only have 10x4 per page and the alternate page is 10x4. (10x4)+(10x4). I cannot go beyond that is due to renegade kinda hard coded to beyond 80 vehicles per team. But currently both side has like 160 land vehicles ( some has been temporary removed due to old/oudated models, broken wheels and track, or some just simply didn't quite fit how I see Renegade was suppose to be or have. But nevertheless I try looking into vehicles that are kinda rare in real life and perhaps a mixture from C&C universe ( except Generals as is a completely different realm from Renegade. ). However, there are roughly 170+ vehicles in game if I include the vehicles i disabled in game. Some will be allocated to Forgotten War Factory, Civilian Factory, and some rare ones are spawn one ( not able to purchase ). I can however give GDI and Nod an additional vehicle production factory but is best to allocate them to Neutral/Forgotten/Civilian factions.

1B. Currently I am planning for initial release of 1.0 of ( E series ) to hit the mark by 2020.02.20 ( no promise but is my target ). To have only 5 Vtol Aircrafts for both side, like a 5 aircraft for bothside can be purchased on helipad. So there are 5 for each teams. There were planes of aircrafts which I would like to seek guidance from APB, AR and ECW. I try to see how to fit in. Also don't forget battleships, a new toy but will take sometime to implement again.

1.C Bigger maps? Well Winter Assault will be the big huge map when is release ( i have delayed it due to a major bug crashing issue i found out. Will be reifying it ). But there will be more maps I want to overhaul my existing map to bring up the standard of Suspense, and Infinite Isle visually. But nevertheless my map design have to suit for Infantry 1st. For bigger maps I will definitely take a look into it. RidgeWarfare ( Influenced and inspired by APB_RidgeWar ) currently is the largest map for tank battles but is lacking infantry focus role. I am trying to strike a balance in both but slightly more leaning towards infantry. Optimizing the map is another different thing, Infinite Isle took me 1 month to model finish, but it took 5+ months to slowly optimize it ( VIS Crashing ).

2. How Interim Apex works is based on my pespective how Renegade suppose to be and how C&C universe ( excluding Generals ) in my understand how it portrays.

Now I know C&C ( Tiberian Dawn ) which is all started this great journe

C&C Red Alert 1 ( Allied Won Great World War 2 ) -> C&C Red Alert 2 ( Allied Won Great World War 3 ) -> C&C Red Alert 3 ( We all know Uprising Allied Won -> ) Possible new Red Alert. ETA ???

C&C Red Alert 1 ( If Soviet Win Great World War 2, Coz Kane was Stalin advisor and you know, pulling strings. ) -> C&C Tiberian Dawn -> C&C Renegade ( Late Tiberian dawn ) -> " Interim Apex era " -> C&C Tiberian Sun ( GDI win again ) -> C&C 3 ( GDI of course win again ) -> C&C 4.

Unfortunately I am not going to include C&C Generals vehicles or infantry style, but I could barrow some stuff like Controlable Drones, Ai Drones, Tunnel network ( Features inspiration ) and perhaps Trains? 😛

3. Cuztomizable weapons currently is rather in planning stage, I would love to have it but Is best i get 1.0 out of the door 1st before I proceed with weapon customization. But how to make it in game to work is very very tricky. Since is hard coded and each customize weapons affect something like "Faster Bullets" ( that was a joking, except in BFV 😛 ), scope, firing mode, recoils, spray, ammo capacity and etc. It will be roughly on a terminal by itself. So far no actual development on it except with few models in.


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hey man @Kaskins  thank you for reply my question,and you guys make a great game,but after play some time,come with more question(sorry if you hate this,but this game‘s potentia is  fucking huge )

1,when i  was playing,i use the weapon drop command,and i get a lasergun for warhammer 40k,what does this mean?is warhammer 40k is your next target era or just a easteregg weapon(ps.i will hype for this,for real)

2,since Cuztomizable is a thing now,it give me a wonder,does vechile and character have the same thing? , and i have some idea for new building idea for your guys(just a advise)

3, advanced Infantry camp,and a advanced war factory,this way you guys can move the second page menu in. the og thing into this(and another question,where is the Mammoth Mk. Ⅱ you know the four leg Walker in C&C Tiberian Sun

4,and for final question,do you guys have some plan that add some other mod content   into this?like Mental Omega from red alert 2,Twisted Insurrection  from  Tiberian Sun

5,and this just a Nick pick,why navel force is so weak?

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Hi glad I can answered those questions.

I put in spoiler here coz it might be too long for some people do not want a lot of text in their screen.


1. Surprise right? A 2001-2002 game engine can do so much. The weapons you see some rare and hidden, some are a hint of one of the mod I planned but didn't work out. Before IA there were a few directions I wanted to go. KKnD 2 Survivor and Evolved, BattleTanX ( got some of the tanks just a few or two in ) , Warhammer 40K ( only 2 factions The Lost and the Damned both are mirror Imperial Guard ) and Front Mission series from Square Enix one. All these ideas and mod I try to see how fast I can model the asset, eventually i phase out KKnD and Front Mission and left Warhammer 40 and BattleTanX, soon both were Phased out for Interim Apex. A Renegade mod that took place after Tiberian Dawn conflict is over. The Inter-War period between Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun. Initially I thought is going to be much easier oh boy I was wrong and I can expand a lot more in depth as an more of a Unofficial version of between these 2 major conflict and how as a foot soldier can see so much than in RTS Commander.

2. Well IA i want to emphasis on foot combat, but I am keen to take a look what is the possibility for vehicles. Unfortunately vehicle weapon attached is more rigid than Infantry. Let alone reloading animation will probably take the longest time to animate em. So currently on customization weapon for IA is infantry, but is a plan thing, not a real thing yet.

3. Unfortunately there might be some issue to handle this in this way. Heavy Factories/Advanced Factories for certain vehicle is something is possible but I afraid it maybe a bit complex. Since I still based on Renegade Formula and is gameplay setting, I do not wish to change entirely, only apply minor changes which I called it tweaks. Mammoth Tank Mk.II ah yes, player ask for it, I would say I want to have it, however there are a few issue into considering such a behemoth vehicle. First that of its sheer size and is height, I might afraid that a lot of maps might not be compatible to suit it and I would require a bigger Weapon Factory for it.

Another thing since Mk.2 is big and iconic in Tiberian Sun, I do not want to take it all away from other mods that has it as is prominent features. Such as Tiberian Sun Reborn where Mammoth Mk.2 I can say is an iconic thing. Adding on, Interim Apex took place between Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun which Mk.2 Mammoth only exist as a blueprint and possibility under construction and engineering it in Interim Apex era, so I would say it only complete during Tiberian Sun era.

However, the Titan and Wolverine you can say are an earlier model of Mk.2 Mammoth. Just like how tanks development are, for example we see German WW2 tanks. To get to Panzer IV or Tiger Tank, we see development of Panzer I, Panzer II and Panzer III and many other variations of it before getting to that specific tank or technology. So will there be development of Mammoth Mk.II as a playable vehicle in IA? Unfortunately no.

4. Mental Omega and Twisted Insurrection are a league in their respective game, if I am going to implemant those units and gameplay design I would have to approach them for permission. For your information, I did once approach Carnius, the founder of Tiberium Essence to help developed TE for Renegade under the name called Tiberium Epoch, only GDI buildings with interiors were ever complete. Soon this development came to a stall as Carnius do not have time for Tiberium Essence let alone another Renegade project Tiberium Epoch.

5. The current build in game was a build in 2016 and many changes has been made over time, that was when naval units were in the stage to be overhaul, it was not able to meet is release date and eventually been push until even today is yet to be release, due to many changes such as different ships size, scales and the complexity of setting it up. Most of the current maps in the game are outdated and are still in a progress of overhauling to look visually as good as Infinite Isle and Suspense.

Edited by Kaskins
Typo mistake of "bot" when is "both"
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Hi @KevinLancaster, thank you for pointing out the issue regarding Calico magazine, rest assure it is fix in the next build. ( Default animation where weapons reload go down the screen due to I need to save time for something more important, as animating reload can take a very very long time ).

As for the controls settings, I will get back to you as I have to ask the respective person in charge of it.

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@Kaskins hey man,yes another question time,and this might be helpful

1,you guys should made a tutorial room,you know teach or give the player a chance to be familiar with the control of this game instead join a game with bliend knowledge of what to do(ps:i glade i play the og Renegade before or other wise i will be so lost)

2,since you sayed this game time set  in Late Tiberian dawn before the Tiberian Sun,still gone ask,why?why don't go wild(you may not like hear this,but i  really don't care the balance issue,i just want this game has much more  vechile,character,weapon,map,other cool stuff as Possible )

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Hi @s1203544961, as a game designer and a modder myself I wanted to strive a balance in stuff, well balance as in things that player will find it and enjoy it, there are a few principles behind in term of what game design is and above all, how do you make fun for the players?



1. The tutorial room is something that I and Dblaney do not have sufficient resource do work on it, I wish I have time for it but some player's learn it fast and some are slow. Eventually it takes time for them to adept.

2. I did enter into this area as pumping out models and different vehicles. Balancing issue is of a concern but there is no perfect game that is balance unless both side is mirror, even some scenario mirror case there are balance issue. I try to make what is enjoyable for the player. I cannot go wild as I still think renegade is unique and I wanted to explore the era between Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun, applying a lot, random units without a designed or lore direction will become a disaster. Each unit in game are carefully designed to fit certain role and roughly was in the timeline. Going this direction has a conflict with the principles and my understanding of how Interim Apex ( C&C Universe lore ) goes. Do note this is NOT an allstar mod although a lot of people see it that way.

There are no C&C 3, RA3 ( there is 1 inspiration of Athena cannon but is more of a Juggernaunt in Tiberian Sun designed ) and C&C 4 units design.

For example. SU-100 and ISU-122 exist as a concept in RA2 called Soviet Tank Killer, to reach that Soviet Tank Killer concept a tank got to go through different stage of development. Most of the units in game were based or tie around the C&C Timeline.

You may try to push in Easter eggs or some tanks but not too significant that impacts the gameplay. Who knows you might find Lemon Russ or BattleTanX in it. Perhaps  😛

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hey man @Kaskins , question time again ,and is a very important question

1,while i was fine with the timeline you set in,but it will become uninterested over time,you guys will need add new stuff,but the timeline you set is a problem,so maybe,just maybe,if you guys need to update this game,maybe add another  series to Continue this game?(you know something   like Soviet from red alert vs the Nod,you know like crazy random faction 1v1,2v2 or just free for all faction fight )if so,then i have some cool name for this update version :)

Interim Apex:time storm

Interim Apex:time Paradox

once again,LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!

2,why don't creat warhammer 40k game.that will be cool as fuck,i mean you guys nail this game good,you should have the ability to do it right


Edited by s1203544961
have more idea
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a couple things about interim Apex I was wondering if would be addressed. I understand a lot of things are out of balance but for a very weird reason I like it a lot like that and it’s interesting to counter things. The 36 Inch mammoth is incredibly OP but it forces your team to come together and get creative and also makes it more important to not lose. With that said the stuff below are things i’m Really not liking with in the game

- The Orca is incredibly hard to kill and the rockets absolutely rape anything. There is ZERO negatives about it besides it’s $2,500 which can even be seen as a positive. 

- The Nod Super Heavy Tank main cannon is balls out useless unless you’re ramming into something. The secondary shot also doesn’t make a lot of sense. Compared with the 36 Inch Mammy it’s a hard buy for me..

- The Pioneer has an upgraded Repair gun and the sapper does not. Mk. I vs Mk. II

- The obelisk and AGT guns just need to go away. 

- Please change the “drop all your weapons” key to something other than P. Whenever I type in !wep really fast I sometimes drop everything. 

- Viceroid Spam is annoying.

- horn and charge should be added back to chat sounds

- Airdrop all mammy 36 inch please

- Grizzly tank damage is laughable

- ZS7 Piony Nukes should have a bit more spread or do a bit more damage against 36 inch mammoth tanks. Currently they are in range of the 36 inch mammoth and killed easily for 6000. 




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On 10/14/2018 at 4:23 PM, s1203544961 said:

hey man @Kaskins , question time again ,and is a very important question

1,while i was fine with the timeline you set in,but it will become uninterested over time,you guys will need add new stuff,but the timeline you set is a problem,so maybe,just maybe,if you guys need to update this game,maybe add another  series to Continue this game?(you know something   like Soviet from red alert vs the Nod,you know like crazy random faction 1v1,2v2 or just free for all faction fight )if so,then i have some cool name for this update version :)

Interim Apex:time storm

Interim Apex:time Paradox

once again,LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!

2,why don't creat warhammer 40k game.that will be cool as fuck,i mean you guys nail this game good,you should have the ability to do it right


Hi @s1203544961

Well the timeline currently I fixed with it and have no current plans to expand further. Many video games out there has a fixed timeline, I have no plans to expand the timeline as I have no resource of doing so, do note that this is the mod/standalone game it took me years to make. I will be working on another game ( part of my job in real life ) which I will in then spend less time on Interim Apex. Until I completely overhaul all the stuff, as you may have know I have at least 15 maps to overhaul and 1 map to overhaul map took as long as 5 months depending on the scale and size but Infinite Isle took me 8 months + ( with optimization, VIS, consideration of sapper and building area, naval units implemantation, potential aircraft stuff and many more ).

I am currently the only sole developer for level design, dblaney help me out with scripts and let me understand of certain stuff, sometimes he did contribute certain things.

Do note it is a mountain for me to climb.

2. I eventually canceled it, due to many things i notice over moddb.com where a lot of Warhammer 40k universe mods has stopped due to Games Workshop intervention based on what I was told. Games Workshop has a strict policy of using their universe and lore unless you acquire their license which I presumed can be very expensive after conversion rate ( 1 USD = RM 4.30, an average beginner staff earn about RM2000 per month without inclusion of tax, EPF and so on ), also Renegade or my mod is not something i would make money out of it. So yeah.

Another thing is that I lack the knowledge of creating custom model characters, animating for renegade characters, weapon animations, LOD ( Hate to do it ), lightmapping ( my 3dsmax will crash ) and many more, although I know generally about Renegade and how it works doesn't mean i know everything. Each game or video game engine had a limitations or a ceiling, if you have a source code you can push the ceiling higher but unfortunately we at W3DHub do NOT process the source code of W3D engine 100%..


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5 hours ago, Threve said:


a couple things about interim Apex I was wondering if would be addressed. I understand a lot of things are out of balance but for a very weird reason I like it a lot like that and it’s interesting to counter things. The 36 Inch mammoth is incredibly OP but it forces your team to come together and get creative and also makes it more important to not lose. With that said the stuff below are things i’m Really not liking with in the game

- The Orca is incredibly hard to kill and the rockets absolutely rape anything. There is ZERO negatives about it besides it’s $2,500 which can even be seen as a positive. 

- The Nod Super Heavy Tank main cannon is balls out useless unless you’re ramming into something. The secondary shot also doesn’t make a lot of sense. Compared with the 36 Inch Mammy it’s a hard buy for me..

- The Pioneer has an upgraded Repair gun and the sapper does not. Mk. I vs Mk. II

- The obelisk and AGT guns just need to go away. 

- Please change the “drop all your weapons” key to something other than P. Whenever I type in !wep really fast I sometimes drop everything. 

- Viceroid Spam is annoying.

- horn and charge should be added back to chat sounds

- Airdrop all mammy 36 inch please

- Grizzly tank damage is laughable

- ZS7 Piony Nukes should have a bit more spread or do a bit more damage against 36 inch mammoth tanks. Currently they are in range of the 36 inch mammoth and killed easily for 6000. 




Hi Threve, every build I made and release there WILL be and DELIBERATELY I will break 2-6 stuff in making something of an overpowered. But this thing of preventing player's from abusing it it will be patch out bi-weekly to monthly before player's adept it. Unfortunately it has come to my understanding the player base in w3dhub IA launch are different from the one I played in Renegade, In Renegade all the player's finally adept and learn all the units after playing the same build for 3 years straight, for them to finally find something overpowered and abuse it. 😶

Trust me when I said after 3 years later they finally get Phase Tank + Melta Combo, but before that always get technician and stealth tank and complain. 🤣

There is a reason I started doing this since the build of G ( Gamma series ) and continue on to E series ( Epsilon ).

EDITED : Forget about orca aircraft thing,  I think your refering to Orca Fighter? Yeah the aircraft battle has been overhaul in the 2018 build.

I guess I'll have to find other solutions to this.😘

Most of the things that you brought up has been rectified in the 2018 build which I set to be release roughly 9 weeks from now.

The T-35 super heavy tank is bugged has been rectified but I haven't made any update to here.

The Pioneer repairgun I may have to take a look, it should be Mk.I Improved instead of Mk.II

The obelisk and AGT gun is currently can be a random powerup pickup, it has been in for many years and I would need to bring up to dblaney and reconsider this, but is a reward for player who has proficiency to use it. Sometimes 1 man army can wipe out the entire base defenses if he/she knows how to use it.

The current drop weapon can be use !drop command or press "o" or "p".

The visceroid spam is something if raveshaw mutant, or harvester dies spawn a neutral visceroids, depending on how you use it. It can be a potential allies for one moment and an enemy after that. Due to how the old map was design I do not have tiberium flora for the visceroid to grow or appear so I make it spawn out of thin air, yes I know it maybe cheap in 2018 but hey is a 2001-2002 video game.

On some maps, visceroid can be a nuisance to the player team after sometime if that particular team do not take out the nest. So this give choices to the player, take them out risk yourself enemy fire or let it be?

Horn and Charge was removed due to many complains of how annoying it was and I think is for the best.

Umm No, the reason I design the big weapon factory is for the 36 inch to be able to build from it, in E1.0 all aircrafts will NOT be able to carry anything as big as a mammoth tank, only certain vehicles can be airlifted and in a restricted way due to how abusing and game breaking they can be.

Grizzly Tank is something I wanted to remove. But when I announced to remove it some player's said leave it, is a vehicle to get from point A to B, in Renegade you cannot make everyone happy. You can make the most out of it, but I will take a look at the vehicle again. I thinking of removing Grizzly and replace it with TAM tanks.

Pion Nuke has a very large splash radius which causes many uproar by the players before, I decided to reduce it splash damage as many player's find it overpowered.


Last but not least, please bear with me until 2018 build will set to be release roughly 9 weeks from now

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6 hours ago, Kaskins said:

Hi Threve, every build I made and release there WILL be and DELIBERATELY I will break 2-6 stuff in making something of an overpowered. But this thing of preventing player's from abusing it it will be patch out bi-weekly to monthly before player's adept it. Unfortunately it has come to my understanding the player base in w3dhub IA launch are different from the one I played in Renegade, In Renegade all the player's finally adept and learn all the units after playing the same build for 3 years straight, for them to finally find something overpowered and abuse it. 😶

Trust me when I said after 3 years later they finally get Phase Tank + Melta Combo, but before that always get technician and stealth tank and complain. 🤣

There is a reason I started doing this since the build of G ( Gamma series ) and continue on to E series ( Epsilon ).

EDITED : Forget about orca aircraft thing,  I think your refering to Orca Fighter? Yeah the aircraft battle has been overhaul in the 2018 build.

I guess I'll have to find other solutions to this.😘

Most of the things that you brought up has been rectified in the 2018 build which I set to be release roughly 9 weeks from now.

The T-35 super heavy tank is bugged has been rectified but I haven't made any update to here.

The Pioneer repairgun I may have to take a look, it should be Mk.I Improved instead of Mk.II

The obelisk and AGT gun is currently can be a random powerup pickup, it has been in for many years and I would need to bring up to dblaney and reconsider this, but is a reward for player who has proficiency to use it. Sometimes 1 man army can wipe out the entire base defenses if he/she knows how to use it.

The current drop weapon can be use !drop command or press "o" or "p".

The visceroid spam is something if raveshaw mutant, or harvester dies spawn a neutral visceroids, depending on how you use it. It can be a potential allies for one moment and an enemy after that. Due to how the old map was design I do not have tiberium flora for the visceroid to grow or appear so I make it spawn out of thin air, yes I know it maybe cheap in 2018 but hey is a 2001-2002 video game.

On some maps, visceroid can be a nuisance to the player team after sometime if that particular team do not take out the nest. So this give choices to the player, take them out risk yourself enemy fire or let it be?

Horn and Charge was removed due to many complains of how annoying it was and I think is for the best.

Umm No, the reason I design the big weapon factory is for the 36 inch to be able to build from it, in E1.0 all aircrafts will NOT be able to carry anything as big as a mammoth tank, only certain vehicles can be airlifted and in a restricted way due to how abusing and game breaking they can be.

Grizzly Tank

Pion Nuke has a very large splash radius which causes many uproar by the players before, I decided to reduce it splash damage as many player's find it overpowered.


Grizzly Tank = Fair enough

The current drop weapon can be use !drop command or press "o" or "p" = There is no way to turn it off from the hotkey p. Everytime I type !wep fast i accidently hit p which drops my weapons. Can you reassign this key away from p or make it customizable?

The obelisk and AGT gun is currently can be a random powerup pickup, it has been in for many years and I would need to bring up to dblaney and reconsider this, but is a reward for player who has proficiency to use it. Sometimes 1 man army can wipe out the entire base defenses if he/she knows how to use it. = The other 39 Players in game (particularly me) find it annoying to not be able to do jack when a competent person has it. There is nothing fun about someone hiding in a cave taking out 3 vehicles in the span of 30 seconds.

Orca Fighter = I was refering to this thing. It can 1 hit inf, hard as fuck to hit, strong ass armor, annihilate any vehicle

Mammy Airdrop. The reason I bring this up is the map with the classical music in a cave. I forgot what it was called has the 36 inch mammoth getting stuck out of the War Factory. 

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22 hours ago, Threve said:

Grizzly Tank = Fair enough

The current drop weapon can be use !drop command or press "o" or "p" = There is no way to turn it off from the hotkey p. Everytime I type !wep fast i accidently hit p which drops my weapons. Can you reassign this key away from p or make it customizable?

The obelisk and AGT gun is currently can be a random powerup pickup, it has been in for many years and I would need to bring up to dblaney and reconsider this, but is a reward for player who has proficiency to use it. Sometimes 1 man army can wipe out the entire base defenses if he/she knows how to use it. = The other 39 Players in game (particularly me) find it annoying to not be able to do jack when a competent person has it. There is nothing fun about someone hiding in a cave taking out 3 vehicles in the span of 30 seconds.

Orca Fighter = I was refering to this thing. It can 1 hit inf, hard as fuck to hit, strong ass armor, annihilate any vehicle

Mammy Airdrop. The reason I bring this up is the map with the classical music in a cave. I forgot what it was called has the 36 inch mammoth getting stuck out of the War Factory. 

Hi Threve.

You may go into options ( Esc ) and under extended options. Look at Drop and Drop all, you can customize your custom keys. I was inform by Dblaney about this and here you go.

I will still have to discuss to Dblaney about AGT and Obelisk gun ( Obelisk gun has a cool down ).

Orca Fighter has been rectified in the next build. I do not have the changelog as I may have lost tract in the 2 years development but rest assured the following build after the next build will have.

I'll take a look and go through each map for the 36 inch mammoth tank.

For those who ask and wish to bring up comments and stuff, I thank you as you care for Interim Apex and I appreciate it. I and the W3Dhub team hopes to provide a wonderful and enjoyable experience for you all.

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8 hours ago, Kaskins said:

Hi Threve.

You may go into options ( Esc ) and under extended options. Look at Drop and Drop all, you can customize your custom keys. I was inform by Dblaney about this and here you go.

I will still have to discuss to Dblaney about AGT and Obelisk gun ( Obelisk gun has a cool down ).

Orca Fighter has been rectified in the next build. I do not have the changelog as I may have lost tract in the 2 years development but rest assured the following build after the next build will have.

I'll take a look and go through each map for the 36 inch mammoth tank.

For those who ask and wish to bring up comments and stuff, I thank you as you care for Interim Apex and I appreciate it. I and the W3Dhub team hopes to provide a wonderful and enjoyable experience for you all.

Thank You and you guys very much. The game is great!

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