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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

If they were concerned about ChopBam redirecting, they would have to be among the people redirected N1, otherwise they couldn't be aware of the risk.

Alternatively, maybe ChopBam can't cause scum to kill each other, but will cause the kill to fail if it lands on scum.

Neither FRAYDO nor myself were actually redirected, either, because everything we intended to do happened.  We weren't even aware he was a redirector until today.

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1 minute ago, Shade939 said:

There's also the possibility that a player might not be informed if someone tried to kill them and failed.

I don't know how Jeod does it, but I usually only notify a player if it makes sense. If they are BP, then they'd know because they're BP is used up or activated. If somebody was guarding them they might not know.

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4 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

I don't know how Jeod does it, but I usually only notify a player if it makes sense. If they are BP, then they'd know because they're BP is used up or activated. If somebody was guarding them they might not know.

One probably example would be if someone tried to NK Nodlied, since he's a bit weird in the fact that he's hiding in an item.

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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I wouldn't suggest him to shoot anyone at this point. I don't understand why he and other people have been in such a hurry.

I would very much like him to shoot whoever is passing out those cursed videotapes at least, the more of them there are the greater the likelihood of them killing someone.

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3 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

That means you bought an item that cost 3 coins.

I'll be honest, I haven't been keeping track very well. All I know is that during our discussion, Shade mentioned that I couldn't "afford" certain things, which made me assume I had 2. I know I bought the Medkit, and I know it cost 2 coins. So yeah, I erred.

2 hours ago, Shade939 said:

Still Cyrano Jones, but the cartoonist version.

Called it!

2 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

Killing You claims ghost mason which doesn't make sense for Piccolo.

The action is, in fact, called "Fuse." I take the player and put them into my subconsious as they die. Hence why I have to be their on the night that they are killed; if I miss or they're lynched/daykilled, no dice.

2 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

He also has Regeneration and a daykill yet Shade claims he purchased a Medkit?

Related image

I have my reasons, some of which I talked out with Shade.

2 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Skimming through, and there's something I don't like already. Do we know that Irish can't be scum? I don't think I've seen anything like that. And yet he's posting like he's completely confirmed to all of us.

Yeah I'm not particularly on Irish's side here.

2 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

You really don't...

Yeah, you really don't.

1 hour ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

If KY is town, I'd like him to save his kill for a little bit. We also don't know his alignment or if his kill does anything special for him if he takes out a target.

It doesn't do anything special for me.

6 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I wouldn't suggest him to shoot anyone at this point. I don't understand why he and other people have been in such a hurry.

In my case, it's impatience, lack of concrete information, and feeling like I'm backed against a wall. I tried using it yesterday since Irish told us that the lynch wouldn't work.

2 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I think perhaps the plan to store the tapes in the vault may prove effective enough, unless passing to the vault is either not possible or doesn't change the effect.

If it's not possible, like I said, pass them to me. Either I'll tank the shot, or they might get automatically transferred to the Vault upon my death.

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Then if we consider it's an action, I have this quickly put together list of actions off the top of my head

Cat5 - targeted iLTS, TIM, supported by both
Chop - N1 actions possibly faked, N2 ???
FRAYDO - targeted Orange, ???, first action supported
iLTS - targeted FRAYDO, Shade, second action supported
KY - ???
Nodlied - ???
Orange - claims no targets, can't prove
TIM - targeted self, self, can't prove
Shade - targeted Cat5, KY, supported by both

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Oh, ok, right, and then TheIrishman supposedly to KY, though TheIrishman didn't say anything about being redirected, is that right?

It does seem like TheIrishman would be the most likely of those three, although I don't consider KY and ChopBam proven given that they can be faking the redirect

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