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AZ's YouTube Videos (skorvion.com)

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Your linked video certainly has relevance here.

There is a barrier to entry in regards to creating ideas and bringing them to life on a platform like W3D or Unreal or whatever. The initial steps of entering unknown territory - unknown tools, working environment, standards, and missing knowledge all create a high-pressure situation that most people quickly want to walk out of. This is a perfectly natural human response, most of us don't deal well with such things. The problem originates from stepping into these situations blindly, without assistance, and without support - as you say.

The problem is often compounded by other people sharing these negative experiences, which then creates an echo-chamber within your head which basically serves to reinforce that "this is hard, and everyone else thinks so too". You're left with a wish to create, but no means to pull it off. 

So yeah, you put a different light on an old issue. You speak about it from an angle most people don't really consider, but I think it is a good idea that you try to highlight it. It might, as you say, 'unblock' some people into trying something again... Hell, I know several W3D projects are literally begging for more environmental artists, so it's not like the whole 'job' is unwanted!

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3 hours ago, Raap said:

Your linked video certainly has relevance here.

The other videos are somewhat relevant as well, just not as directly. I do what I can to make the end value a bit universal, so whatever you're struggling with or could use a different angle for, the information beneath is available to you.

What's important is that the activity or game or software is secondary. What it's really about is your personal growth and giving a person some extra tools to strategize with and feed those creative desires with inspiration and the drive that might be having some trouble staying on course at times. It's not easy to strive for something in environments where the habitual negative responses of other people bring you down instead of uplifting you further, and that's just one little part of the whole experience I do my best to shed some light on.

So I'm very grateful to be able to provide anyone interested with a boost of some sort, anything that will enrich them in whatever way is most fitting to the situation at hand and assist in developing that fire inside that might have gone out or is having trouble burning brightly. That's what I intend to keep giving to the best of my current ability, so thanks for the meaningful and connected response Raap!

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This is definitely an interesting concept (the idea of using games to better yourself) and one that I wholeheartedly agree with. If you want some links on some game theory documentation so that you have more material to work with and discuss, I'd be more than happy to provide you with it. :) 

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1 hour ago, OWA said:

links on some game theory documentation

I'd appreciate any material you think I could find useful! Many thanks OWA!

The topics being covered are not only about games either, but also everything that connects to that theme - game dev, storytelling, productivity, creativity, lifestyle... There are many possibilities here and it's a very cool area to explore. I hope to provide as much value as I can with this to anyone who feels this type of thing resonates well with them!

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  • 1 year later...

- yes I'm alive
- 2019 took me hostage with serious life stuff
- launched a Discord server ( https://discord.gg/FwNPAeK )
- finally escaped 2019 and can continue making videos
- made a new video today (in spoiler tag below)
- started work on the next one

I'm getting more used to speaking into a camera and am forcing myself not to look at a script, so that I improve faster in speaking and presentation in the moment. My body still reacting to "being-on-camera stress" is bugging me, but I can see improvements in how I feel and act. For those unaware, I initially had a big fear of uploading videos of myself online and am working on growing past all that. I don't have a better camera and microphone, so apologies for the image and sound quality.

If anyone here likes this type of content, please let me know. I appreciate it.


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Just published another video. Doing my best to make up for lost time.

I really appreciate any comments, likes or shares on the videos themselves. It would help me out a lot if anyone feels my content holds adequate value. Thanks everyone!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wanted to start this fresh new decade by going back to my roots, so I made a tiny video featuring the moment I knew I'd be working with games and fictional worlds. It was mind blowing when I first saw it growing up, and all of you have played through it probably countless times if you're into TS as much as I am.


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  • 1 month later...

I just published what I'm calling an inspirational review of Tiberian Sun. :)
If it resonates well with any of you, please consider leaving a comment on YouTube or give it a bit of exposure if possible. I would appreciate it very much! Thank you!


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  • 2 months later...

The quality of your video editing skills are outstanding. Your attention to detail, your timing, the tone and cadence of your voice matched up with the visuals on the screen, frankly, it's outstanding.  It was as if for a moment, I had completely forgotten just how old the series is, how outdated the content is, how old everything is.

Your perspective offers such a refreshing appeal to the series as a whole. Watching some of these videos has seriously inspired me to play through Tiberian Sun and Firestorm again, not just for the sake of destroying some AI enemies, but to pay attention to the little details added into each mission.

No longer will I think, "Oh no, Artillery is bombarding me!" Instead, I now think, "I wonder what made the producers of the game decide to attack with artillery in this instance? What strategy were they hoping I would employ to counter this?"

You are a treasure, AZ.

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2 hours ago, Rabbit said:

The quality of your video editing skills are outstanding...

Thanks! I've put a lot of heart into the videos, and hopefully it shows.

I'll take the rest of your input as good-intended encouragement. So thanks! I really appreciate it.

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4 minutes ago, GaryOak said:

I was surprised and hooked by your creative, video editing and storytelling skills.

Hey thanks a whole bunch for the kind words! I'm happy you found some value in what I've created so far. Thank you!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, AZ-Stalker said:

Just uploaded another video. This one is a little bit different, more of a self-insert story kind of thing, for anyone watching.

Watched it! This one is quite a bit deeper or more emotional and philosophical than your normal videos. I'm wondering if there's a political message in it somewhere, considering recent events.

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5 hours ago, GaryOak said:

This one is quite a bit deeper or more emotional and philosophical than your normal videos.

It's multi-layered in meaning, but simple in execution on screen. You can take it as you understand it through your own perspective.

5 hours ago, GaryOak said:

I'm wondering if there's a political message in it somewhere

How so? I'm curious. I've gotten a few people telling me they understand the video each in different ways, but luckily with similar conclusions that were intended.

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That video just inspired me to create something, not sure what. Keep up the good work 👍🏻.

On a side note: I Strangely find myself relating to the fictional lone medic. Existentially speaking, A created being wanting to create.

@GaryOak The only political message I could see is possibly the dream of a utopian society (although I am too cynical from my retail experience to believe the general public could reach the progressivist goal of utopia)


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8 hours ago, Raptor29aa said:

That video just inspired me to create something, not sure what. Keep up the good work 👍🏻.


Thank you! That's really great to hear!

8 hours ago, Raptor29aa said:

@GaryOakThe only political message I could see is possibly the dream of a utopian society (although I am too cynical from my retail experience to believe the general public could reach the progressivist goal of utopia)

The only utopia that could potentially exist is one that isn't a utopia. Being in a utopian state implies that it has reached peak development, which cannot happen because knowledge and evolution both in humans and the infinitely wider world is in a state of constant change. I don't believe that there is a point where you know everything or have everything always figured out as it stretches in size to infinity. The only version of a utopia that could be applicable is "a flawed one" that would be based on constant change with good intent, but that is very subjective. You can only ever get closer and closer to something like that, but never reach it as it has no fixed state. That's my general take, although this is a more complex topic that I'm unable to do justice with a single post.

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On 10/1/2020 at 9:10 AM, AZ-Stalker said:

It's multi-layered in meaning, but simple in execution on screen. You can take it as you understand it through your own perspective.

How so? I'm curious. I've gotten a few people telling me they understand the video each in different ways, but luckily with similar conclusions that were intended.

I was mostly just wondering if there was one, I didn't directly see one in it, I guess. 


On 10/2/2020 at 1:48 AM, Raptor29aa said:

That video just inspired me to create something, not sure what. Keep up the good work 👍🏻.

On a side note: I Strangely find myself relating to the fictional lone medic. Existentially speaking, A created being wanting to create.

@GaryOak The only political message I could see is possibly the dream of a utopian society (although I am too cynical from my retail experience to believe the general public could reach the progressivist goal of utopia)


Well said raptor!

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