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Greetings, in this way i want to announce upcoming campaign I am working on. I called it [Tiberium Resurrection] - it tells story after Nod mission Sheep's clothing (where Nod undercover as GDI mass-murdered mutants and captured Tratos), so the relationship between GDI and Mutants is really bad. It will contain 3 missions for now (maybe i will add more later), few multiplayer / skirmish maps and some changes to environment (New tiberium type, paved cliffs -  thanks to Holland.) It is not complete yet, however now I can tell that map will not be very big but there will be many triggers, and so i recommend you actually checking every black tile for text speech, bonus money or maybe something else :) . I will update  this topic so you can see my progress and maybe some screenshots soon. I want to release first mission in november. Also, if you have any suggestions / requests / wishes  / feedback, etc. just reply. Thats all for now, have a good day. 


the Prologue

  • Map progress: 100%
  • Trigger(s) progress: 100%
  Reveal hidden contents

Propaganda Forecast

  • Map progress: 100%
  • Trigger(s) progress: 100%
  Reveal hidden contents

City Cleansing

  • Map progress: 35%
  • Trigger(s) progress: 15%
  Reveal hidden contents

the Final Battle

  • Map progress: 
  • Trigger(s) progress: 
  Reveal hidden contents


Fields of Insurgency (2-4 players)

  • Map progress: 100%

Islands of Destruction (2 players)

  • Map progress: 100%

Tiber River (2-5 players)

  • Map progress: 90%

LAUNCH TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9j5Cz6IZOQ

OFFICIAL POST: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9186-wip-tiberium-resurrection/

OFFICIAL DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwRerrV

DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8zyy6ewoayh1wrv/Tiberium_Resurrection_5.0.zip/file

MODDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberium-resurrection

Do not forget to report bugs and share your opinions about this project!

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  • 4 weeks later...

3 000 views on cncnet, 1 600 views on ppmsite and 150 views on other sites
Thank you very, VERY much for being with me. I would never get this far without you! New skirmish map for [TIBERIUM RESURRECTION] - "Islands of Destruction" is out! NOTE: Never play this map with "destroyable bridges" OFF! Always turn it ON! 
Map-making of this map:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URVDHUCa6bI&t=19s
Gameplay premiere of this map:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM0grsxVln4

Have a good day and wonderful summer holidays! I am going to take a break from Tiberian Sun for a few weeks. See ya in August!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/28/2019 at 3:47 PM, Threve said:

Great to see 20(21) years later people still Modding Tiberian Sun! Keep up the good work and congratulations so far! Can’t wait to play.


Thanks :) I hope you will like it.

  On 7/28/2019 at 3:47 PM, Threve said:

*C&C Valves Music Intensifies* 


Fun fact: I was thinking about adding this Valves remix into the mod. Author already agreed, so maybe...

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  On 7/28/2019 at 4:26 PM, LucasSK said:

Thanks :) I hope you will like it.

Fun fact: I was thinking about adding this Valves remix into the mod. Author already agreed, so maybe...


I say go for it. Though I prefer to have the original music as it will make the mission feel alot more of a mission rather than a mod, that is just me. Seeing how many people liked the video it seems to get good vibes all around and also will help breathe some new life into the game (something hard to do).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings Tiberian Sun fans! Those, who had been checking on this post regularly may know what is going to happen, but lets summarize it in a few sentences...

We are really close to reaching amazing 4 000 views on Cncnet post, which is spectacular! I will talk more about it once we reach it.

I recently finished HUGE part of the 2nd map - [NEVER-ENDING STORY] and I want to release it as we reach 4 000 views. Gameplay premiere from this map will be out this Saturday (7th September) at 18:00 (6PM) CEST, followed by map release. Be sure to check it out as I will reveal few secrets scattered across the new map. I will put link to premire here, once I have it recorded. 

See ya there :P 

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  • 1 month later...


Yes! It's here! 1st anniversary of Tiberium Resurrection

So... How I got into making this mod?

I was always obsessed with RTS games... I played every C&C game and some other RTS titles since I remember. It was 2016, when I discovered Ultimate Collection on Origin and immediately bought one. Since then, my obsession got worse :P... I re-played Tiberian Sun, Tiberian Dawn, Tiberium Wars, Renegade and partially Red Alert 2. At one point, I got bored again and started looking for some community creations (2017). Not long after that, I found Final Sun, later CnCNet, which I officially joined 27th December 2017. It was summer 2018, when I was going through some sh*t and TS was now my hobby, where I could relax. I decided to take it to the next level and started making plot for Tiberium Resurrection - my own mod. I just couldn't get it done right, so I spent a lot of time making different plots, stories and eventually maps. I decided to re-play Tiberian Sun and when I finished Nod mission Sheep's clothing, I got a plot which would take place after this mission and so I started making map for it. Not long after that, I finished the plot and announced it on CncNet on 31st October 2018. Since then, I have learned much more about map-making, modding and video editing than I could ever imagine, but I have still much to learn...

Alright... And what about the update?

I am currently working on an update 2.25. It will include 3rd soundtrack and 3rd skirmish map - TIBER RIVER. The name should be already known to you. It's river in Italy, where meteor with tiberium impacted the Earth and created madness for decades. Based on information I found about this river (from real world sources and tiberium universe), I will try to re-create it as best as I can. Constant fights between GDI and Nod, new tiberium liveform which came alongside with meteor, Rome and much more in this skirmish map for 2-5 players!

And at last... When will the update be released?

I can't tell you exact date, but it should be this year. I will inform you about progress occasionally.

Cheers :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...

5 000 views on cncnet, 4 300 views on ppmsite, 600 views on w3dhub and 500 views on cncnz

= 10 000 views

We recently passed amazing 10K views milestone which I really, REALLY did not expect this early :P. So, what have we already reached?

As every project, I started at 0. Since then, Tiberium Resurrection:

  • reached more than 10 000 views on Forums
  • reached more than 1 300 views on YouTube
  • got to 4 Forums
  • got channel on 5 Discord servers

And much more... but most importantly, I have had a great time making this mod :)


As a "reward" for reaching this milestone, I got 2 videos. 1st one reveals new logo for Tiberium Resurrection  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2adhq6PB-c) and 2nd one will show Mauler's strength against other in-game units (will be released soon, idea by lazygecko).

I have already prepared a "reward" for reaching 20K views. This one will be like no-other before, and even I am excited about it!

Cheers :P 

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Throughout this long journey, Tiberium Resurrection grew exponentially, but I spoke very little about all it's sites and places, where you can find it, so let's fix it!

You can find Tiberium Resurrection on all these forums:


PPM forumshttps://ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=46351&sid=7df13414974662fa936d5d2fd7d8f141



You can find Tiberium Resurrection on all these Discord servers:

OFFICIAL Discord: https://discord.gg/jwRerrV

CnCNet: https://discord.gg/CsQybQ9

CnCNet Creatives Hubhttps://discord.gg/XS493sx

Tiberian Sunhttps://discord.gg/RydcJqR

C&C + BFME Moddinghttps://discord.gg/WGcu4N6

C&C Mod Havenhttps://discord.gg/MBuCYTQ

You can download Tiberium Resurrection from here:



You can watch Tiberium Resurrection here:


Thank you for your support so far and don't forget to share / support Tiberium Resurrection everywhere you can. Cheers :P

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Tiberium Resurrection now has 8 developers!


  • Primary roles: Mapper, video editor
  • Secondary roles: Designer, modder, tester


  • Primary role: Modeler
  • Secondary roles: Modder, mapper


  • Primary role: Soundtrack maker
  • Secondary roles: Modder


  • Primary role: Grammar Revisor
  • Secondary roles: Mapper


  • Primary role: Tester
  • Secondary roles: 


  • Primary role: Tester
  • Secondary roles: 

No Strings Prd

  • Primary role: Story-wise person
  • Secondary roles: 


  • Primary role: Tester
  • Secondary role: Mapper

I am looking forward to co-operate with them, we will be a great team! :P

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Tiberium Resurrection 2.5 is going to be released on 22nd December!

Great, right? I am really excited to announce this update we all have been working on lately... Lets see what is new:

Map-related changes:

- re-worked briefings for all maps (read in main post above)!

- planned 1 more map, 1st map shortened into prologue, 2nd map now recognized as 1st!

- FULL version of 1st campaign map - Propaganda Forecast!

- 3rd skirmish map - Tiber River by @Hamed_Elite and @54VAGEW01F!

General changes:

- new ModDB page for TR!

- new SoundTrack - Alert & Awakened by @Holland!


- MediaFire and ModDB pages are now disables till the release of the update, sorry for inconvenience!

- the Prologue gameplay premiere on 21st December!

- want to see some pictures? Here you go! 

Propaganda Forecast



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6 000 views on CnCNet, 5 400 views on PPMforums, 800 views on W3DHub and 700 views on CnCNz

Thank you for your support! I hope you are excited about the update 2.5, so I decided to tell you more about its maps!:)

the Prologue:

This map should get player into the story and introduce new tiberium type. Beating this map is pretty easy and took me under 5 minutes. Bet you won't expect the ending :P. Me and my colleagues are currently testing the map. Gameplay premiere from this map coming 21st December!

Propaganda Forecast:

This map talks about Nod propaganda system and challenges player to destroy it piece by piece. The map is pretty big and it is not finished yet, but expected length should be approximately 1 hour. Map is hard, but gets easier over time as player gains more bonuses... 

Tiber River (2-5 players):

I'm trying to finish Propaganda Forecast as soon as possible, so this map may have to wait for the next update... The biggest challenge should be the map itself as I'm working on multiple triggers to make this interesting.

Oh, and here are some more screenshots!


PS: Map-making video is going to be out on 14th December! Cheers :P

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Looking good! I wanted to leave you an encouraging comment as it's clear that you're putting a lot of work and detail into the project.

I really appreciate the attention that's put on the update posts, the text layout and formatting for better readability, different shared content types (tutorials, videos, images) and all the little things you do to better promote the project and make it easy for us to follow along. It's very much appreciated and thank you for contributing to the W3D Hub forums in your own way.

I also like seeing aesthetically detailed and thought-out Tiberian Sun map landscapes that keep things atmospheric and memorable - so nice work on adding to the very creative TS modding scene!

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Thank you @Einsteinand @AZ-Stalker, appreciate it!

Map-making video from Propaganda Forecast is out! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzNimzF0ELw&t=

Gameplay premiere from the Prologue will be out on 21st December at 6PM (18:00) CET! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF19HwAz6mQ

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