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Kaiju CYOR Mafia [GAME OVER]


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39 minutes ago, Louis said:

I know I need to get better does anyone have some pointers, Cat5 totally threw me off

You know, you were far from the only player to be thrown off Category 5 you know.;)

Although in Category 5's case, he does have a distinct Town vs. Mafia meta he follows.

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9 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

I think a themed CYOR is much harder to balance and play. Take KY's flavor as mechagodzilla, it's an anti-Kaiju mech. The rest of us are Kaiju. There's going to be some kind of bias against him in the first place if he does a reveal versus someone like Louis revealing their character.

In an "anything goes" CYOR you have none of that and there's far more room for creativity. I'm guilty of this myself, but CYOR role abilities should also try to be more creative than just a reflavored role block (I think Cat5's role block item is very creative btw). I remember on a mafia forum over a decade ago I picked "co-mod" for my role and had a lot of fun with the unique goals and abilities I had. Even after all this time I still remember it. I don't remember the random CYORs where I get a one use day vig because I picked a superhero.

However, running those kinds of CYORs requires more players to signup than we've had in the typical CYOR or mafia game.

I wish I could go back and see those games. I'm trying to imagine how a co-mod role would work.

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Actually now that I look at the outline I have it's more like wildcard abilities. You have static roles like Mafia and Town but all the power roles are cards in a deck. You have a hand of five cards and spend each night playing a card, discarding to draw, and trading. Needs fleshing out for sure but I can see it being pretty unique (and spawning lots of Yugioh memes).

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21 minutes ago, Jeod said:

I wish I could go back and see those games. I'm trying to imagine how a co-mod role would work.

I had to help out with CVC, try to keep the number of players alive in town or mafia "even", iirc my goal was to extend the game to at least a certain day. So I'd have to try to scum hunt one day or get in town's way on another.

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Here, I'm not concerned about spoilers since it's a card game with plenty of RNG.




Mafia Roulette

A twist on classic mafia, Mafia Roulette uses a deck of cards composed of power roles, with the players as vanilla static roles to control them. There is still a typical day and night phase, however there is a smaller draw phase between them. The cycle is Day>Night>Draw. The number of cards each player starts with depends on the number of players in the game.

Instead of relying mostly on abilities to figure out who the mafia are, town players will also need to rely on player strategy—what actions a player takes and why. A town-aligned player may make more investigative plays, while as mafia-aligned player may focus more on destructive-style plays.

Static Roles

Each player is assigned a static role. These are usually vanilla roles with no static abilities, but a few static roles do have special abilities that the player keeps permanently. For example, a Traitor is a mafia-aligned static role that doesn’t have contact with their partners. A Card Cop can choose one player per night and view a random card in their hand.

Roulette Deck

The basic Mafia Roulette Deck consists of 52 cards—a standard game has 8 players who each begin with 5 cards, leaving 12 cards. Each time a player plays a card, it is discarded unless otherwise stated. When there are no cards remaining to draw, the discard pile is shuffled and becomes the draw pile.


If you'd like to help build it let me know.

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37 minutes ago, Jeod said:

Here, I'm not concerned about spoilers since it's a card game with plenty of RNG.

If you'd like to help build it let me know.

I'm going to be too busy for mafia by next Friday, and I don't think I'll be able to play again for a couple months. So if you need a second set of eyes on balance or for feedback and don't want to worry about spoilers, just let me know.

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34 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Gloating that I've won the game is kinda my thing (Remember my debut, and a few other times), so it's acceptable when it's me.

In that case having god-tier unique roles is acceptable when it’s me.

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On 8/1/2020 at 6:55 AM, Jeod said:

Here, I'm not concerned about spoilers since it's a card game with plenty of RNG.


If you'd like to help build it let me know.

Require multiple duplicates of a card in order to perform most actions.

That'll help keep the RNG aspect under control.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/9/2020 at 9:35 PM, Retaliation said:

Be honest FRAYDO, when was the last time you were completely screwed by RNG?

I thought about this long, and at the risk of invoking newfound RNG wrath, I cannot recall being completely screwed over by RNG. Thank you RNGesus!

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5 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

Oh, is this like legit acting work? Sounds like you're moving on up!

Haha yeah. It's still independent, but it's a massive project nonetheless.

Hope y'all don't mind the shameless promotion, but if you want to know more, here's the website: https://www.deadlegionseries.com/



Go get'em tiger!
- Regards,
You know which Dutch bastard   :v


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