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Showing most liked content on 02/09/2015 in all areas

  1. Texturing in GIMP: Don't. Find a copy of Photoshop. Use it.
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  2. These two statements are both incorrect. I'll explain why: 1. Cylindrical objects require a decent amount of polygonal detail to look less like rotating hexagons and more like the object they're meant to resemble. 2. Optimize is a decimation modifier. It's not going to clean up that geometry the way a human would. You'll quite likely get very shitty decimation of the model and it'll look as if someone took a weed whacker to it. You're better off manually removing loops. In Max 2013, click on one edge and hold shift, then click on an adjacent edge to select the loop. CTRL+Backspace to remove it and the vertices attached to it. 2014 and above: double click on an edge loop and CTRL+Backspace to remove it and the vertices attached to it. Shnappz: Here's one of my vehicles that shows you how I lay out my topology. You'll notice that my wheels have far fewer edge loops than yours do. You also need to work from reference material to really get a good feel for the geometry you're building.
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  3. Hello everyone, W3D Hub is happy to announce its first patch for TSR is going live today. Just download the Official W3D Hub launcher, click update and you are ready to play. We've decided instead of saving up material to ship out large patches, we are going to start releasing smaller patches but at a more frequent rate. So we are relying on you for your feedback. Tell us what you like, what you don't like, or what you would like to see changed and most importantly, have fun. TSR Patch - Reaper now heals in Tiberium - Rebalanced Officer and Cadre to not be clones of each other - Reduced splash damage and radius for Nod Rocket Trooper - Added experimental new Cyborg Reaper shotgun-web, let us know your thoughts on this - Added landing flags for helicopters - Technicians and Engineers can now repair vehicles (extremely slowly) in a pinch - Latest versions of TS_Dam and TS_Tiber from Timeuea - MRV can now target things beyond its weapon range, making it easier to see what needs repairing - Improved Orca flight physics - Misc. other balance tweaks and fixes Also keep an eye out we have alot of awesome updates coming your way.
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  4. The GDI Officer, when promoted to veteran rank, loses its AA launcher, leaving only its minigun and binocs. When promoted to elite, it gets its AA launcher back, but it shares the same weapon icon as the minigun (in the same weapon slot, too).
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  5. Nice to see a new patch but a few notes: -Apparently the Cyborg Commando is broken, it seems it's unable to restore to full health via refill -Nod Rocket Soldier supposedly broken, I have no idea on what's wrong but a few people ingame says so, so I'll leave that for them to elaborate. -Nod Light Infantry rifle position has changed... is this a cosmetic change or does it mean something that I'm unaware of? -Blockers removed in the tunnels on TS_Field, does this mean Wolverines and Reapers are allowed in? I'm going to be honest, the new Cyborg Reaper changes is just... Normally I would wait for a while but I did a few tests ingame and I am certain that the Reaper has effectively, if indirectly, nerfed. The new web whilst I am sure is WIP it barely functions at all. I'll bullet point my case. The web itself doesn't always root an enemy down, half the time it actually disappears Longer range does not benefit it at all because the web will never deploy at such a range You can no longer arc/guide your shot so you pretty much have to get up close, which just isn't possible** additionally terrain is now a problem when launching the web The removed animation from when the web deploys makes it harder to determine whether you have sucessfully rooted an enemy or not Web timer feels shorter(?) not sure on this since it's hard to tell due to the aforementioned reasons It seems the Reaper is subject to a huge bullet vulnerability** **I did a test ingame and the result is quite troublesome. A Riot Trooper was able to take me down to almost half health from medium-long range from just two shots on a small hill. I could not retaliate due to the problematic web. A Jumpjet destroyed me in about 3 or 4 clips, I can't remember the exact values but I'll gladly retest this as soon as I can but I am certain there's a problem. Also, Umagons can now damage Reapers again, luckily the damage is minimal but my point is that it feels like I should be afraid of infantry from now on. I'm not sure why it was changed (at least the web) in the first place? I feel that the old was just perfect as it was.
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  6. OpenRA has become very popular and is quite fun to play but sometimes nothing beats the original! I present to you Portable RA! To my knowledge (after scouring the interwebz), it is the most complete version of the original game. It has everything from "The Lost Files" video clips to the Ant Missions, the Aftermath, the Counterstrike missions...the list goes on. It also has some slightly higher quality models and other graphical modifications, including the ability to change the game resolution to something other than 800x600! It comes in two parts: The game, and the videos package. It also includes cnc-net5 integrated. Have fun!
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