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Showing most liked content on 01/22/2016 in all areas

  1. Patching you in, please standby... Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update As has been stated, development on Red Alert: A Path Beyond continues. In fact, Pushwall and the team have released a new patch based on your feedback! In this update you will see map adjustments, infantry, vehicle, and boat changes, several aesthetic improvements, and more! But that's just the short of it. Here's the long of it: Changelist GENERAL The damage nuclear weapons do to units has been nerfed significantly; infantry take 1/3 as much damage as before (which will still kill most of them unless they're on the edge of the weapon's range, but Volkov can now barely survive a point blank demo) and vehicles take half as much damage. INFANTRYThe Medic has a new weapon: The MP5-N sub-machinegun. Compared to the "semi auto" M16 he previously had, this reduces his killing power from afar due to its lower accuracy and range (max range is halfway between that of the pistol and the M16) but in close quarters it is essentially a PKM with slightly more stopping power in exchange for a considerably smaller magazine and slightly worse accuracy. As a result, he is much more useful in CQB situations (where he is most likely to be used). [The MP5-N was modeled by Ric, originally textured by The_Beerinator, and modified by Killing_You.] The Medic Kit's healing rate for armour is up from 0.5/sec to 1/sec. Half of the money you get for killing infantry is now given for damaging them instead. Fixed the points/money rewards for killing Sergeants/Thieves, which were 1% of what they should have been. Reduced movement penalties for the Shock Rifle. AI Snipers have 3 times the normal delay between shots, and 2 times the normal reload time. Grenadier splash radius up from 7.5 to 8. Flamethrower splash damage up from 25 to 27.5. Shock Rifle splash damage up from 5 to 7.5. VEHICLES Ranger price up from 500 to 600. Ore Truck price down from 1400 to 1000. Tesla Tank splash damage up from 15 to 20. Handling on Gunboat, Destroyer and Naval Transport has been improved. Depth charge "proximity" up from 17.5m to 25m. Attack Sub torpedo damage multiplier to buildings up from 0.1333 to 0.15 (a 12.5% increase) Attack Sub torpedo projectile speed up from 40 to 50. Destroyer rocket damage down from 80 to 75. Missile Sub rocket damage up from 40 to 42.5. Mine limit is up from 50 to 60. Each team cannot have more than 2 Demo Trucks on the field at once. Mammoth Tank's rate of fire is now equal to the Heavy Tank's. Ranger/APC guns have double the magazine capacity but they now mimic the damage/ROF of their handheld versions instead of just being better. Minelayers can carry a passenger. Supply Trucks, APCs, Naval Transports and Chinooks can now carry 6 people instead of 5. Added hud help text to Mobile Radar Jammer/MAD Tank explaining how to deploy/detonate. Mobile Gap Generator can no longer take a passenger since passengers screw with the bubble. BUILDINGS Dead Ore Silos can no longer be stolen from. Fixed Soviet Ore Silos having slightly less health than Allied ones. AESTHETICSThe Grenadier's frag grenade has an updated model and first-person animation. Fixed the Grenadier's blocky thumb. The Helipad's appearance has been altered to be more consistent with the Refill Pad, and its light animation now only plays when reloading a unit and not all the time. Fixed z-fighting on the first person M16. The "ghost" M16 now uses the new M16 model. Bullet casings, grenades and depth charges are now properly lit. Silenced Beretta has a smoke puff. Pistols have bullet casings now, and rifles have new ones. Mobile Gap Generator now has a funnel like the normal Gap Generator. A bunch of sounds have been enhanced: Tanya's Colt .45 firing Longbow engine Volkov's voice/handcannon switching/reloading/AP firing LST engine Tesla Tank/MRJ engine Mammoth Tank engine/firing Door sounds Light Tank engine/firing Phase Tank engine/firing AA Gun firing M60 firing Defenses rotating C4 ticking Gunboat firing/reloading Cruiser firing (Seamist) PERFORMANCEDecals on dynamic objects (like units and base defenses) have been disabled due to the crashiness and visual issues surrounding them. They may be reimplemented at a later date when they are more stable. MAP CHANGES RA_AS_Seamist: Allied unit composition has changed: Start with 1 less Light Tank and APC After 5 minutes, they gain 1 Medium Tank and APC by Chinook airdrop. In the LST drop, a Medium Tank and APC are downgraded to a Light Tank and Ranger. RA_AS_Seamist: Soviets now have a Service Depot by their Helipad. RA_Fissure: Removed Thieves and Mechanics from the purchase list. RA_Fissure: Timer shortened to 10 minutes. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Changed some things with the Chrono Vortex event. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Timer shortened to 12 minutes 30 seconds. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added a couple places for crates to spawn away from the control points. RA_GuardDuty: Allied ore tunnel and Soviet north mountain pass are now impassable to vehicles. RA_GuardDuty: Removed some overlapping water sounds. RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Minelayers now work, so the map shall be added back into the rotation! RA_PacificThreat: Flight ceiling is raised from 37.5m to 50m. RA_Pipeline: Added a Flame Tower/Pillbox to the WF side base entrances. RA_RidgeWar: Replaced the Tesla Coil with a Flame Tower. RA_RockTrap: Reduced the chance for health crates and added an MP5-N crate. RA_RockTrap: Added a couple places for crates to spawn away from the control points. Get to the launcher and grab this patch update. Be on the lookout for more updates, and see you on the battlefield!
  2. Since we don't have a topic to regale others with stories of our Command & Conquer pasts, I figured why not make one now, especially times that those matches made you laugh your ass off. For my most recent one; I just finished stomping five brutal AI in YR and had just wiped out the last base, but for some reason the match didn't end. This was on Bering Straights mind you with me in the #5 position and the bridge broken behind my base. Now, while I was looking around to see what I had missed, I noticed one of my units was somewhere I don't recall ordering it and it turns out to be a sniper moving to my base. Upon clicking it, I found that the enemy had one last spy to use and I wanted to see what it would do with this lone spy as it couldn't do anything really harmful to me now. Once its in the middle of my base, I notice it moving towards my barracks, when all of a sudden I hear a crunch and busted up laughing. That spy got crushed by a Chrono Miner on its way to an ore field.
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  3. Also it's possible that other games might have been released on the launcher in the meantime.
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  4. I work with this engine because it's fun and I enjoy it. The benefits of this engine are that it's pretty lightweight and easy to mod, providing that you're making a C&C AoW type game.
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  5. I think I can safely say that all of our projects are past the "half-way" mark as far as completeness. And how long did that take? If we started moving to another engine, we would not only be creating an ungodly amount of unnecessary work, but would likely be killing every project that made the move, because of the need to basically "start over". The RenX engine wasn't designed for the type of "C&C mode" gameplay capabilities that are inherently available in the W3D engine. If we moved, we would just have to hack up a different engine that we all know less about. Like raap said, new engines are best suited for new projects. This has been discussed many times just here in the last year, not to mention brought up numerous times at BHP as well when some of the projects were hosted there. The point of this place (the hub part) is for it to be a literal hub for all W3D projects. So we can all work together and not let projects fall to the wayside. Strength in numbers. We have something really special here. Not only do we have the largest collection of W3D projects that has ever existed all operating under one roof, but we also have the largest amount of still-active W3D engine developers here. In other words, at no other place can you find the number of "W3D people" that we have, as well as the potential that comes along with that. We all didn't come here just to switch engines guys. APB is the first to make it to a "released" state, but I do not expect it to be the last. We have something here that is more than just strength in numbers, and that thing is dedication and willingness from all the project leaders to see their projects through to completion. And I can say with 100% certainty that it is the support of the fans and players that keep them going. It drives them, quite literally. That is why at every opportunity I have, I encourage them or otherwise help out in any way that I can. Because them finishing their work on this engine is the shortest path to completion! I would like to encourage anyone that shares these feelings to do the same. Whether it be just being a loyal player of the game, or a tester, a content creator...whatever you can do, if we have a need then we'll use you. And all of us can drop an occasional encouraging word to the devs. I guarantee it will mean a lot. I'll get off my box now. I hope I have properly answered your question.
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  6. 1) playing red alert 1 like a boss way back in 98 2) played as Russia cus cheap units is boss 3) spam a crap ton of grenaiders cus grenaiders are broken as boss 4) attack the ground then attack on mini map where enemy builds are like a true micro boss 5) grinaides fly across map and 1 shot buildings like a boss 6) repeat process till win like a cheating boss with glitch abuse 7) mis clicked and killed entire grenadier army, not very boss like proceed to cry
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  7. This week we have new renders of the Allied Airforce Command HQ, a wooden surprise and a video of improved base defenses! Good day dear fans and welcome to the latest AR update! As you can see, these "blogs" are following each other faster than before. That's right! The train is rolling and we won't stop until release day. Actually, not even after that, as the game has a lot of potential and we want to explore it all! Now, onto the updates! More Airforce HQ screenshots Last time we presented the updated Airforce Command HQ's exterior and it's minor weakpoint. Now we'll reveal some screenshots of the interior and you can take a look at the major weakpoint! The underground part of the interior serves as a refueling area for Harrier jets and also hosts the lift controls. Yep, Harriers are built right here and will be pushed up to the surface when they are complete and fueled, a bit like how the Soviet War Factory pushes up ready units from the depths of its construction zone. Models and textures are WIP. The Harrier lift zone and the lift control room. The paradropping room's entrance behind the lift zone (USA only). Most buildings in AR have a major weakpoint. This acts very much like the Master Control Terminals in other W3D games, except that it is not the only repair-point for defenders (more on this in a future update). Nevertheless, destroying it will kill the parent building. The major wp in the ACHQ is the Harrier Missile Racks. We all know how Harriers pack a load of missiles that they hunt down enemy units with. Obviously, the building will need to store these missiles to arm and rearm Harriers. It "works very well" here as the major weakpoint, as the rockets contain explosive elements, so shooting them will set off a "bomb" that will take the entire building with it. The Harrier Missile Racks. Attack it with infantry from inside to kill the Airforce HQ. Crates... in the water?! Hands up anyone who didn't keep collecting crates in C&C games! It is such a classic element in RA2 too, that it just can't be skipped from its FPS conversion. So yeah, get ready to collect score, money, veterancy points and even free vehicles! That's right, in AR we already have crates that grant you a free vehicle if you are on foot and the game puts you inside it as well when you collect it. What else was a RA2 classic... hmm... oh yeah, crates in the water! Romanov, our resident inhouse 3d/2d pro artist has taken his hands on this duty. He has modelled both the land and the water version of the memorable RA2 crate, so we can all get them with tanks and... (yes!) ships! Though AR's first release will not have controllable naval units, we already have a few in our naval arsenal and they will be included in a later release. I myself can't wait for the RA2 style naval combat! Land crate and naval crate. Modelled by Romanov. Defenses that search for targets Have you ever met base defenses in W3D games before? You sure did. Did most of them look like zombies when inactive? Unfortunately, yes. One of the reasons the defense structures in W3D are boring is because it looks like their operating crew is asleep when there are no enemies around. Danpaul88 has finally come up with a solution to make them look alive. When idle, they will start looking around, like they were searching for targets to shoot at. Danpaul88's turret rotater scripts in action. Defenses finally look alive! Recruitment We are hiring new team members to fasten up AR's release! We require the following: 2 people for modeling AND texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 person for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 level designer 1 character artist 1 texturer (optionally unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you feel like contributing to the game and think you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you DON'T know if you have the skills, send us a pm and we can talk. If you'd like to help in areas not listed here, that is also welcome. To apply, just send me or One Winged Angel a personal message and tell us which position you want to apply for. Where can I learn how to work with W3D? Now I know a lot of people have absolutely no idea how to start or where to look when wanting to do level design or anything W3D, let alone help develop AR. Therefore I am planning to launch a 30-day W3D crash course starting in the following weeks. Everyone will be welcome to join in (even devs) and learn all the basics plus get some advanced knowledge of the engine. I've been working with it for 9 years now and I can tell you it's very entertaining to learn how everything works. From the moment you create your first map to the part where you work on your own standalone game. Details will be worked out and more info will posted in the coming weeks. Until then, we have a large tutorial database about all W3D if you are interested. Also please raise your hand if you would love to join the "school". Can I be a tester? You have no skills to develop the game, but want to contribute in another way? Have no fear, for W3D Hub has its tester positions open. We are in need of internal beta testers that find bugs and participate in balance tests, and also give their opinion in the latest features and updates. Testers have access to all games that W3D Hub develops. You can read more about applying here. End Thanks for stopping by. Check back later for more updates and remember, you can apply both for developer and testing positions! Tell your friends!
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