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Showing most liked content on 11/21/2016 in all areas

  1. [blurb]Come have a look at the new Apocalypse Rising November Update! Good things packed inside![/blurb] Welcome, comrades! As we near November we bring to you another Apocalypse Rising update! This month's update reveals the addition of a crucial structure, a weapon wielded by our dangerous Allied commando, and lastly, Deutschland's finest. Ore Purifier An advanced financial structure, the Ore Purifier refined ore and gems and increased the income of a Commander's base by 25%. This would allow the Commander additional funds with which to further build up their forces and train additional units. While originally an Allied structure, this economical advantage would break the balance between the Allied and Soviet teams. In Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising, the Ore Purifier will be a capturable neutral structure. Control of this structure is of great importance and can mean victory or defeat for your team! (The Industrial Plant may or may not also appear ingame as a capturable building, this is to be decided) Created by @Romanov. Sig Sauer The Sig Sauer, Special Agent Tanya's personal choice of sidearm. With a 15-clip magazine combined with her deadly precision, Tanya has mowed down entire enemy infantry battalions with this. We're trying our best to make this weapon dual wielded, but right now ingame it's a two hand-held pistol. Created by @Romanov. Dark metal is hard to pull off good but he nailed it again. Tank Destroyer Deutschland's finest. Available to Germany, the Tank Destroyer is an effective anti-armour unit. Armed with an advanced anti-tank cannon, the Allied Tank Destroyer can punch through Soviet armoured divisions with ease. However, its anti-armour specialisation makes it ineffective against enemy infantry and moderate against structures. Let's see who's tougher! Created by @Romanov. Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modelling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. Team Messages OWA: I am crazy busy at work! D: moonsense715: My brain is completely fried thanks to 9000+ tasks everywhere (W3DHub + RL). Other than that, bots are fun and create laughable situations FRAYDO: We're always taking tester applications! Apply today and get your hands on AR! Your feedback would be greatly appreciated! Einstein: I swear to Premier Romanov that there is an AR bot named MPRA2 but nobody believes me... I guess when the tests are this crazy and fun, the crazy rubs off! End See you next time
  2. MPRA2 Bot: Spamming chat with unnecessary anti-propaganda to reduce morale of team
  3. The votes are in! Thanks go out to those who voted. Moving forward now, let's determine our winners. In the events of ties, RNGesus has been consulted via RANDOM.ORG. W3D Hub Forums Favorite Admin/Staff/Moderator Einstein | x Pushwall | x x Jerad2142 | x x FRAYDO | x x moonsense715 | x A three-way tie! RNGesus, who wins this award? Winner: Jerad2142 Resident deer aficionado and Lead ECW Producer, Jerad2142 is a good pal to hang with in TeamSpeak and always has the best avatars for our Monthly Avatar Themes. Funniest User FRAYDO | x x Einstein | x DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr (Mackintoke) | x Silverlight | x x Voe | x x moonsense715 | x RNGesus, we call upon thee again! Winner: FRAYDO Ayy lmao. I want to graciously thank the Academy for awarding me with an Oscar the prestigious title of Funniest User. I love you all! Most Helpful User Einstein | x x x x x x moonsense715 | x Threve | x Winner: Einstein Whether you're in need of help on the forums, have computer problems, or just can't seem to figure out our launcher, Einstein is always there to lend a helping hand! Thanks for your constant community presence, Einstein! Biggest Spammer Silverlight | x MPRA2 | x Testament | x DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr (Mackintoke) | x x x x sammyd | x One Winged Angel | x Winner: DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr (Mackintoke) Sorry, my Canadian bro. Watch the language and improper references, and come down off that high sometime. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Best APB Player UncleGrandma | x Furs | x Voe | x Pushwall | x x Totd | x x RNGesus again for the tie-breaker! Winner: Pushwall There's an art to driving around in a Ranger and consistently taking MVP while maintaining an excellent K/D ratio, and Pushwall has mastered that. Oh, and he also is the Lead Developer of Red Alert: A Path Beyond. That could explain his skill too. Tactical Espionage Action forg0ten1 | x x x x x x x Silverlight | x Winner: forg0ten1 BY A LANDSLIDE! And no surprise either! No one does magical spying adventures better than forg himself. Expect spy shenanigans when he's ingame or you're losing your Mammoth Tank! Most Likely To Succeed Demo-Noob sammyd | x x x x delta | x x MPRA2 | x Sargeant | x Winner: sammyd Sorry, sammyd. Without question you have attained Most Likely to Succeed Demo-Noob. Always remember this: If the Allies are already in your base rushing through with tanks and your team is scrambling to defend, maybe it's not the best idea to buy a Demolition Truck. Bonus Nominations Best ECW Player Winner: Forget "THEY SENT HIM TO SAN CASINA, DESTINED TO FAIL. HOWEVER, WE FORGOT WE WERE DEALING WITH FORGET." Tactical Espionage Action (ECW) Winner: Fogbot No one's property is safe from Fogbot. When he's around, your valuables are now his. Idiot With Working Plans Winner: NoSoldier W3D Hub Elections - Conclusions and Results And that wraps up the elections, folks! Thanks for participating and enjoy the titles if you got 'em! Once again in listing the winners (not counting Bonus), or for those of who skipped down here instead: Favorite Admin/Staff/Moderator: Jerad2412 Funniest User: FRAYDO Most Helpful User: Einstein Biggest Spammer: DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr (Mackintoke) Best APB Player: Pushwall Tactical Espionage Action: forg0ten1 Most Likely To Succeed Demo-Noob: sammyd Cheers!
  4. The Tank Destroyer may have limited turret turning, but it's a ton of fun to drive and fire at enemies with. The textures on all the camo variants are beautiful, good job Romanov
  5. Instead of posting these elsewhere, updates regarding Siege will now be posted here. A quick recap on what Siege is. Siege is a map I created during Gamma development period of APB. Unfortunately due to several reasons, of which performance was the main reason, it never saw a public release. I will be reviving it now for Delta, and this does mean redoing large parts of the level. Here is what I posted about it in a recent thread: As a reminder, the reason I am working on Siege instead of the Fjord remake, is that the Fjord remake is an even bigger project that I need more time for, and I do not want to let down player expectations for it... Siege is my mid term solution so that I can still deliver a new piece of content within a more reasonable time frame. So, as a first teaser update, I've created this short video, showing the functionality of the medieval cannons. NOTE THAT THIS MAP IS IN EARLY DEVELOPMENT AND VERY MUCH A WORK IN PROGRESS! * Impact sound is missing from the video due to it not exporting in the mix file, I didn't notice until I uploaded the video. Expect more updates as development continues!
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  6. FRAYDO wins an RNG, that's funny
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  7. Little known secret, Jie. Word of mouth. Give it a shot sometime! And yes, I did try Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Unfortunately it would not update properly on the global rank settings nor give me the flag icon. For the best probably, 'lest we invoke the wrath of their venerable Chairman.
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  9. Push wall is a very capable artist. He will keep your vision intact. Also I will do a 31 demo salute in honor of your father.
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  10. If interested in a copy, PM me.
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