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Showing most liked content on 02/27/2017 in all areas

  1. [blurb]C&C Renegade turns 15 today! Come join us by celebrating the game that started it all, as we recall past battles and look back at the game's history.[/blurb] [thumb]custom_thumb_ren.png[/thumb] It's been 15 years since C&C Renegade was first released to the public! No matter what the critics say, this game is an incredible and unique experience that has only been matched by the mods that it has spawned. Without Renegade, this community wouldn't be where it stands today because the hours spent tinkering with modding projects has shaped the way that this community has grown over the years and brought us all together to make awesome things! Renegade is a game with an engine that still manages to keep surprising us and it's truly a fun engine to mod for. Hopefully we'll still be here in another 15 years time at W3D Hub to celebrate Renegade's 30th birthday. Every day the community for the original game gets smaller, but we hope to keep it's spirit alive for as long as we can. Here's to you old friend.
  2. Alright guys, I had planned to keep this little project under wraps a little longer, but in light of the current launcher issues, I have decided to let this thing out into the wild a little early. Disclaimer: This tool is in no way affiliated with W3D-Hub or its developers or staff (except for me because its mine). This tool is not intended to be a W3D-Hub launcher replacement, and by nature can not fulfill the role of a launcher because it is by design different. It is a connect tool. There is a difference. This tool is provided as-is with no warranty, express or implied. This tool is a work in progress, and is considered to be in a 'beta' state currently. In May of last year, I began working on a simple direct connect tool that would be compatible with Renegade and any other mod running on the W3D engine. It was a simple idea, and it didn't take me long to produce something tangible. This is the first version that worked (I think) and I completed it on May 30 (notice the version number). It fulfills the basic function of directly connecting to a server and thats it! Then someone said, "hey, why don't you add (X feature)..? That would be cool..". So I added (X feature). Then someone else said "hey, why don't you add (Y feature)..? That would be cool..". So with a little bit of feedback from a handful of people, I made some changes and reiterations, and had a few new ideas of my own along the way. Eventually, it actually started to look alright. The first few versions were pretty hideous, as you can see from that screenshot. I realized that I might actually want to make it look nice, so I enlisted the services of Isaac The Madd to design me a logo! Skipping forward several iterations, a few hundred lines of code, and hours of headbanging because I suck at coding, I finally had something that I was (almost) pleased with. Citizens of W3D-Hub and the rest of the Renegade modding world, I give you the W3D-Asterisk Connect tool beta version 0.31! I have done everything I can to make this tool flow with an easy-to-use design. Here is a short list of features: The tool will retain the last set of data that was used to connect to a server. It supports saving/editing/deleting multiplayer profiles, so you can keep an entry for every server you play on, and easily edit the info if it changes. It has an option to close the tool upon connection, or leave it open. It supports additional launch commands. (useful for developers) It has themes. (this is not really useful, but I thought why not make it look nice) Its better than a batch file Bugs.... As mentioned above, this version is being released because I feel like the community needs it, even though I'm not quite finished with it. There are a few things that aren't yet "right" about it, but instead of telling you, I'm going to let you tell me. PM me here with any bugs you find, or find my email in the help menu of the program (where it falsely says "version 1.0" because I had not intended on releasing this while still in beta). I hope some of you will find this useful, and I hope that the ones of you that do not find it useful will tell me what I can do to improve it! Here's the download already!
  3. Are you asking if the modification of Renegade you posted two videos of, somehow was to be merged into APB or TSR? Ignoring any ethical or design concerns, what you're asking is also very impractical. Anything used on Renegade is most likely not easily ported to APB/TSR due to client differences, so whatever it is you wish to copy over, you basically have to redo. With that said, adding a 'game mode' isn't possible, since W3D doesn't understand that concept. You have maps, and within those maps is the gameplay you design for it, which in most cases is very consistent by design. There is no 'flip the switch to change the gameplay' option, but you can have very different gameplay from one map to another, that is actually one of the strong points of the W3D engine (hey look I made a public positive comment about W3D!). For example, when comparing my Hostile Waters map to other APB maps, you notice it is quite different in gameplay.
  4. I like this! It was easy to connect to the official APB server and your application opens and loads faster then the W3D Hub launcher for me. I'll be using this to connect to the server in the future because it's just quicker to use. Nice work! Edit: My only suggestion thus far is that when you select a new theme have the faction/game logo replace the W3D* logo in the top left corner.
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  5. That game brings back good memories.... trying to finish the entire game with just a pistol and C4 hahaha good times.. oh wait that was last Thurday
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  6. I still get "I couldn't save them!" ringing through my head whenever I'm a medic and a teammate is just outside my healing range and he runs off to go die
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  7. Or maybe he can find out names somehow but needs to know who they belong to? Like, 'You know Hurrru Aroo Tetsokinaroo has been assigned to the Task Force.' But in order to kill him he would need to know Hurru badooroo whatever is Mojoman. That's my thought for now.
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  9. Happy Birthday Command & Conquer Renegade! I remember having my mum purchase this game for me when I was young, I went to a local computer cafe and tried to play online but couldn't get it to work so I just stuck with the campaign. I believe I tried to run around the skirmish maps but couldn't figure out how to get around the need for more players. Eventually I was able to get online when we got our own computer and I had so much fun playing the game. Then I found mods like Reborn and RenAlert (A Path Beyond) which made me appreciate the game even more. Hopefully one day Reborn, A Path Beyond, and the others will have as many players as Renegade has had in the past. That's something I definitely look forward to seeing.
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  10. This project is now done. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/abq8z
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