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Showing most liked content on 03/25/2017 in all areas

  1. While I admittedly haven't played in a while (but was considering making a return :P), Golden Wrench was always a way to minimize the necessary manpower on the (frankly boring) MCT repair job so that your teammates can fend off the attackers. You should also keep in mind that arty and V2 unlike Reborn counterparts can and will wreck the personnel inside the structure which made repairing with tool alone pretty unfeasable (exceptioins are RD and CY) if you are dealing with more than 1 of them at the time. So now you'd have to also nerf artillery units in some way, and last time I checked they weren't exactly OP. Another thing is general "game philosophy" if you wish. APB is for the matter of fact more of "high risk - high reward" game. You want to kill the building but there's somebody inside? Well, go in and kill that person/people, and structure will fall in a matter of seconds. You don't want/can't? Well, hope that either someone else will or that your enemy's economy is broken enough they won't be able to afford an engie. Attack doesn't "deserve" to succeed just because there're more of the attackers than the defenders in base at the time, and Wrench helps exactly that case.
  2. I'd say yes though I'd argue for the silo to give reduced stolen income, that way the refinery should always be the bigger target (since it holds a lot of the ore). Though the further reduced income shouldn't apply on silo only maps, naturally.
  3. Thanks for pointing these two things out. I'm split between either opinion. The golden wrench is an option to do a fast (boring) job. You're able to counter an attack that already happened and is happening. If it's discarded people might repair even less. At the same time... It's pretty easy to imagine that people get pissed off if a bunnyhopping engineer is able to outjump 3 people attacking the Refinery and thus able to keep it alive. (even though that requires ones skillset and teamwork anyway) If we keep the golden wrench I'd say that the engineer needs to be (a tad) slower.
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  4. Personally, I've always hated the golden wrench. I say we get rid of it, at least temporarily to see how it works.
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  5. I agree, mostly for the sake of consistency from one map to another (the confusion for newbies). But as you said, the other reasons it was done to begin with have been mitigated pretty well now so I don't think it would harm the balance at all either. Do eet
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  6. Fun time guys! Watch out for mines!
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  7. Shet Note shenanigans? https://tapastic.com/episode/302972
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  8. Just showing which way is up when they were making it, have you seen flipped Mammoths? They just explode! That's why they need extra direction in the factory.
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